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Operative/Scoundrel Class is OVER powered


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The Operative and Scoundrel class is highly over powered in PvP. I mean any class that literally three shot me and is the same level as me is ridiculous. While it only takes three shots for my opponent who uses this class it takes me closer to ten or so hits to kill them. While I understand why this class is so over powered, i still think that it should be nerfed for PvP its to unfair. Knock down how much they hit when they get critical or something. For all you Flamers out there go find another forum to flame because this is a legit problem, go find another thread to troll and flame.
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Last time i checked there are multiple classes that can do 5k + dmg easily from range and have more survivability. Stop ************ about Ops/Scoundrel and learn to PvP against them. Fun fact, dont run around by yourself and let them wreck you.
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so because operatives excel at quick single target burst damage, it makes them OP right? but a sorc/sage can spam dots on 5+ different people as well as aoe them with a spammable ranged slow that does good damage, yet everyone has stopped ************ about them... are all the sorcs just mad because the mage class falls to the rogue class?
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Twice in a recent match they got me from 100% to 5%, get up from it and die. Healer is rough as it is being targeted. A bit much.


what level are you and is there a gear difference? You cant compare OP to an undergeared person who is not level 50. Get equal gear and it evens out.

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Twice in a recent match they got me from 100% to 5%, get up from it and die. Healer is rough as it is being targeted. A bit much.


This guy obviously knows what im talking about all you other morons either play as this class or have never seriously pvp'd. Thansk for the post man.

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what level are you and is there a gear difference? You cant compare OP to an undergeared person who is not level 50. Get equal gear and it evens out.


50 with 2/5 pieces of champ. it's at 7% boost/reduction atm. Hopefully it'll get better if I could actually get something out of those champ bags.

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This guy obviously knows what im talking about all you other morons either play as this class or have never seriously pvp'd. Thansk for the post man.


i actually have a 50 sage, i normally always do 350k+ damage in warzones, i rarely ever see operatives get that kind of total damage. They excel at bursting a SINGLE target down. i excel at either completely ****** a single target with slows/roots/dots or spam multiple dots and aoe mass amounts of people down... am i OP as well?


sounds like you are just bad and do not know how to counter a rogue class. i have zero problems with operatives. sure some may burst me down every now and then if they pop all their consumables and such, but id say 8 times out 10 i survive their burst, stun or root them, sprint away, dot them to hell, spam pebbles of doom which also slows them. operatives have no gap closer, no ranged stun, no knockback, no real ranged attack either. if you cant beat them, you are just bad.

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How to beat a concealment operative:


1) as soon as you are lying on your face, pop your trinket (for lack of a better word)

2) pop a defensive cooldown and potion (if it crit you)

3) proceed to destroy his face with your full resolve bar

4) laugh at the operative who now has all of his high damage abilities on cooldown or waiting for TA


The problem you are seeing is consumable stacking (Relic/PvP Buff/Adrenal/PvP expertise potion), which ANY class in the entire game can do but you rarely see anyone outside of operatives doing.

Edited by Kieran
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so because operatives excel at quick single target burst damage, it makes them OP right? but a sorc/sage can spam dots on 5+ different people as well as aoe them with a spammable ranged slow that does good damage, yet everyone has stopped ************ about them... are all the sorcs just mad because the mage class falls to the rogue class?


I have no problems killing sorc/sage classes

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50 with 2/5 pieces of champ. it's at 7% boost/reduction atm. Hopefully it'll get better if I could actually get something out of those champ bags.


Depending on your class 7% dmg reduction is nothing. A geared OP is going to get his 50% armor pen and lay into you. Playing a sorc, outside of your bubble you SHOULD die to a rogue class 1v1. You are squishy, and if you give him the chance to lay into you you better be almost dead, because otherwise you have a knockback, stun, shield, sprint, heals, and wz pots to keep you alive and kill him before he can ever get near you again.

Edited by Mystys
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