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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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You should stop with the lies. The graphics look great on my system. Better than most MMOs.




You think TOR looks great. Thanx I had a good laugh.


-Low res textures

-Horrible tiling especially noticable outdoors

-Absolutly pathetic foliage draw distance ( the crap literally grows as you approach its said terrible rendering distance)


What are you smoking? I want some.

Edited by Your_dominus
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Pretty simple, if either you or your system can't handle the game maybe wait until either can. No use whining because you or your system isn't able to handle it.


i5 @ 4.3GHz , 2x high end GPU's in SLI, 16GB of RAM.

Not the type of system YOU could even dream of, yet there's FPS issues in the fleet / wz / etc just like with everyone else, so stop talking bull**** troll.

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You think TOR looks great. Thanx I had a good laugh.


-Low res textures

-Horrible tiling especially noticable outdoors

-Absolutly pathetic foliage draw distance ( the crap literally grows as you approach its said terrible rendering distance)


What are you smoking? I want some.


I know it does and you're being a... well you know what you're being. :)

Edited by Daeborn
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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


I guess you didn't bother actually reading the article because about 3 inches from that statement that you claim shows detachment they said this:


"However, we know that it's important that there is a smaller group of people usually with lower end machines that are having problems in some areas. And one of the most important things for us to grow our service is to continue to bring in more players, including those players who only have low-end machines.

"So we have a client team, a team of programmers, whose entire job is to optimise the code, find out where some of the issues are, and then fix that up.

"Most of the performance issues are localised though," he added. "They're things that we can track down. I would call them bugs."


OP might as well have just posted:

"Hurr Durr I like to overreact and make a big deal out of nothing on forums!!11"

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What does "runs fine" even mean?


What a vague and useless comment.


The people that don't care about graphics don't seem to notice how awful, and dated the engine is, let alone the current texture quality " bug". And then theres the peeps who ( somehow) don't notice the craptastic fps on the Fleet.


You guys arent helping. At all.


It means it runs fine with no FPS drop off at all in 99% of situations. Its not that I dont notice it its that I am not affected by it. When I am in fleet even with a ton of people there i get little to no slow down. The only time I ever had a huge drop in frames was during the beta dance off event at the end.

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Two computers in my house: mine and my spouse's.


Mine runs fine, zero problems, even on fleet, at max settings with shadows.


My spouse's stutters on the fleet and sometimes a little at the start of Warzones.


Mine is a couple months old and home built. My spouse's is a bit older (2 years), preassembled. Mine is Intel + Geforce; the other is AMD + ATI.


No performance surprises here.


At this point, whether more people are or are not having problems is assumptive.

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It's not irony.

It's utterly stupid to post whining about low fps on a crappy PC.


The issue is fps spikes and dips on GOOD pc's. On pc's where this just shouldnt even be possible.


Posting how you too have this " issue on your 3 gen old gpu, and dual core is just dumb.

Go get a 4ghz+ quad core and a 6950/ gtx570 or better, then join in on the conversation.

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It means it runs fine with no FPS drop off at all in 99% of situations. Its not that I dont notice it its that I am not affected by it. When I am in fleet even with a ton of people there i get little to no slow down. The only time I ever had a huge drop in frames was during the beta dance off event at the end.


No pic no proof, go stand in fleet in a populated server, like at the cantina or in the combat section, and show us that you've got at least 60 fps, untill then you're just another troll.

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i5 @ 4.3GHz , 2x high end GPU's in SLI, 16GB of RAM.

Not the type of system YOU could even dream of, yet there's FPS issues in the fleet / wz / etc just like with everyone else, so stop talking bull**** troll.


Hasnt occured to you that it might be a driver issue, I suppose? Ofcourse not, we all know how perfect SLI profiles are...right...right?

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No pic no proof, go stand in fleet in a populated server, like at the cantina or in the combat section, and show us that you've got at least 60 fps, untill then you're just another troll.


This. I'm so sick and tired of peeps claiming to have 60+ fps, never dipping INCLUDING on the fleet.

Everyone knows they're full of it, or blind/ignorant so why make such a claim?

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The only performance issue I get with running my game is the occasional glitch and random lag.


I just wish Bioware would fix the graphical glitches :<. Especially the one with Satele Shan at the end of the Jedi Knight quest.


And I keep getting this weird glitch on my characters' face whenever she does the looking down/thoughtful face :<.

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It means it runs fine with no FPS drop off at all in 99% of situations.

NOT ever going to happen in an MMO

MAJOR areas will always see FPS drops, ALL of them will be huge. I don't care if you're talking about WoW, TOR, Aion, Rift, LOTRO, or any of the other competitors, you will ALWAYS see major FPS drop in every heavily populated area. Oh, and NPC's (look it up), they count as part of the population too!

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I had performance issues on my old HD5670. Once I upgraded to a HD6770 it was fine. I never drop below 30 is the worst cases.


Removing shadows helps immensley on medium power rigs like mine. I believe bioware or 2 million copies wouldn't have sold. Not everyone is having issues. Forums are a vocal minority.


That said, yes they need to fix the slop in the engine.

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The only performance issue I get with running my game is the occasional glitch and random lag.


I just wish Bioware would fix the graphical glitches :<. Especially the one with Satele Shan at the end of the Jedi Knight quest.


And I keep getting this weird glitch on my characters' face whenever she does the looking down/thoughtful face :<.


Noooooo, you're a special snowflake and the fps spikes, dips and horrible min's on the Fleet don't effect your PC.

Come on man.

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This. I'm so sick and tired of peeps claiming to have 60+ fps, never dipping INCLUDING on the fleet.

Everyone knows they're full of it, or blind/ignorant so why make such a claim?


news at 11 framerate issues on popular servers in a hub. besides these are not even real framerate problems. tilll you play eve on sunday after noon in jita i dnt want to hear it.

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Hasnt occured to you that it might be a driver issue, I suppose? Ofcourse not, we all know how perfect SLI profiles are...right...right?


There's also hardware issues. I wonder how many backyard computer geeks know to use a anti-static strap with installing those $400 video cards and all that ram the bought?


Here all you would-be know it alls. Learn.




BTW I learned this because I worked with expensive test equipment years ago for an Aerospace manufacturer. You need to learn your "potential".


You can fry a card that will show it's ugly side under load but run fine at idle. Sounds like what some maybe experiencing.

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news at 11 framerate issues on popular servers in a hub. besides these are not even real framerate problems. tilll you play eve on sunday after noon in jita i dnt want to hear it.


You don't wanna hear crushing, juttery fps on the fleet using a 4ghz quad core, 8gb of ram, and 6950?


I don't give a crap how busy it is. There is just no reason for it.

And I certainly don't care that you " don't want to hear it"

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I get 5 fps in warzones, if im lucky. Last week i was getting 10.


I play skyrim, bf3, and mw3 on max settings on 1920x1080. I've even tried playing 800x600 for this game.


i7 980X @ 4.2

Dual GTX 480's at 850/2200

Corsaid R120D SSD

12 gigs hyperx.



Why can't I even play this game?

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I get 40-70fps all the time. Even in imperial fleet. With all maxed. Got 1st gen i7 3ghz. 16gigs ram. 560gtx. It lags if i dont reinstall my graphics drivers everytime i reboot my computer. So ppl who are having FPS issue should try reinstalling graphics drivers and not rebooting computer.
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I've had very few problems. Far less problems than any other newly launched MMO I've played.


I get the error where my connection status goes red and I drop from the game once in a while, and my UI freezes and needs CTRL+Ux2 multiple times.


Phenom II X4 + 12GB of G.Skill Sniper DDR1333 + 7200RPM Seagate hdd + old Zotac GTS250 512MB.


Friends with newer and older cards sometimes have performance issues, but I wouldn't say "most" players are having issues. Just like "most" players aren't level 50 already.

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You don't wanna hear crushing, juttery fps on the fleet using a 4ghz quad core, 8gb of ram, and 6950?


I don't give a crap how busy it is. There is just no reason for it.

And I certainly don't care that you " don't want to hear it"


And we dont care one iota that you have issues :D

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I get 5 fps in warzones, if im lucky. Last week i was getting 10.


I play skyrim, bf3, and mw3 on max settings on 1920x1080. I've even tried playing 800x600 for this game.


i7 980X @ 4.2

Dual GTX 480's at 850/2200

Corsaid R120D SSD

12 gigs hyperx.



Why can't I even play this game?


Look at the difference. TOR is online. If you're getting that kind of issues you might have a router issue, firmware issue etc. There are a lot of other reasons for poor frame-rate not related to video.

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