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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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I really feel bad for the people that have high end machines and are having problems. I for one am not. Sure i get the every so often FPS drops but its really not bad on my end. And what i really dont understand is why i'm not. But i'm not going to complain! Here's my computer.....


AMD 64x2 Dual core 4000+

2.10 GHz

2.00 GB ram

ATI HD 3870 512mb No over-clocking

XP Pro


So im pretty much around bare minimum specs for the game. I average around 50-65 FPS. When more people are around its usually 35-50 FPS. PvP its drops to around 30 or so.


But as far as questing and such, i have no problems at all. All my setting are on high with shadows off and trees and ground at 50%.


I hope Bio can get this straightened out for the high end users. Good luck!


Your example is great. It demonstrates the attitude of lower end machine users. The problem starts with good machines at all graphics settings full. There should not be the massive slowdowns and FPS loss that we experience. Very rare and hard to notice drops in performance are fine with better machines. Not what we are currently experience right now.

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Dear god.


It's everything BUT the game..


And as complicated as computers are, and the fact most system are not experiencing horrendous performance you can pretty much bet it's the individuals computer.


"I don't know why this game runs like crap. I don't have that problem visiting Porns are Us!"


"It must be the game. Oh wait, I just got this cool video attachment from a bud of mine emailed to me!"


Like I said most people don't know the first thing about maintaining a computer. Same as their cars.


To the Mechanic: "Why can't I run my car and only change the oil when the little light on the dashboard comes on?"


Here is a good site for those looking for speeding up their systems.



Edited by Daeborn
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Actually if everything else runs fine than this, but the majority of people run this fine it does not mean that it is a problem with this. For example my friend always got random crashes in Battlefield 3 despite having a card more than adequate for it. Nothing else had problems. Rather than complain that the game was buggy and bad he researched and borrowed a graphics card and teh game ran fine. The result was that the problem was his and no one else'.


Moral of the story is that if most people are running a piece of software fine while you are not with an almost identical rig, the problem is more rlated to something on your end than the company's end.


Except in this case it's not 1 person and no one else.


It's a lot of people with a lot of different configs.


You are all being silly.


A few months from now Bioware will have fixed these performance issues with patches.


What will you say then?

'Everyone must have fixed their PCs'


Edited by greenmartin
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So your immediate response is that BioWare is detached from the community and you completely disregard the possibility that maybe, just maybe, it's TRUE that most players aren't having performance issues? Sounds to me like you'd be upset no matter what BioWare said. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Regardless of "most" too many players on machines of varying quality are having major FPS/Crash issues when they shouldn't based on the recommended specs for the game.


Notice I mentioned varying quality? Thats because even high end machines are running into an issue. Thats a problem, regardless of how few they believe there to be.

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If i play SWTOR my fans start blowing like crazy :o


You do realize fans do that right? When temps go up, which they will running more load, the fans kick up to compensate. This is by design and not something wrong. Like when you stop at a light and the electric fan on your car kicks on but while driving it is off.

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I have a high end machine, i7 2600k, GTX 590, and 8GB RAM - I am experinecing glitchy performance, etc .. Something is not right here .. Battelfield 3, all other games play amaxing, no glitchiness .. something is wrong with the performance of swtor, which is suprising since its an old engine ..



Then you are doing something wrong. I have the same specs except a GTX 570 and 16gb of ram. I play max settings with no problem.

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Your example is great. It demonstrates the attitude of lower end machine users. The problem starts with good machines at all graphics settings full. There should not be the massive slowdowns and FPS loss that we experience. Very rare and hard to notice drops in performance are fine with better machines. Not what we are currently experience right now.



My machine is twice in hardware of the example you quoted and running on LOW my FPS won't top 20. Something is broken somewhere.

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Intel® Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz

8192MB RAM

ATI Radeon HD 5770 overlocked


having the same issues as low end computers. so when people say it is mainly low end computers, i know they are full of it.

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Except in this case it's not 1 person and no one else.


It's a lot of people with a lot of different configs.




You are all being silly.


A few months from now Bioware will have fixed these performance issues with patches.


What will you say then?

'Everyone must have fixed their PCs'




There were a lot of different complaints about performance and crashing in BF3. Most were solved by end user doings. I've had guild mates complain of several of the same issues and properly updating drivers, reinstalling the game, reinstalling drivers, even buying a new yet same graphics card, turning off some background processes, have all fixed the problems for my guild mates. The problems solved by those cannot be solved by bioware, only mitigated. That is the nature of PC gaming. You cannot expect everything to run fine all the time, nor can you expect a company to get it all right as there are even small differences between the same models of hardware.

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Bull crap Ohlen. I've lost track of the numbers of players with extremely high-end machines complaining about exactly the problem described in the article.


So Bioware's stance is simply going to be to deny the issue exists and foist it off on "low-end machines?" My i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and HD6970 would like a word with you, Mr. Ohlen.


well, my laptop with only 6 gigs of memory, with Radeon Mobility 5870 and my i7 likes to have a word with you as well. I run the game perfectly fine without any issues, besides known bugs. My longest loading screen is maybe a minute, and having turned off shadows, I have no FPS issues whatsoever.


Ever thought that perhaps the problem is on your end?

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Then you are doing something wrong. I have the same specs except a GTX 570 and 16gb of ram. I play max settings with no problem.


Then you do not have the same specs, now do you? You do not know the exact components (and I mean all of them) in their machine, nor do you know what software is or isn't running on their machine. Your machine is unique to you, as theirs is to them. That's the beauty and bane of PC gaming, and that's why PC games are so difficult for developers to test and debug. That's why you can't have a 100% success rate on most games; they're complex and they are installed on machines of (at least) equal complexity multiplied by countless variations of differing builds.


Just because a segment of the population does not have problems does not mean there isn't a problem. It just means you're fortunate to not be a part of the group suffering problems. Congratulations, rejoice, and hope no future patches break your game.

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I have a fairly old computer and the game runs fine for me.


What does "runs fine" even mean?


What a vague and useless comment.


The people that don't care about graphics don't seem to notice how awful, and dated the engine is, let alone the current texture quality " bug". And then theres the peeps who ( somehow) don't notice the craptastic fps on the Fleet.


You guys arent helping. At all.

Edited by Your_dominus
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you turned off shadows? lol, do we need to play a ****** looking game even if maxed on low?

on planets i never have fps issues but pvp breaks my I5 + GTX570. it goes below 20 fps, lolz.


with those graphics i expect ~200 fps on planets.

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What does "runs fine" even mean?


What a vague and useless comment.


The people that don't care about graphics don't seem to notice how awful, and dated the engine is, let alone the current texture quality " bug". And then theres the peeps who ( somehow) don't notice the craptastic fps on the Fleet.


You guys arent helping. At all.


Because they aren't interested in helping; they're interested in "protecting" BW/their game. What some people don't seem to realize is that many people reporting issues also enjoy the game...they just wish they could play it without whatever problems are plaguing them. I wish those who are fortunate could at least empathize with their fellow gamers who aren't able to enjoy an otherwise awesome game as they can.

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If i play SWTOR my fans start blowing like crazy :o


If playing TOR, which uses a dated, *** ugly pisspoor engine, strains your machine and you hear fans picking up...lordy lordy thats one crappy PC.


I love the gameplay, story, etc. But the graphics? are poor and far from straining on a decent PC.

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Phenom II x6 3,4ghz

AMD HD5870 1gb

8 gb 1666mhz RAM


Running the game with 20-30fps most of the time. Having quite a lot of fps drops on bigger planets and when grouping with lots of things happening around. The imperial fleet also runs horribly.


I'd say there is certainly room for performance improvement, and I'm probably not the only one.

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If playing TOR, which uses a dated, *** ugly pisspoor engine strains your machine and you hear fans picking up...lordy lordy thats one crappy PC.


You should stop with the lies. The graphics look great on my system. Better than most MMOs.

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The game has been out for awhile now.

Incorrect. Less than a month != "a while"



There is a reason there are so many threads with at this point over a HUNDRED THOUSAND views on these forums about performance. That's even more impressive considering you can only find threads on this forum by Google search.

Yeah, you want to know what that is? It's called SEARCH ENGINES. It's called UNREGISTERED USERS. It's called replying to threads. Now, how many of those threads have over 100k replies? Go on, go on.... Tell us.


Just because it runs ok on 95% of machines(doubt that is true. especially in warzones) that really isn't a good number.

Hint: MAJORITY. Learn what it means!

At launch, this game sold well over a million copies. The minority are vocal, but you know what, that DOESN'T make them a majority.


If all PC games had that kind of trouble PC gaming would be close to dead and all PC game forums would look like this. But it isn't and they don't.

Wrong again

Again, this game had a million + sales on day 1 (when pre-orders are counted).

10% of those people may have problems. Guess what? That is what is called acceptable.

10% of that 1m sales? 100,000.

So, if each of those 100,000 people created a thread, added a post claiming "this game sux0rs", well, that's OBVIOUSLY going to be a lot of threads, a lot of posts, a LOT of views, now isn't it?


I'm not going to say no pc game has had 1m+ sales on day one, but this is not typical. Of course, this is going to affect everything and it will be ugly, ESPECIALLY when you consider that the average computer user doesn't know jack about what they're really doing, and has poor hardware/software configurations. How is THAT EA/Bioware's fault?


This isn't your X-Box, PS-3 or WII, where everything is going to be the same, no matter what. This is a PC game. There are (literally) millions of variables as to what could be causing the problem, and MOST of them are on the PC itself, NOT with the software.

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Hi Raggnarok,


As is the case with any PC game of this scale, we will always have players who experience performance issues. It is impossible to have the game run optimally on 100% of machines due to various factors (lower end machines, ISPs, not meeting minimum specs, and more).


The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues. With that being said, we’ve been keeping a very close eye on forum posts from the players experiencing these issues and we are actively working to address these concerns.


We thank you for your concerns, and please be aware that we are indeed constantly working to improve the game for everyone.


95% of the players are experienced bad FPS, create a character on a populated server and travel to imperial / republic fleet and tell me the game is utilizing +80% GPU -.-

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If playing TOR, which uses a dated, *** ugly pisspoor engine, strains your machine and you hear fans picking up...lordy lordy thats one crappy PC.


I love the gameplay, story, etc. But the graphics? are poor and far from straining on a decent PC.


What a vague and useless comment.


You guys arent helping. At all.



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If playing TOR, which uses a dated, *** ugly pisspoor engine strains your machine and you hear fans picking up...lordy lordy thats one crappy PC.


My fans max their RPMs just about as soon as TOR starts, and my PC is not "crappy." Again, the game has problems. For everyone? No. There are many who are fortunate and don't experience issues. Others, however, do...which is normal for a newly released game and must be remedied by the developers (and I hope BW will do so as well). Telling people there isn't a problem just because you're lucky to not experience said problem is not helping anyone and only clogs up threads with people trying to provide info and seek solutions.

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