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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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I have everything on the lowest settings, and I still only get 10 frames in PVP. I'll admit my computer is a bit aged, but considering how crappy it looks at minimum, I expect better. And yeah BF3 does run better at higher settings on my machine. Along with the Witcher 2, etc.


I'm on a C2D 3ghz, and a 460 1GB.

Edited by Paroxia
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but they don't need that to play it. I am running it with an old Pentium 4 and a laptop with an I5 moble.


Sure the P4 is 7 years old but i get 30-40 fps during pve and aroudn 20 fps during pvp.


like its been stated many times not everyone is having the issues.


People with the exact same specs are having different results which only makes it that much harder to pin down the cause.


If everyone was having the same issue it would be easier to fix.


And just to back up your statement. I have a machine that easily 2-3x more powerfull then yours, yet I have 1/2 the performance most times. So your right, there is a glaring issue on there end with the software, if so many ranging system specs are having issues.

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Absolutely. People turn off half of options in game, and come here to claim "it's working for me", "it's smooth". Heck! Yes, but I want to have smooth game with high textures on high-end computer, because this computer IS capable of doing it and there are other games that prove IT IS capable of doing it.

I am not having a problem. I have all the options on or on high (even though high textures are not working still?)


The game is running fine, as does the other games that I have been playing.


For those who are having problems, I am sorry. Nothing I can do or I would try to help.

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Wise words.


CAN YOU please explain then what is wrong with my computer!?

It's i7, 8GB RAM, NVidia GTX560Ti.

I have fresh installed Win 7 64 bit with updated every damn driver on computer.


Can you explain then why I have problems with this game?


Can you specify what troubles do you have?


I have almost the same PC spec, but no troubles at all, maybe on Fleet some FPS drop but it's still OK


Mine is i5 8gb ram GTX560TI OC.

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There's no problem as long as you have at least a 4 core and good enough parts to go with it. Perfect example being my recent upgrade from 2 to 4 cores, as well as some other much needed upgrades.


You need the proper computer to play this without very noticable slowdowns and FPS loss, even on lowest possible settings for this game.


I have to agree with this. I have a quad core, 8 gigs of ram and a Radion HD 6950 and the only place i see lag is in Fleet. I run everything max even shadows and i dont lag at all.

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I can easily figure it out for you.


Just send your computer to


PO BOX 793



No need, as TOG Master Certified IT Architect and someone with PhD in CS I can easily figure out things on my own. :D


Me off, I don't want to spend anymore second of my time to prove anything about this. I'm going to play it as I can and leave for better MMO that is coming in near future.


Kiss to all trolls out there.

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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


You do realise that the number of players active on the forums are a tiny percentage of the playerbase in general?


Add to that the number of users having tech problem on the forums is only a small percentage of the forums?


Therefore a tiny, tiny, percentage of the player base is experiencing tech / performance proboems. Of that number I would say the vast majority of problems are down to bad hardware/driver combinations, cheap HDs (which always get overlooked when people spec for an upgrade) causing I/O problems etc etc.


I have a quad core with 6Gb RAM and a GTX 260...hardly a high end rig these days...but I have no problems at all. I would suggest its because I customer built the rig with specific components that play nice together and I also got a decent gaming grade hard drive.


So whats the problem? There really is a tiny number of people with tech problems within the whole player base and most of those probably can be attributed to user hardware for one reason or another....


I admit there may be something BW need to address for the really high end rigs that have problems but its nowher near as many people as you or the winers like to make out.



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I have a mid-high spec computer (intel i5 2500k, AMD HD6870, 8 gigs ram) and I average around 100fps.I do drop noticeably in the fleet but even then it is still not an annoying drop.


People need to understand that in games like this there are 2 types of video lag.


You have the normal type where your video card has process a lot and cant keep up with the demand.


There is also network video lag. This is caused when you move your character and new models come into view, or their presence noted to your character (even if you can see them or not). This causes the game to have to go fetch and render all the armor pieces for the new models. Once they're loaded and cached on your end, if you see them again in the near future you wont experience the lag caused by it. Because this type relies on getting the model information sent to you from the server, this is a case where a slow and/or high latency internet connection can actually affect your FPS.


I remember using the second type of lag as an advantage in DAoC. When you were running around when you felt a little jerk you could tell by the magnitude of the "chug" how big a group you were about to encounter.

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There's no problem as long as you have at least a 4 core and good enough parts to go with it. Perfect example being my recent upgrade from 2 to 4 cores, as well as some other much needed upgrades.


You need the proper computer to play this without very noticable slowdowns and FPS loss, even on lowest possible settings for this game.


Ok so why is my i7, 560Ti, 8GB mother Fu*ker of a PC running at 80 degrees centigrade when I play SWTOR and around 40 degrees when playing BF3?!

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Congratulations to you folks that don't have issues. I don't either, but my wife and son do. I'm posting here since Bioware seems to think that fewer posts means fewer problems. They were willing to wait it out, but patiently waiting apparently adds to the perception they don't have a problem.


It is a problem and, although I doubt it is a majority of players, it should be addressed by Bioware. Trivializing those that have problems doesn't resolve those problems. Bioware's deafness to that trivializing just adds to the perception that fewer players have problems because it reduces the likelihood that those players will post. They simply don't want to get flambéd.


I never understood the need to troll ppl who are having issues.:confused:


Nor me, I think some people are just mean-hearted.


I've often wondered if they saw a person get hit by a car, would they run up to try to help them or to kick them in the head?

Edited by Altairien
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I don't have any issues either,..none,...zero. The game runs flawless for me at high settings and high fps


I play on a 30 inch monitor at 1920 x 1080 using an ATI radeon HD 6870 video card. Intel 3.2 I5 650 cpu and 12 gb system memory on windows 7 64 bit desktop computer made by Alienware


On a heavily populated server with over 200 people in same area...I notice fps drop but it's not bad at all. Since I am not having any issues with this game....IT MUST BE YOU and your lousy rig - laptop or texas instrument calculator or I-phone u runnin game on


This game is very very well coded and there are tens of thousands like me with no issues either. It's not Bioware...IT'S YOU!

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People need to understand that in games like this there are 2 types of video lag.

You need to understand that you have no idea what you're talking about.


i7 920, 12Gb ram, Radeon 5870, 240g SSD, win7 64bit ultimate.


ALL details on lowest setting possible (even forced in drivers), no shadows, no bloom, window mode or fullscreen, 3 diff resolution tested.

10-25 fps in WZ WITH only 45% of my GPU used and max 70% CPU used (mostly 1 core), MONITORED for several hours of WZ play.


It has NOTHING to do with latency, lag, packetloss, choke, tickrate, anything like that unless the engine has some seriously flawed architecture.

Edited by GoldPush
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Issues, SWTOR does have them and they admit it.

BIO states there are localized problems.


Are they programming bugs well some yes some no.


Localized frame rate issues tend not to be a programming Issue.

BIO isn't going to go back to the programmers if planet X has frame rate issues.


They are going to go to the graphics department and have them look look at the poly/tri intersections or vertices.


They are looking for high counts and locations where people have gotten stuck.


This process takes a lot of time and when these patches come out you will know it because the patch downloads will be large.


I noticed some people talk about CPU's not using all their cores and graphics cards.

These are completely different Issues and some BIO can deal with and some BIO can do nothing at all about, as it isn't Bio's problem but rather the players PC.


IF everyone had the same Issue the fix would be easy to deal with, but instead the issues get rather muddy even as you look at this thread as people are complaining about different things.


Personally I haven't had too many Issues and I love the game.

Will the bugs be fixed, yes.

But the priority and order, well that is up to BIO.


And as far as FPS.

Well quad AMD, 2 6850's in crossfire running a res of ~6144x1152 eyeinfintiy.

anywhere from 40 to 60 FPS with vsync and what I expect with drop off here and there in some locations (localized Issues)

Heat Issues, none.

SHadows low and bloom off, everything else high.

Edited by Korizan
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There seems to be so much anger aimed at anyone mentioning any issues with SWTOR's performance. That, and assumptions.


I am not using a laptop or integrated graphics.


I could list my system specs but all that would do is encourage people to point out that my graphics card is not a GTX 590 in quad SLI and then make snarky comments about why I would even imagine that my system might handle this game.


Here's the thing though. My system, graphics card, CPU, RAM and everything in between FAR exceeds the RECOMMENDED specs.. not just the REQUIRED.


Shouldn't that mean that I get great performance? Or at the very least not less than 10 FPS in warzones?


According to the "Can I run it" website at http://www.systemrequirementslab.com my system is so far beyond the recommended specifications that the bar which indicates my expected performance reaches past the FAST benchmark.


Regardless of that silly site.. my specs are above those recommended by the developers.


If I am required to have a $500 video card or upgrade my motherboard and CPU to get a BASE of 20FPS average it would be nice if the developers considered this when writing their system requirements.


I simply cannot participate in PvP. I have played with several classes but where the poor performance stands out the most is on my Jugg which uses nearly all instant cast abilities.


I often charge an opponent and instantly land where he was standing.. only to find that he wasn't actually standing where he appeared. This leads to a moment of confusion as I wonder why I am charging in a different direction than intended.


Then, I fire off one of my instant cast abilities. I swing my lightsaber and no damage numbers appear. As soon as I begin to utter "WT*" I see the guy I was just swinging at is 20 feet away from me suddenly. Sometimes he is actually still standing next to me but I am just not hitting him.


Often, I press the button and do the animation but nothing happens damage wise. I am sure it is just as frustrating for some people trying to hit me as I have seen people attacking me while taking 0 damage.


Other times I attack, see no damage on the enemy.. then suddenly everything catches up.


As for network latency.. it is not an issue for any other games. I play BF3 with great performance from an FPS and network latency standpoint. http://www.speedtest.net as well as others such as http://www.ookla.com list my connection as above average in my area and it is actually above what I am paying for, very close to the highest tier service available.


I love the game so far and have always held Bioware as one of the better software developers but to say that this issue is only affecting people with low end machines is not only utterly false but it is ignoring the fact that several people who have deigned to list their system specs/dxdiags and other benchmarks which exceed the RECOMMENDED specs have posted that they too are experiencing poor performance. This will be the biggest factor in my choice to resubscribe or not.


And to all of you angry mob types who want to blame the entire "controversy" on people who "don't understand computers and think their 10 year old laptop with integrated graphics" should play the game without issue... do you realize how moronic such a position is to take in the face of the fact that it simply isn't true according to this very forum?


Of course if someone comes back with "well I have a great system and it still plays like garbage" you will just reply with an attack formed on the basis that they are somehow stating that this is affecting a "majority" of people and quickly denounce that by pointing at the number of posts in the thread and the current subscription numbers that we know of.


Sure, if it isn't affecting everyone, especially not you.. then it is nothing to worry about, right?


How well my system runs other games, what my benchmark scores are or how much knowledge I have with computers (20+ years in IT for what it is worth.. yes I have been here since home computers became a "thing") has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion.


Instead, the recommended system specs handed down by the developers and the fact that there are some people who exceed them who are still experiencing horrible performance should be something worth noting.


But let us just continue with the rabid fanboy attacks and baseless assumptions. I am sure this will ultimately benefit the game.

Edited by Sabbatai
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Issues, SWTOR does have them and they admit it.

BIO states there are localized problems.


Are they programming bugs well some yes some no.


Localized frame rate issues tend not to be a programming Issue.

BIO isn't going to go back to the programmers if planet X has frame rate issues.


They are going to go to the graphics department and have them look look at the poly/tri intersections or vertices.


They are looking for high counts and locations where people have gotten stuck.


This process takes a lot of time and when these patches come out you will know it because the patch downloads will be large.


I noticed some people talk about CPU's not using all their cores and graphics cards.

These are completely different Issues and some BIO can deal with and some BIO can do nothing at all about, as it isn't Bio's problem but rather the players PC.


IF everyone had the same Issue the fix would be easy to deal with, but instead the issues get rather muddy even as you look at this thread as people are complaining about different things.


Personally I haven't had too many Issues and I love the game.

Will the bugs be fixed, yes.

But the priority and order, well that is up to BIO.


And as far as FPS.

Well quad AMD, 2 6850's in crossfire running a res of ~6144x1152 eyeinfintiy.

anywhere from 40 to 60 FPS with vsync and what I expect with drop off here and there in some locations (localized Issues)

Heat Issues, none.

SHadows low and bloom off, everything else high.


Yes, and what about any of this excuses the poor attempt at damage control which seems to be an outright lie posted by a Bioware rep? I mean what you seem to be saying is "yes there are some issues but they are localized". The statement just made by Bioware seems to say "There are hardly any issues that aren't attributable to low end machines and in fact the majority of complaints are coming from people with low end machines".


Despite the fact that many people posting exceed the RECOMMENDED specs and still have issues.


Bioware is great, SWTOR is fun... this statement they released concerning poor performance is pure PR bullcrap at worst and naïveté at best.

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You need to understand that you have no idea what you're talking about.


i7 920, 12Gb ram, Radeon 5870, 240g SSD, win7 64bit ultimate.


ALL details on lowest setting possible (even forced in drivers), no shadows, no bloom, window mode or fullscreen, 3 diff resolution tested.

10-25 fps in WZ WITH only 45% of my GPU used and max 70% CPU used (mostly 1 core), MONITORED for several hours of WZ play.


It has NOTHING to do with latency, lag, packetloss, choke, tickrate, anything like that unless the engine has some seriously flawed architecture.


Actually kind sir (or ma'am) I do understand what I'm talking about very well as I am a programmer by trade so I have to understand things in detail like this. Just because you are having issues doesn't mean the game is broken. I'm glad you've narrowed down that yours isn't due to network related issues. That doesn't mean that others' experience won't be the same (it won't). My system is reasonably comparable to yours and as I stated I have 0 issues. Sometimes you have other external issues that affect things as well. For example: I remember back when playing wow and running multiple clients at once. There was an odd frame rate drop when I minimized one client and had another in focus. When I had one behind another (both maximized) the frame rate would jump back up. As you can tell it doesn't make much sense that merely minimizing one of the clients lead to a significant drop in FPS is kind of odd.


As another example closer to yours, I remember playing age of conan where dropping everything to low was actually worse for performance than having them high. As a matter of fact even the best machines got the best FPS out of maxing everything and turning shadows off. Another odd occurrence.

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I have 3 computers at home which are mid-high end machines,I cant play warzones on any one of them,becouse fps is not higher then 25.Still tell me that its 5% of players?I didnt post any topic or complain about this.I probably have to!
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There seems to be so much anger aimed at anyone mentioning any issues with SWTOR's performance. That, and assumptions.



And you may be describing a non-Issue or should I say you are mudding the waters.

In your case is there an Issue with your lag or PC ?

Probably not.


But if the guy you where PvPing with has a high latency or is purposely inducing lag then the result will show up at your end.


You have to look at the game first in PVE or should I say when you are not interacting with other players and see if you are having the same issues.

Fix those Issues then add people and fix those Issues, they are totally different, even though the results look the same from the players prospective.


One of the reasons I stay away from PvP servers cause I am so sick of the rampant cheating in any game that supports PvP and how much time gets wasted trying to prevent people from doing it.

It is a no win situation.

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My partner spent 2000 british pounds on upgrading his PC just before Skyrim came out and could run it with max settings without a single hint of lag. He gets up to 20 second freezes in this game on a consistent basis, and it's not internet related as we share the same connection.


If it's not resolved and soon he will leave, its pretty much a guarantee.

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Wise words.


CAN YOU please explain then what is wrong with my computer!?

It's i7, 8GB RAM, NVidia GTX560Ti.

I have fresh installed Win 7 64 bit with updated every damn driver on computer.


Can you explain then why I have problems with this game?


check your swtor folder if it's over 19.5 gig then you have remnant files of the beta wich was the culprit for my crappy fps in pvp.


I did the same as you and reinstalled windows ... but i kept my old swtor folder because i didnt want to spend 10 hour downloading the game again ... trust me it's worth it if u participated in the beta.

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I have a high end machine, i7 2600k, GTX 590, and 8GB RAM - I am experinecing glitchy performance, etc .. Something is not right here .. Battelfield 3, all other games play amaxing, no glitchiness .. something is wrong with the performance of swtor, which is suprising since its an old engine ..



Not supplying any good info about your system or a copy from your dxdiag.


So obvious troll....


Also grow a spine and stop reporting posts little carebear.

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