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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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Did I say "no one's computer can handle TOR?" Please tell me where I said that.


I would hope any toaster could handle a game with medium-res graphics, no AA, 8X anisotropic filtering, and shadows turned off. There is almost no such thing as "too low" of a system to run this game well.


The fact that any hi-end systems are not able to run this game smoothly is the part that's shocking. It would be like finding out I can't run WoW smoothly even though I can run BF3 at 100 FPS.


Well, here's the amazing thing about computer technology.


Sometimes a game is coded in a way that it works differently with certain PC components.


For example, some games run better on Nvidia, some better on ATI.


Some run better on ASUS equipment, some better on EVGA equipment.


Because each computer is unique, a company cannot code a game that will be guaranteed to run well on every machine.


According to Bioware, systematic performance problems are rare.


Now, they've admitted some zones seem to have FPS sinks in them, but that's what we call a "bug", one they're fixing.


If this kind of stuff irks you, you may want to consider getting out of PC gaming as every game ever released has had problems running on certain set ups, even when those set ups are uber powerful.

Edited by Yfelsung
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I have an old computer (Q6700 Quad core, GTX 275, 4GB RAM) and the game runs fine on my computer ... 1900 x 1200 low settings.


yea, for the most part, the game runs fine on low settings, thats not the issue .. the issue is people with high end systems are having poor performance, requiring them to put the settings on low as well .. this shouldnt be happening .. especially for a graphics engine that was made for use in 2004 ..

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Because marginalization is exactly what is needed. The game runs flawlessly for 95~ % of the playerbase. Those other 5%, sure they may have performance issues, but Bioware isn't responsible for fixing the driver errors or router firmware clashes that these people are having. There very well may be a problem with the optimization of the coding, but if a high end rig can't support this game, the simple fact is that that high end rig isn't setup properly.


I have a 3 year old PC with a 1 year old video card & matching power supply. I sit at 30-45 fps no matter where I am. You don't need a super computer to play this game, you need a computer that is maintained and setup properly.



lol. Made up stats. You lose.

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yea, for the most part, the game runs fine on low settings, thats not the issue .. the issue is people with high end systems are having poor performance, requiring them to put the settings on low as well .. this shouldnt be happening .. especially for a graphics engine that was made for use in 2004 ..


SOMBUNALL - some but not all


I'm sure there are peopl having issue but i have a high end system and i'm not having issues. Let's try to make this accurate instead of OMG everyone with a high end system is having problems.

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Oh look, more "I run fine because I have X Y Z, you must suck and need to get a new comp? responses! I need more of these...




The problems aren't noticeable for PVE, but when I PVP.... yeah... Things happen.


I noticed it a lot with a jedi knight, who has abunch of instant abilites, most of them I had to hit 2-3 times before it went off.


There's also a problem where if too many knockbacks go off, people get jumbled on the screen. If there are 4 people pushing people back in 4 different directions, the game can't take it and just kinda puts them in front of you, but they're REALLY behind you... Awesome...

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Game runs fine for me, and has throughout Beta. The usual lag in tight overcrowded spaces, some particular environment issues e.g. Taris and also Belsavis in Beta, and such, but otherwise not a lot of issues for me.


Better than any other MMO I've played at launch for stability.

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I have a Q6600, 4GB RAM, and a 512MB HD6870 from a couple of years back. I'm running just fine at 1920x1080 with graphics set to high then bloom (it looks awful in every game, ever) and shadows (I don't care about them and they're one of the biggest resource hogs) turned off. Nothing is overclocked, everything is stock. CPU runs at around 48 degrees, GPU at around 80, both well within tolerances.


You don't need a mega machine to get decent performance.


if your happy with DECENT performance, then thats on you .. Im not .. especially in 2012.

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wait, you think 30-45 fps is good?


Seeing as how the human eye cannot process more than 27 FPS, yes, I think 30-45 is good. Its a smooth gameplay that I am able to adapt to, regardless of how good you think it is. I'm perfectly happy playing at a steady FPS that my human eyes are capable of interpreting. I'm not greedy, nor am I having any issues with the game. I could push 60fps if I wanted to, simply with a software tweak that my video card came with. You know why I don't? Because my PC doesn't appreciate the extra heat, and my eyes can't see the difference anyway.

Edited by mattdell
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Regardless of PC the random crashes to desktop/char select has nothing to do with PC spec.This game is still a beta and BW don't give a monkey's about the customer base as long as its raking in the profits from those fan boys/girls its content with lying to the general public.Nobody wants bad reviews of their merchandise huh? Nobody wants bad publicity but the truth still stays,this is a beta.Has been since beta and sill is a beta.
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So your immediate response is that BioWare is detached from the community and you completely disregard the possibility that maybe, just maybe, it's TRUE that most players aren't having performance issues? Sounds to me like you'd be upset no matter what BioWare said. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Oh for goodness sake look on the web let alone these forums, there are huge numbers of people screaming out about performance problems.


Hang on... sorry there are no performance issues... there is no input lag... they did not remove high res textures from the game and relabel medium to high.... OH AND THESE ARE NOT THE DROIDS YOUR LOOKING FOR....!!!!


your being managed like mushrooms.... kept in the dark and fed shi.........

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I am. with i5-2500k clocked to 4,4ghz, radeon 6870 and 8 gigs of 1600mhz ram. I wish they would make an ultra version of the game graphics so i could boost this up even more. I have a constant 100-110fps, in fleet i have about 60-70 fps wich isn't bad either. My loading times are only few seconds anywhere and game starts in about 10-15 secs from character selecting screen



My point is that people with good machines do NOT have problems. Ofcourse the problem might be that some people buy PC components and have no idea how to tweak them, but that's not game designers problem..



This is the EXACT playing experience I have. Bloom on, shadows/grass/trees HIGH. I get the exact same FPS as well. Game runs flawless. Yeah, I bought an Alienware, cos I can afford to, and I got it on black friday (50% off). Glad I did. Seems most "high end" machines experiencing issues are "DIY" epic fails.


Alienware Aurora



AMD HD6870

Edited by Ushela
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It has nothing to do with your video card. Shadows kill your CPU performance because TOR is terrible at utiliziing multiple cores.


But you guys wouldn't know this because you're just shooting from the hip and buying whatever BW tells you. You're perfectly content running on "medium" settings and getting good performance. Hi-res textures aren't in the game at all, AA is disabled, AF is 8X rather than 16X, you can literally watch grass grow around you as you move, and no one runs shadows on High because it kills performance.


But there's nothing wrong with TOR's optimization. It's all in the terrible systems of the users.


Great POST DUDE .. !! FInally someone who understands what's going on .. !

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Oh for goodness sake look on the web let alone these forums, there are huge numbers of people screaming out about performance problems.


Hang on... sorry there are no performance issues... there is no input lag... they did not remove high res textures from the game and relabel medium to high.... OH AND THESE ARE NOT THE DROIDS YOUR LOOKING FOR....!!!!


your being managed like mushrooms.... kept in the dark and fed shi.........


Large number of people complaining on teh internetz != large percentage of people who own/play the game. Therefore, the statement that "most" players aren't having performance issues could still be very much true.

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lol. No. My computer eats your computer. I still get memory leaks issues.



Ok, so? I do not have any memory leak issues? And show your year old spec that eats my computer.


On the side note: i never said that my specs are the best of the best, but let's hear yours if it seems to eat my computer :D

Edited by Ruthlessboy
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wait, you think 30-45 fps is good?


Yes, 30-45 FPS is very good.

Is it perfect? No, but it is NORMAL and decent.

Higher FPS, absolutely, a good thing, but 30-50 FPS is playable and GOOD


Oh for goodness sake look on the web let alone these forums, there are huge numbers of people screaming out about performance problems.

ANd those 'huge numbers of people' are a minority. Sorry, but that's what they are.

The MAJORITY play this game just fine

Again, look at the numbers.

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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


If you play on a pile of ***** from 10 years ago aparantly the game runs ok, but if you have a modern gaming rig, its not optimised for recent graphics cards or direct X....


SWTOR the only MMO where you have to DOWNGRADE your pc to make it run properly...lol

Edited by Cameirus
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Large number of people complaining on teh internetz != large percentage of people who own/play the game. Therefore, the statement that "most" players aren't having performance issues could still be very much true.


All the people in my guild who pvp, 3 people who are living in my house, and anybody I talk to in general chat (I'm on Krayt Dragon) has it.


So, by my viewpoint, it's true.

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I read that as 5% of people have officially complained about it in some way.


That's 50,000 people for every 1 million players. Who have *officially* complained in some way - ie an ingame ticket. How else would they know? Sure I've complained about it on the forums but never officially - is BW counting me in their "estimate"?


And no I certainly do not have a low spec pc. In fact I have tried this game on 6 different PC's of varying performance levels and there is simply no sense as to why my main PC is performing so badly in comparison to slower PC's.

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