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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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I7-2600k 3.4 GHz CPU.

Sapphire Radeon 6970 Flex edition GPU.

8 gigs of RAM.


And i'm running this game like my old computer. Come on, the graphics are mediocre. And as much as i value gameplay over graphics... i'd like to run this game the way it is supposed to run on my setup.


Micro-stuttering, fps drops. Bah...

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Hi Raggnarok,

The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues.


Fail. Most people will only submit tickets for black and white things. I cant get past x on my quest. I cant pick up x item. My game crashes when I load up.


My fps drops when I enable shadows? Simples, I disable shadows. My fps is lower in warzones? Oh well.

Edited by OldBehn
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Absolutely not, or you're just not very good at it.


40 is A LOT better than 20 (more abilities will fire off) but compared to 60 or 100 it is nothing.


I am not sure I personally understand this reply (So apologies in advance if I misunderstood)but, if you are complaining that the game is much better at 60 FPS rather than 40, you are being semi-delusional, especially if you also mean that it gets better when it runs at 100.


Constant 30 FPS is a standard for many console games, never seen people complaining about that, and your eye cannot see better than 60 FPS anyways, so although 60 is better than 40, it is far from being unplayable or being considerate slow.

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Absolutely not, or you're just not very good at it.


40 is A LOT better than 20 (more abilities will fire off) but compared to 60 or 100 it is nothing.


This isnt a FPS where you need to aim accurately.

GoldPush eh? The same GoldPush from Starcraft NOR-1?

You sound like him at least..

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people get so hung up on fps.. I understand if you keep it on its going to frustrate you why do I get 60 here 40 here 30 here


Movies are shown @ 24fps and they always look smooth, so if you're getting more then that and complaining the only thing that is telling you you're getting that is the little meter you continuously stare at.


an exception to this is the upcoming "the hobbit" which will be done @ 48

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people get so hung up on fps.. I understand if you keep it on its going to frustrate you why do I get 60 here 40 here 30 here


Movies are shown @ 24fps and they always look smooth, so if you're getting more then that and complaining the only thing that is telling you you're getting that is the little meter you continuously stare at.


an exception to this is the upcoming "the hobbit" which will be done @ 48


I didn't buy a new computer to experience issues with performance in games like SWTOR. I'm sorry, but i won't accept this.

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Something to try... go into an area where you experience the FPS issues, Imperial Fleet for example - then turn your router off then see how your frame rate is before the game boots you out.


Go to imerial fleet, turn off your UI and watch how your fps skyrocket.

On my machine with UI 20p fps. After disabling UI 100 fps.

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I have a 2600k, 16GB RAM, 2 5870s. Once I turned off shadows it made a difference but there are still areas where it the framerate drops.


With my rig expect 60fps pretty much all the time. If i'm the republic feet I get like 25fps-35fps. Which is NOT acceptable to me.


Pretty discouraging you're able to play Battlefield 3 and Crysis 2 at high settings at 60fps all the time. But that must because I'm running a low end machine.

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people get so hung up on fps.. I understand if you keep it on its going to frustrate you why do I get 60 here 40 here 30 here


Movies are shown @ 24fps and they always look smooth, so if you're getting more then that and complaining the only thing that is telling you you're getting that is the little meter you continuously stare at.


an exception to this is the upcoming "the hobbit" which will be done @ 48


You have no idea what you are talking about. The way the movies and video games are generated and displayed has a huge impact on how many fps you need to see the stream as a smooth motion. To make this short 24 fps will not make your game look smooth.


Unelss I just got baited by a troll...

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Hi Raggnarok,


As is the case with any PC game of this scale, we will always have players who experience performance issues. It is impossible to have the game run optimally on 100% of machines due to various factors (lower end machines, ISPs, not meeting minimum specs, and more).


The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues. With that being said, we’ve been keeping a very close eye on forum posts from the players experiencing these issues and we are actively working to address these concerns.


We thank you for your concerns, and please be aware that we are indeed constantly working to improve the game for everyone.


I haven't put in a ticket or posted on the forum (until now I guess) about it, I guess I'm not experiencing performance issues. I'm sure you have a way to also see how often/many subs visit the forums and I'm also sure you know most people don't know they might not be performing at the level they should.


I'm below spec, so I knew going in that it would not be ideal but when I below the bar and you have other well above it we shouldn't be seeing similar FPS then something is wrong. I would like to know why I see 85% CPU utilization sitting alone on my ship and never see GPU utilization over 15%. Even being below spec surely I can handle sitting on a static ship without using 85+% CPU usage constantly.


In the end MOST people don't visit the forum. MOST people never fill out a CS ticket, especially for performance let alone any problem they are having. Just because MOST people haven't told you you have a problem doesn't mean you don't have one.

Edited by TMar
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Bull crap Ohlen. I've lost track of the numbers of players with extremely high-end machines complaining about exactly the problem described in the article.


So Bioware's stance is simply going to be to deny the issue exists and foist it off on "low-end machines?" My i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and HD6970 would like a word with you, Mr. Ohlen.


It's funny I have a very similar system and a friend has THE EXACT SAME SYSTEM AS YOU (just 4gb less memory), and he runs it on max. Format your computer, "bro".

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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


Yeah, because even though bioware probably collects the average FPS you have during a session and has a good statistics database, we, the community, just know better than them!

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I haven't put in a ticket or posted on the forum (until now I guess) about it, I guess I'm not experiencing performance issues. I'm sure you have a way to also see how often/many subs visit the forums and I'm also sure you know most people don't know they might not be performing at the level they should.


I'm below spec, so I knew going in that it would not be ideal but when I below the bar and you have other well above it we shouldn't be seeing similar FPS then something is wrong. I would like to know why I see 85% CPU utilization sitting alone on my ship and never see GPU utilization over 15%. Even being below spec surely I can handle sitting on a static ship without using 85+% CPU usage constantly.


In the end MOST people don't visit the forum. MOST people never fill out a CS ticket, especially for performance let alone any problem they are having. Just because MOST people haven't told you you have a problem doesn't mean you don't have one.


Again. 2,000,000 people purchased the game. If even 500,000 of that 2,000,000 experienced and complained about poor performance, that is still not most, that is still a minority.


When you think about the bigger picture they are honestly right about the fact that most people do not experience performance problems. I do not have performance problems, my girlfriend does not have performance problems, my brother does not have performance problems, and about ten other friends of mine do not have performance problems. We all run the game pretty much spot-on.


Also, if you are hve performance issues you have already clearly said that your PC is below spec. So really, get a computer that meets specs before you even complain, geez. You should never have a line of "Even below spec surely I...". No. No you obviously cannot. Minimum hardware requirements, they exist for a reason.

Edited by Viera
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Seems im one of the lucky high end computer users then. Running everything ingame

maxxed out and have to force 12xEQAA with v-sync off to push my GPU usage above 50%.

Cpu usage is general around 50% on all cores.


Self built system with:


I7 2600k @ 4,6 GHZ

16 Gb 1600 ram

2x6970 in CF (Cataclyst 11.12 Drivers)



Most of my parts are ASUS (gfx cards, mobo) running at 1920x1080 fullscreen. Around 40 ping constantly.

Getting 111 fps pretty much constantly (goes lower after loadscreens for a couple of secs)


Have the green beams and tree flickering problems but other then that nothing..


Havent tryed out warzones yet, so ill give it a try after work tonight..

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To reiterate


i7 920

12gb ram

Radeon 5870 (yes not TOP of the line)

Tried diff resolutions, window mode or not, All effects off, shadows off, AA, filtering etc etc.


Win7 64bit ultimate.


Only game I have such severe issues inn...


Decided to do some WZ now with MSI Afterburner logging and CPU logging.


GPU peaked at 45% utilization

CPU total graph never above 70% and 1 core mainly stood for most of utilization.



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I don't have a high end machine. But I'm well beyond the recomendations for this game.

And the fact of the matter is, that the game should run decently on the announced recomendations.


I wasn't sure I would by this game, due to my computer not being the best. But when I saw that I exceeded the recomendations by such a large margin, I figured it wouldn't be a problem.

Turns out it is. And it's kind of killing my experience.


So yeah


That being said. I believe that BW are working on the issue, and I believe and hope that it will be fixed in the near future. It's not my first MMO launch, so I'm well aware that there will be bugs and performance issues in the beginning.


And to be completely honest. This has been the smoothest launch I've taken part of thus far.


But when James Ohlen tells us that the perfomance issues are, more or less, only due to low-end machines.. Well, that just doesn't tickle me right.

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I don't have a high end machine. But I'm well beyond the recomendations for this game.

And the fact of the matter is, that the game should run decently on the announced recomendations.


I wasn't sure I would by this game, due to my computer not being the best. But when I saw that I exceeded the recomendations by such a large margin, I figured it wouldn't be a problem.

Turns out it is. And it's kind of killing my experience.


So yeah


That being said. I believe that BW are working on the issue, and I believe and hope that it will be fixed in the near future. It's not my first MMO launch, so I'm well aware that there will be bugs and performance issues in the beginning.


And to be completely honest. This has been the smoothest launch I've taken part of thus far.


But when James Ohlen tells us that the perfomance issues are, more or less, only due to low-end machines.. Well, that just doesn't tickle me right.


Assume that, say, there are 2,000,000 confirmed purchases of the game. Now assume that out of that 2,000,000 5%, or roughly 100,000 have issues. Now say that, oh, 30% of known complaints sent to BioWare are from people on high-end machines. That would still leave 70,000 people with problems due to low-end machines.


He did not say ALWAYS. He said OFTEN.


Even if 40% of the people having problems had high-end machines, that would still qualify as low-end machines being the problem OFTEN.


By the way, those statistics are made up. I have no idea what information or actual percentages BioWare has. It just makes me lul at people getting their panties in a twist because some guy said it was OFTEN due to low-end machines.

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Hi Raggnarok,


As is the case with any PC game of this scale, we will always have players who experience performance issues. It is impossible to have the game run optimally on 100% of machines due to various factors (lower end machines, ISPs, not meeting minimum specs, and more).


The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues. With that being said, we’ve been keeping a very close eye on forum posts from the players experiencing these issues and we are actively working to address these concerns.


We thank you for your concerns, and please be aware that we are indeed constantly working to improve the game for everyone.


There's lots who won't say anything. Maybe they just searched it up on the forums, seeing others have similar problems. Eurogamer.net says Game Director James Ohlen estimated the percentage with problems to be 5%.

If that is as you describe, based on amount of posts in forum and complaints, then the actual percentage can be much higher.


There's also the issue with underperforming. I can run it on a GT 540m, but shadows will really drop down fps. Considering the enviroments are very static empty, and that the instanced areas are quite small, I would say graphics compared to specs required are very poor. In that regard I'd say the game is underperforming (badly optimized/poor performance).

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My pc is coming up to it's 4th bday and is by no means up to date anymore. Thing is I can still run most games in med/low settings fine. This game is in low and when I turned off shadows actually became somewhat playable. Now I'm no expert, but shadows shouldn't make any big difference performance wise.


Weather it's in 800*600 or 1920*1080 this game likes to spike in fps constantly. Sometimes I get 50+ fps then the next second it's 0.2 fps.


We need a draw distance too, but there are issues w/ this game and I'm sure the devs will fix it soon enough.

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