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Sentinel - Saber Throw


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Could the developers take a look at Saber Throw for the Sentinel and increase the range to 30m to match the Guardian? 10m is way too short and feel of the skill just isn't right @10m.


If not, I'd like to switch my AC to Guardian ;) but I know that opens yet another can of worms of pro/con with AC respec's.



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Guardian's throw is a focus generator, whereas ours is a damage+healing debuff with a potential root element. It's range can be increased through talents and (actually, not 100% sure on this one) set bonuses at the end-game. I don't feel as though we need more range, given the sheer number of utility skills we have to get within range to use it.


We share Dispatch and it too can have it's range increased through set bonuses.

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Guardian's throw is a focus generator, whereas ours is a damage+healing debuff with a potential root element. It's range can be increased through talents and (actually, not 100% sure on this one) set bonuses at the end-game. I don't feel as though we need more range, given the sheer number of utility skills we have to get within range to use it.


We share Dispatch and it too can have it's range increased through set bonuses.


Last I checked ranged could not be increased with talent points, but root effect is a talent point.

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