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Why oh why can I hurt other players if I am not PvP flagged?


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I refuse to just ACCEPT that though. It's either a bug that will be fixed, or it's intended. They need to let us know.



There are things you can change and there are things you just have to accept and deal with, this is one of them.


It's intentional. That what I meant by "that's the way it works". What would be the point of being flagged if not to indulge in PvP? You initiate PvP by attacking someone who is flagged. It's no different than firing off an AOE in a bunch of yellow mobs. This MMO is pretty much a carbon copy of just about all of the usual MMO mechanics, that is one of them.


You have to be careful of anyone close to you when you fire off an AOE. Intent is immaterial. I really don't see that changing in any way.


Then they will lose my subscription and that of many others.


I'm not going to ACCEPT it.

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What people who say this really mean is that they like the way the system currently works and see no reason for it to be changed.


Which is not quite the same as working as intended.


I have no idea how many people agree with me, but to me this IS a deal breaking issue. The game promised that on a PvE server the only way I could get into PvP is by deliberately doing so, which heavily implied joining a warzone or visiting Ilum. While accidentally targetting a player with a PvP flag is stretching the definition of consenual to its breaking point already, several other exploits take it far beyond and turn the PvE server into a thinly disguised PvP one.


I am taking the silence of the developers on this subject as meaning they fully intent everybody getting involved in PvP regardless of the server status. Which in turn means that this is not the type of game for me. Which is fine. I enjoyed the game while it lasted and kept away from the parts where I had to enter the Pvp mindset (I am inclined to call it paranoia) at all times. I'll be sad not to be able to complete the story arcs but I'll live.


I agree with you entirely. Deal breaker here.

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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


That's just how it works. If they're flagged, anyone and anything can and will do damage to them. If you do damage to someone, you become flagged.


Rift is one of them , theres a option to turn off auto flagging. So you could have a hundred flagged people go through your AOE and you wouldn't get flagged. Thanks.

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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


That's just how it works. If they're flagged, anyone and anything can and will do damage to them. If you do damage to someone, you become flagged.


Perhaps you may have heard of World of Warcraft or maybe even EverQuest?

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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.




That's just how it works. If they're flagged, anyone and anything can and will do damage to them. If you do damage to someone, you become flagged.


Doesn't have to be that way.


Take your arrogance and shove it where the sun don't shine. buddy.

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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


That's just how it works. If they're flagged, anyone and anything can and will do damage to them. If you do damage to someone, you become flagged.


City of Heroes/Villains





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Well this is a real shame tho I suppose I got a nice statue out of the deal and I did enjoy the game and the crafting system but if this is what is going on and they have no plans to fix it then I'm sorry but I well not be staying ether. I have been burned in other games from griefers never again oh well I guess I'll have to stick with FF 11 and hope they get FF 14 going to get my MMORPG fix. :( Edited by Solsticewind
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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


That's just how it works. If they're flagged, anyone and anything can and will do damage to them. If you do damage to someone, you become flagged.


RIFT... the UI preferences offer the option 'do not auto-pvp'... so unless I choose to go PVP... I can't... nor can I target other players.... or do damage to them... or heal my own faction...

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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


That's just how it works. If they're flagged, anyone and anything can and will do damage to them. If you do damage to someone, you become flagged.





I win

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I've done this a 100 times and never had to wait more than a minute for them to get bored and go find someone else to bother. Don't talk to them, don't emote at them, don't do anything other than simply ignore them.

This is the ONLY way to defeat a griefer


Wow, a hundred minutes of your subscription time devoted to just sitting on the ground trying to not play the game a griefer is attempting to impose on you: sounds like great fun to me.


My sub fee is given so I can play the game I want, not the game they want. And it definitely isn't given for me to sit on the floor for close to 2 hours ...

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Checked Twitter again and @Rockjaw hasn't touched Twitter in a few days and @SWTOR is replying only to stupid questions that are already answered in multiple stickies and FAQ's on the website and should never have been asked on Twitter in the first place ...


I suggest everyone spamming the @SWTOR account with this question and the link to this thread, hopefully they might get the hint...


You could also use a nice memorable tag or two so that this problem surfaces in twitter searches. #swtor and #swtor_fail


There's nothing like negative publicity outside of the forums to make devs take notice.

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@Rockjaw replies to a player on Twitter asking for a /roll system but not my Tweet?


Seems to have his seitiroirP the wrong way round ...


@rockjaw and @swtor ( which I think both are Reid ) ignored mutiple tweets of mine on this subject as well.

Edited by Zorvan
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It's sad because even 10 year old full open pvp games with pk ruleset don't let you unintentionally flag for karma free kill without enforcing you to some sort of validation. (press control to enforce healing / attacking).




And it's funny because it shows how little experience went in here.

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Thats true .. getting griefed can be a pain, but when 'player x' got back into town and good naturedly informed others of the hazard, some banded together to clear them away, hopefully to save some others.


See the mmo part of that? and yes it consumed some time but hey, it's a group of people who will no doubt say they are role playing bandits (fair enough) so the rest of us were the angry villagers with pitch-forks and assorted , hmm .. upgrades


But to be honest the amount of time i was ingame .. the griefing took a small percentage away from that. It did build up a larger sense of community though.


But nowadays griefers probably know the chances of someone passing on a warning or getting hunted themselves .. pretty low. mmorpg definately lost alot of the community ingame, I mean on almost all of them, compared to what they used to be ..


Maybe try a different approach to fixing it .. since they are trying to sneak pvp flagged, have your accidental hit on them make them of sudden 'interest' to any nearby npc's, see how they like the additional attention



What you are saying works good on a server that has a PVP rule set.


On the PVE servers it says in the description that both sides needs to agree to PVP (both must be flagged for PVP).


If you are so tough then I dare you to roll on a Lineage2 server where I promise you that you will come back crying after a few hours of PVP.

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1) pay attention to your surroundings


2) dont hangout where you saw a flagged enemies


3) avoid the global combat zone on the planet


4) join a guild that actually does more then socialize

and callem in to reverse gank .

5) learn to pvp as most pvp gear is better then drops


6) make your own gear from oranges and stay up on mods


7) dont do whine with out some bread and cheese :p


8) dont snivel in open chat as u will become a mark for all the griefers on the server


9) swg rip,rift yawn 8 bucks a month for socializing, city of hero's whats that.


10) run forest run :eek:


To sum up all your 10 ponts: Play on a PVP server

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People posting on here that the OP is wrong is absurd. Just dont cast AOE when they are around? Stop playing the game how you want till they leave? Uhh...


And that stuff only works when it's not a class that can go super-Solid Snake mode on you, so you can't even see that they're around to begin with.


I don't think having it happen once or twice should be a permanent ban - mistakes happen. Now, obviously if it's exploiting behaviors - doing it consistently, with multiple, multiple reports on it - then SOMETHING needs to be done about it. Warning for the first time or two you do it (in case of it being an accident,) temporary ban for continuing to do it after a warning was issued, and eventually leading up to a permanent ban after the first two(?) temporary bans.


That's just my theory on it, and how it should go down. I'm not in favor of removing the PvP toggle flags, since some people like to do that and forcing them to go to a PvP-specific server isn't cool, since they may be here only because their friends like PvE, and not PvP.

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I don't think having it happen once or twice should be a permanent ban - mistakes happen. Now, obviously if it's exploiting behaviors - doing it consistently, with multiple, multiple reports on it - then SOMETHING needs to be done about it. Warning for the first time or two you do it (in case of it being an accident,) temporary ban for continuing to do it after a warning was issued, and eventually leading up to a permanent ban after the first two(?) temporary bans.

I agree with this too, there are some people who probably just think they have been attacked so retaliate. I don't think the person who first killed me was doing it on purpose because he was the right level for the area and was probably just lining up an attack when I hit him.


But if someone gets reported for this once they should be warned and monitored.


Or ... nothing should happen to them at all and the devs should tell us this is intended so we can actually decide if it is worth sticking around or not.

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I really should never have made that Twitter account.


I am now getting angry at seeing replies to inane questions from clearly stupid people (IE: Are you going to mak a suggestion forum - which if they just LOOKED they would see!!), but no replies to real questions ...

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I agree with this too, there are some people who probably just think they have been attacked so retaliate. I don't think the person who first killed me was doing it on purpose because he was the right level for the area and was probably just lining up an attack when I hit him.


But if someone gets reported for this once they should be warned and monitored.


Or ... nothing should happen to them at all and the devs should tell us this is intended so we can actually decide if it is worth sticking around or not.


Agreed on both points. I'd add that those measures should only be temporary while they fix it.


Or, as you said, let us know so I can be on my way. Well, as I said before, they've got til my subscription runs out to let us know something.


I am very dismayed that we can't get so much as a squeek out of them on this subject. Not here, not on twitter. Nothing.


A simple "It's working as intended" will do. Then I'll know what to do.

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I really should never have made that Twitter account.


I am now getting angry at seeing replies to inane questions from clearly stupid people (IE: Are you going to mak a suggestion forum - which if they just LOOKED they would see!!), but no replies to real questions ...


Just go to Jerk Superman's twitter account, read it a bit, then smile and forget all about that.



I love it, personally.

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