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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


Know what it really shows? Shows how detached the typical forum user is. People who aren't having problems or issues typically do not use the forum, or complain on it. :rolleyes:

Edited by Kourage
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Seeing as how the human eye cannot process more than 27 FPS.


This is another one of those nuts that as soon as someone writes it they immediately define themselves as ignorant of how graphics work on a computer.


Turn your monitor's refresh rate down to 30 Hz (30 FPS) and tell me if the human eye can sense more than 27 FPS. Computers do not work the same way as movie projectors.

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I have a high end machine, i7 2600k, GTX 590, and 8GB RAM - I am experinecing glitchy performance, etc .. Something is not right here .. Battelfield 3, all other games play amaxing, no glitchiness .. something is wrong with the performance of swtor, which is suprising since its an old engine ..


This is where perception and fact don't necessarily tie together. I'm running the same CPU, with 6gigs of ram and sli'd 470s.


Exerything maxed, AA @ 8x - 1920x1080

I get some slow down in fleet with 30-40 pcs Ina small area. Everywhere else, extremely playable. Not perfect, but not problematic in he least.

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I was messing around with the overclock settings on my card last night. I was getting around 12 FPS on Imperial Fleet with about 214 people running around, and I tried bumping the standard settings up to something like 1083Mhz(?) on the GPU and the shader was twice that and synced. I bumped the mem up to 2100ish and i started getting around 34fps and i thought 'cool!', so i tried bumping it even more but then it went back to 12fps. I decided I shouldnt mess with things I don't understand. :confused:
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The performance of the game is horrible in empire station. The instances seem to be hovering around 225 for me and my framerate tanks when I'm there. If the station gets down to the 120's or so it starts running way better. I'd like them to make it an option to use lower pop instances while in the station if this is the norm. I'm sick of 5 fps just because it has to load so much stuff from other players.


The game runs fine in most other places, seeing other players does not have nearly the negative effect it does on the station.


I'm also see performance hits in space missions which is very odd to me since those are basically private zones?! Space is still very playable but it used to be better.


You could also just give me a mailbox and GTN terminal on my ship then I could load into the game and browse in seconds! I don't expect you to work miracles but if being connected to all these other players destroys my experience in the game I think you need to make adjustments so my game doesn't tank due to other players.


Game runs fine on my ship and in a less populated empire station.

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Bull crap Ohlen. I've lost track of the numbers of players with extremely high-end machines complaining about exactly the problem described in the article.


So Bioware's stance is simply going to be to deny the issue exists and foist it off on "low-end machines?" My i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and HD6970 would like a word with you, Mr. Ohlen.


Well it’s better than saying “too stupid to configure, update and diagnose their own hardware, driver or software conflicts” …. MOST people aren’t even looking at these forums their in game every night enjoying the game.


I have had this game installed on 4 computers between the start of beta to now from as old as a 4 year old box with a ASUS 9800, right up to my ROG ASUS G74 Laptop and I have not had a problem with …installing , general performance, CTD’s, or with achieving decent FPS.


I have encountered the Mouse turn bug and the 9000 error disconnects for a day or two before updating my Routers Firmware and rolling back my driver on my G74’s WiFi card. But that’s about it...


If you’re on a 4 year old install of Windows and you just slammed in a New 560ti overclocked vid card onto you 4 year old motherboard and are wondering why you’re not kickin in doors with this game ....well you need to do a bit more research

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Did I say "no one's computer can handle TOR?" Please tell me where I said that.


I would hope any toaster could handle a game with medium-res graphics, no AA, 8X anisotropic filtering, and shadows turned off. There is almost no such thing as "too low" of a system to run this game well.


The fact that any hi-end systems are not able to run this game smoothly is the part that's shocking. It would be like finding out I can't run WoW smoothly even though I can run BF3 at 100 FPS.


Going to toss this out there. Just because you can't, doesn't mean that everyone with a top end rig can't.


You have issues. I don't. You have issues, my friend with almost the same setup as you, doesn't. My brother has issues on his 2 year old laptop getting any fps at all beyond 15 with everything on the lowest yet runs a lot of things just fine.


You having issues does not mean everyone has issues. Just because you've seen a couple hundred people with high end rigs having problems doesn't mean everyone with a high end rig has problems. Nor does it mean that they are in the majority, or that the vast majority of players are not having issues.


The sooner you get this through your thick skull the better. You != everyone.

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I play on my desktop and laptop. My desktop has 6gb ddr3, I7 920 stock, a 5400 rpm 150gb hard drive, and a gtx460 and the game plays just fine on it. My laptop has an I5 duo-core, gts 555M, and 4gb ddr3 and it plays the game fine as well.


Maybe all these people just don't know as much about computers as they think they do.

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My Rig is pretty decent, 8 GB ram, Quad Core 3.0 Etc, it can play skyrim, and everything else perfectly for the most part. I Dont have FPS Dropping, i have colour bars shooting across my screen originating from those damned green lamps. Or ill have a Green Criss Cross Grid flash up.


its not detrimental, just annoying.

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I have a two year old alienware mx17 and I am having no issues pvp or pve with fps or the game slowing down only issues I am having has nothing to do with the game and more to do with my ISP which my ISP has confirmed and is working to correct my issues. based on my experience it seems to me at least that people are blaming Bioware for a mass issue with FPS that OMG it's a majority issue when no infact is a minority issue like stated in the article so I see no problem with Thierry response. I would suggest that players check Thierry so called high end systems they might find a problem there or even maybe run a trace with their ISP to see if the problem is on that side.


People in my guild having FPS issues have one thing in common they are all using the same ISP. I wonder if that is their issue. 9 out of 10 I would say yes.

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crossfire 2x6970

i5 2500k @ 4.5 ghz

8gb ram (Never seen swtor use 2 gb, its ussualy 1.2-1.4)


Imperial fleet drops sub 30 fps very often.


Theres defiantly some Major room for improvment, considdering how well my rig does in other games like BF3.

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This is another one of those nuts that as soon as someone writes it they immediately define themselves as ignorant of how graphics work on a computer.


Turn your monitor's refresh rate down to 30 Hz (30 FPS) and tell me if the human eye can sense more than 27 FPS. Computers do not work the same way as movie projectors.


Thank you. I was going to comment that the 27 FPS comment was incredibly wrong and ignorant, but you already did.

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Well, in the case of fleet...


When you jam the entire high level population of a server (even with smaller server populations like this game) into the lobby so they can spam LFG and then teleport to their instance there is going to be lag. That's not an engine problem though, that's a design philosophy problem.

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The people claiming they have fine FPS are generally PVE'rs while people complaining about FPS are generally PVP'rs. I have around 15 friends who play this game and half PVE and half PVP, the ones who PVE say the game runs great, while the ones who PVP say the game runs like crap.
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Fleet is lowish fps and all warzones are laggy and low fps. It also happens at the Black Sun area in Coruscant but nowhere else. Most of the time I'm above 60fps but in these zones it is more like 15 fps.


It's clearly a flaw in the game.


Which they clearly acknowledged in the article. There are a few areas where there are issues. But for the most part, everything is running smoothly. Unless you want to exaggerate the fleet, and some people having problems in warzones as most areas, then they're right.

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MOST people arn't having performance issues because most people arn't in areas that cause performance issues...So i guess technically he's right.


I can PvE all day long in any instance, level on any planet, and will maintain great FPS on high settings. As soon as i enter a pvp zone, or the imperial fleet performance drops from 100 fps to 10-20 (with shadows), 20-25 (without shadows).


It's clear to me that there's something seriously wrong with the way the engine is handeling spells, movement, and other abilites from players in big group settings.

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