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How do you feel about your companion or companions?


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Standard good guy (girl) tech specialist made slightly more interesting by the fact she is still a Bounty hunter at heart who works for money, not for a specefic cause (unless it is personal). Pretty interesting side quests.




Freaking awesome. I love his dialogue, his schemes and his entire character. While not as goody as mako he is still genuinely likeable and you cant help but see the truth in what he says...taht is when he is not fooling someone out of their money.




Likeable character who enables one of the most awesome pieces of dialugoe when you meet him as female Bounty Hunter. Still he is Mandalorian and a good example of what a more lightsided Mandalorian is like without losing what makes him a Mandalorian.




Fast talking, technology loving Jawa. What is not to love?




Meh he just comes of as a mindless brute, but maybe there is more too himas i unlock his dialogue. Most certainly lowest on my list until then.

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"Master, i've marked the best escape pod for your sole use, i of course will go down with the ship" My favorite quote from my ship droid :D


"Master I cleaned the sublight engines fuel injector pipes in your absence, you should experience a point oh oh oh oh oh one increase in effeciency"


Dont know why but that just cracked me up when I heard it.

Edited by Triforcedragon
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My favourite companions are probably, in no particular order:


Talos Drellik (Inquisitor) - His excitable and intelligent personality is very refreshing compared to other Imperials, and he shares a lot of interests with my Inquisitor with my Sith, which allows me to develope the character a bit more to how I envisioned him.


Elara Dorne (Trooper) - Her militaristic and strict-to-the-book personality is very fun to hear and watch, especially how she often even confuses her superiors with it. She also has an interesting story and is a good squadmate.


Khem Val (Inquisitor) - I didn't really like him at first as he keeps going on about Tulak Hord and complains about his bond to you, but over time, his personality grew on me (as I think he also grows to get used to the Inquisitor) and a certain plot development at the end of Act 1 adds him to my top three list. I haven't yet concluded that story arc but it's very interesting and I haven't really figured out how to handle his personal story just yet. I hope the writers will allow more than the two choices I think they will give you.


Mako (Bounty Hunter) - I also didn't really like her at first as I only saw her running around with other players and shooting out cocky lines in combat, but she has a great chemistry going on with the Bounty Hunter character if you choose the right lines. Wonder where her story will lead.

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On my Knight


T7- I like the little guy. Cool droid with an interesting back story.


Kira- My favorite companion for the Knight. Interesting back story and love her personality. I always drag her along despite it not being the best role fit for my DPS Sentinel(although part of that is that no one else has good gear because I always drag her with me).


Doc- I hate him because one of his conversations(Kira Jedi Mind Trick one) keeps hanging for me and refusing to complete meaning he is the only companion I have not completed all conversations with. Ignoring that annoyance, I have mixed feelings on him. When I think about taking him seriously, I dislike him and find him annoying. When I think of him as the universe's punching bag, I find him hilarious and realize my knight hangs out with him just because he feels bad for the guy.


Rusk- O.o I really don't get this character. He has no real personality and is fairly uninteresting in general. Worst JK companion.


5th Companion(avoiding name spoilers)- I think he makes for an interesting fit with the rest of the cast. I sort of hope in the future it is possible to redeem him, but it sort of fits that he isn't redeemable. He is an unrepentant dark sider who joins the JK for his own reasons and it does work imo.


C2- Kill it with fire!


Sith Warrior


Vette- I like her so far, but dear god the 15 affection companions take so long to get affection for. x_x


Quinn- Eh. I like dragging a healer around, but I haven't done much interaction with him yet, so I really don't have a strong opinion on him. Once I buy enough companion gifts to get him up to 6000, then I'll start doing companion conversation with him.


2V- He's is less annoying than C2 and he is fully aware of how close he is to being deactivated. So by comparison I love him!....other than the times he pats himself on the back for failing a mission.

Edited by Ranadiel_Marius
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Scorpio - Don't really care much for her. She's just your typical psychotic and one-dimensional "everything must die!" companion, I don't think I've ever interacted with her again after picking her up.


WHY cant we have something like that as inquisitor whyyyy

Edited by Karkais
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I love Mako, her story gets a little off, and I dont feel like I got a satisfactory answer at all about her past.


Hated Gault at first, but his fast talking sleezy alien car salesman dialogue has endeared him to me, even if he only goes out scavenging.


When I first saw Torian I said "oh great, it's Bieber" but he might be the most interesting character on my crew. If only you could upgrade his weapon...


Blizz, oh what can you say about Blizz that hasnt been said already? I dont even use another companion at this point, put the little guy in sniper mode and mow through everything. Plus Tiny rocket launcher. And his quests warm my cold dead darkside heart.


Skadge... I swear I would trade him for another 2V-R8. Even if they talked right after each other, even if they talked constantly. I hate him and his big stupid california raisin head. Why, oh why did i have to let this psychopath on board my ship? Is'nt he a dangerous criminal? cant I turn him in for a bounty? Isnt there another way!?


2V-R8 is growing on me, though why would he think i want a foot massage from his cold metal hands?

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As I was saying in the other thread. I want repeatable missions to keep interacting with my companions. By just simply right clicking them at any time to speak with them, flirt with them etc. Especially the one I'm married to. I like the companions but other than for combat, their is no interaction at all once you reach 10k points with them and have completed all of your solo class content and other missions. And that to me needs to be fixed.


I don't expect to get xp, credits or anything for making it repeatable, I just want the fun of having that option.

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As I was saying in the other thread. I want repeatable missions to keep interacting with my companions. By just simply right clicking them at any time to speak with them, flirt with them etc. Especially the one I'm married to. I like the companions but other than for combat, their is no interaction at all once you reach 10k points with them and have completed all of your solo class content and other missions. And that to me needs to be fixed.


I don't expect to get xp, credits or anything for making it repeatable, I just want the fun of having that option.



Right there with you! Agree to this absolutely.

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As I was saying in the other thread. I want repeatable missions to keep interacting with my companions. By just simply right clicking them at any time to speak with them, flirt with them etc. Especially the one I'm married to. I like the companions but other than for combat, their is no interaction at all once you reach 10k points with them and have completed all of your solo class content and other missions. And that to me needs to be fixed.


I don't expect to get xp, credits or anything for making it repeatable, I just want the fun of having that option.


Thirding! I want to just talk to them about little inane things just to hear them talk to me.


Also, I'd like to see more companion-companion interactions.

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I'm a Sith Inquisitor, and I like most of my companions. The thing I really hate is how, at least for males, we only get one romance option. And she is A) a weird-looking alien and B) a goody-two-shoes who hates DS choices.
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Hmmm. Let's see:


For my trooper character, so far Havoc Squad consists only of Jorgan and Dorne.


I play my trooper as a bit lax in the "military discipline" department. Mostly in the sense of lots of snark, lots of mouthing off, sometimes even to superior officers, but gets the job done and always strives to do what's right for the Republic and its citizens. That being said, in-character there's going to be some friction with both Jorgan and Dorne, but speaking personally, I'm ok with both characters.


Jorgan, I think needs to get smacked around a little bit just to get him to stop being such an *** all the time, but for the most part I respect who he is and what he's trying to achieve. I understand his attitudes and I can respect them. Ditto for the medic.


My smuggler's still working through the Coruscant missions so I've only got Corso on crew so far. He doesn't particularly stand out to me. The character just feels kinda flat.


My Jedi Sentinel has T7 and Kira tagging along and I love both of them. I always thought R2 was a terrific character, and T7 carries the "spunky astromech" torch really well. As for Kira, while I do find the whole "Jedi as monk" thing interesting, it's nice to see a Jedi who breaks from that pattern every once in a while. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty, and I like that. It also helps that I've been playing Saints Row the Third a lot lately and Kira's VA is one of the choices for the protagonist's voice in that game. Cue voice kink. Heh.


It's just Mako right now, tagging along with my bounty hunter, but she's definitely one of my favorites. She reminds me so much of Imoen from Baldur's Gate. (I was even convinced for a while that they'd used the same actress.) And I'm just a fan of the slightly awkward but brilliant ingenue type (with a mild larcenous streak) who ends up being kind of a kid sister to your character. That's how I've been reading the relationship so far, at any rate.


And last, there's my Imperial Agent who does not get along so hot with Kaliyo. In this case, my character and I share sentiments. I've been RPing my character as a pretty straightforward, dutiful Imperial. Loyal to the ideals of the Empire - things like law and order and keeping the peace and all that (by whatever means necessary) and Kaliyo just kinda runs contrary to all that. I'll admit, there are times she makes me chuckle, but for the most part... I'm eagerly waiting until I can grab somebody who doesn't bug me quite as much.

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I Feel like Bioware wanted to do alot more with the companions they had because to be honest every bioware game ive ever palyed ive loved it seems they ran out of time for the due date so im asking perhaps you guys could finis what you started and just reset the romance options when you are done that way we can see what we missed and see it how you guys wanted to portray because any Bioware story is a good one :)
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Your ship droid really says those things? Rofl. I love my droid, he tells me I look fit and deadly and offers me foot rubs. Yes please!


The ship droid for the Jedi Knight does the samething and it does get annoying after a while. My Jedi Knight is female and since all I have focused on is the main story I havent really tried to start any romances with her yet. I do like Kira though I like how if the JK is female your character and she have a big/little sister relation going of course when I go through as a male JK Kira is who my JK will romance hands down. I do have a couple of questions though. The first is whos the next companion you get for the JK after Kira? and which would be a good female JK romance option? I am only lvl 16 so havent gotten very far yet in the game other than that Darth Angral is ticked at me for killing his son Tarnis on Coruscant.

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After Kira (and by after, I mean about fifteen levels after her), your knight will get Doc. He's your romance option if you're female- this is not Mass Effect, unfortunately, so you only get one potential LI per class/gender at this time. He's definitely useful in combat situations. Opinions on his fitness as a love interest vary widely. A lot of players find him insufferable; I think he's amusing. Edited by Meira_Arirai
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Khem Val is confusing at my current level, sometimes he says he wants to kill me, other times he says he will follow me willingly, i think Zash messed with his head.


Kira and Kaliyo are tricky to get affection with in conversations as you say something they should like and you get no affection.


The ship droids i wish would shut the **** up, their limited choice of phrases is incredibly irritating when you make them do crew skills, the only droids i like at the moment are M1-4X and T7., have yet to get any others

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After Kira (and by after, I mean about fifteen levels after her), your knight will get Doc. He's your romance option if you're female- this is not Mass Effect, unfortunately, so you only get one potential LI per class/gender at this time. He's definitely useful in combat situations. Opinions on his fitness as a love interest vary widely. A lot of players find him insufferable; I think he's amusing.


Thanks and yes I know this isnt Mass Effect. Besides I plan to go back through the Jedi Knight Story as a male JK/Guardian. As to the SI I like the fact that Khem keeps threatening to kill you I have a feeling that it might keep people watching their back and I liked the fact that he asks you on Dromund Kass if he could kill your Master which I though was pretty funny at the time. As to LI with the Sith Inquisitor will just have to see. The Trooper companions other than the Weequay sound interesting since Havoc Squad turns traitor and you have to basically rebuild it for the most part. My Trooper is only lvl 7 so will have to wait and see how the companions of this class turn out. As to the droids the only 1 I dont have a problem with so far is T7 the one who looks after your ship however I wish he would stay in a corner and shut up.

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Vette- Nice personality, but I can't stand her voice. She does not fit my playstyle so she stays on the ship.


Quinn - I'm not fan of him and he will betray me soon in my story? But he is my healer, so he is with me constantly.


Jaesa - She is LS so I can't romance her. Nearly left her rot on the ship because of that. It's only now that I started to use it a bit and try to gain affection points, in the perspective of future expansions in which she will be romanceable.


Pierce. - Good friend - good personality. However badly geared and too squishy for a tank so he stays on the ship


Broonmark - freak beast but nice to have him. I use him for fights which require a tank. But same as Pierce. badly geared and squishy.

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Personally, I adore Andronikos although (possible spoiler below)



After marrying him there is absolutely nothing. It really sucks as I wish the relationship had much more to it after the marriage thing. No quests with/for him, no more 'chats', nothing. Granted, he talks kids but....woo. (heartless 'woo' there hehe)



I wish there was a lot more going on.

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On my Trooper...


Jorgan- I like this guy. I don't use him much, but that's cause I am a Tank and need heals. He is very blunt, down-to-earth and eager to get down to business. My kind of soldier.


Dorne- I find her interesting history-wise, but dull personality wise. Though I felt absolutely horrible when she asked me about Havoc Squad, and I said I'd "rip them apart with my bare hands", forgetting she's a defector herself.


Forex- Hilarious. I love this guy, even if he's a tank, I just love him.

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Tharan (and Holiday) - Love him. His comments are usually pretty hilarious on missions, and holiday is so over the top she makes me giggle. The last conversation I had with him was a bit . . . odd. . . and I'm not sure what to think of the whole holo-sexual thing they have going on, but I hope BioWare progresses the two of them more.


Nadia - She's a bit cliche, but for the most part I like her. I'm very interested to see how she progresses as a character and really hope BioWare moves her forward depending on how you train her - does she give into her darker, more violent impulses and try pushing you and herself to be more of a vigilant type? Or does she actually progress towards the Jedi code?


Qyzen - For the most part I like him, but I haven't run with him much. I'm not terribly keen on the whole wookie murdering, but I dig the hunter culture and the very tribal feel you get from him.


Zenith - Not much to say about this guy really. I can't say I'd like him as a politician, but he does make a pretty good security officer type. On another play through I may try bringing him along with me more to get to know him better.


Iresso - Playing as a female JC this guy comes onto you WAY early and as a result I've just stopped talking to him. Is he interesting? I dunno, he's a lousy flirt, that's for sure.

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Corso Riggs seems like a good guy, but he's kinda whiny and dumb as a box of rocks.


Bowdaar is kind of anti-social. He's just kind of freeloading on my ship. That's okay though, somebody has to watch the place while I'm gone.


Risha is great to work with, and I'm pretty sure she won't murder me in my sleep, so that's nice.


Just getting to know Akaavi. She's fun. Hopefully she'll chill out a bit once we go on a few more adventures.

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