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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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This is precisely why Bioware should not kneejerk and add a tool now.


The game is less than a month old. There is no level 50 population yet to speak of, and the majority of people are out doing quests in their own little bubble.


People are manufacturing a problem that doesn't exist to force their agenda, which is to make the game as close to WoW as possible, or completely into it.


I truly hope Bioware sticks to their own convictions and does not develop on the whim of forum complainers.


Bioware said 'try spamming chat if you don't like it we'll change it'


The hard core players who play many hours at a time are 50 and don't like it. You think the casual players who play 1-2 hours a day are going to enjoy slamming chat during their only play time? It's not a kneejerk, they tried it, it's failing.

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You are talking about a single player game because you have an expectation you should be able to access any of the content at any time.


This is not the case in a multiplayer game. Your ability to do so depends on other players and therefore you have absolutely no entitlement. If you DID then the devs would be required to make all content solo-able.



Yes it does depend on other players. Thanks for making my point. In order to access the content I pay for I need an effective way to group with other players.

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I'm actually a compulsive alt roller. I really don't care much for endgame content. While leveling whichever alt strikes my fancy, I just want to be able to queue for whatever instances are available for my level. No fuss, no muss, no spamming some stupid chat.


And then, yes, I'd like to be zoned in and good to go, but I can live with hoofing it there instead. It's just a nice break from pvp and pve soloing and I don't see what the problem with it is.


Someone also mentioned that two tiers of difficulty depending on whether someone pugs or joins with their guild is possible, but I'd prefer one tier of difficulty and letting us puggers learn the hard way. I don't like easymode content anymore than raiding guilds do. It just happens I don't care to join a raiding guild because I don't really like most of you guys, either. Sorry!


You want a lobby game.


I have a big problem with you trying to change a game I think is working just fine into a lobby game.

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You want a lobby game.


I have a big problem with you trying to change a game I think is working just fine into a lobby game.



Wrong. I want to play with other people without having to join a guild and without spamming chat and other pointless inconveniences. In other words, I want a faster, easier way to participate in group content, which, by the way, builds community.


I want to tank and heal for other players and hang out and chat and re queue over and over when I find a good bunch to pal around with and then I'll add them to my friends list so we can play together again in the future.

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Yes it does depend on other players. Thanks for making my point. In order to access the content I pay for I need an effective way to group with other players.


That still fails to show how you are entitled to anything other than to compete in the game. Period. That's all your fifteen dollars buys you.


Should bioware make all content do-able solo because there might not be a group available during the hours you play?


No... That's foolish, it is a game, it has rules, it has standards, without that it just degenerates.


You pay for your chance to play the game that is all. If it isn't a service you enjoy, stop paying for it and choose one that does meet your needs. Like WoW. Please do not force me to play the game you want to play because you have to turn my game into what YOU want.

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Tell the truth. This is really all about you and your guildmates having gear no one else has, isn't it?


LMAO!!! I've already vendored gear that you probably won't even see for a month. I don't care what gear you get. I even offered to give a guy a purple a day if he would **** and stop trying to dumb down the game.


You want to make everything faceroll because YOU care about the purple shinys.


For me, gear is just a means to complete content.


For instance finder people, the content is just a means to get your hands on "teh awesome epix".


If Bioware gave you all a crew skill called "Epics" and you could send out C2-N2 to get your purples, would you finally be happy then...?


Or will you still be mad that I had a slight bit better gear than you because I spent hours on end in the raid content..?

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I agree with the original post, a group finder tool is not needed. There are always plenty of people nearby who are happy to come help me when I need a group quest done. And I'm not even on a high population server.
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Wrong. I want to play with other people without having to join a guild and without spamming chat and other pointless inconveniences. In other words, I want a faster, easier way to participate in group content, which, by the way, builds community.


I want to tank and heal for other players and hang out and chat and re queue over and over when I find a good bunch to pal around with and then I'll add them to my friends list so we can play together again in the future.


You can do all that now. The WoW model destroys this outright.


It's an observable fact.


Doing the same thing over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

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The ONLY reason that Blizzard nerfed the heroic modes right after the Cata release was BECAUSE SO MANY PEOPLE FROM THE TOOL WERE FAILING IT AND CRYING ABOUT IT.


People were failing at and complaining about content looooonnngggg before lfd, though. If anything, it had to do with the 30% buff in ICC that people became used to and the massive gear inflation people experienced at the end of Wrath. Come ICC, I could heal through just about anything in heroics. Then comes Cata's heroics with a huge ramp up in difficulty. With or without lfd, people would've complained.

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LMAO!!! I've already vendored gear that you probably won't even see for a month. I don't care what gear you get. I even offered to give a guy a purple a day if he would **** and stop trying to dumb down the game.


You want to make everything faceroll because YOU care about the purple shinys.


For me, gear is just a means to complete content.


For instance finder people, the content is just a means to get your hands on "teh awesome epix".


If Bioware gave you all a crew skill called "Epics" and you could send out C2-N2 to get your purples, would you finally be happy then...?


Or will you still be mad that I had a slight bit better gear than you because I spent hours on end in the raid content..?


I don't care about slightly better raid gear as long as pvp gear is equivalent, and in fact I'm not even interested in endgame pve, I prefer endgame pvp and the gear that goes with it.


So if you don't care about gear and I don't care about gear, that's fine. I also don't care to see content dumbed down for me, I like a challenge.


On the other hand, I hate unnecessary inconveniences and no, I have no interest in joining a guild, either.

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I'm actually a compulsive alt roller. I really don't care much for endgame content. While leveling whichever alt strikes my fancy, I just want to be able to queue for whatever instances are available for my level. No fuss, no muss, no spamming some stupid chat.


And then, yes, I'd like to be zoned in and good to go, but I can live with hoofing it there instead. It's just a nice break from pvp and pve soloing and I don't see what the problem with it is.


Someone also mentioned that two tiers of difficulty depending on whether someone pugs or joins with their guild is possible, but I'd prefer one tier of difficulty and letting us puggers learn the hard way. I don't like easymode content anymore than raiding guilds do. It just happens I don't care to join a raiding guild because I don't really like most of you guys, either. Sorry!


I'm actually quite fine with an instance finder for pre-50 content, and I've said that many times. I think it would be good for the game.


But not for hardmodes.

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Wrong. I want to play with other people without having to join a guild and without spamming chat and other pointless inconveniences. In other words, I want a faster, easier way to participate in group content, which, by the way, builds community.


I want to tank and heal for other players and hang out and chat and re queue over and over when I find a good bunch to pal around with and then I'll add them to my friends list so we can play together again in the future.


That's the problem... You don't really want to play with other people. You don't want to join a guild or meet anyone. They're a mere means to an end.


You want to play with other people without actually interacting with them.


Go play a solo game!

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You can do all that now. The WoW model destroys this outright.


It's an observable fact.


Doing the same thing over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.


You guys are basically going in circles with this argument. You are telling everyone to either join a guild or put up with the silly inconvenience of spamming chat.


Many of us are saying no thank you and no way.


Does that pretty much sum up the debate?

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You want to make everything faceroll because YOU care about the purple shinys.


For me, gear is just a means to complete content.


For instance finder people, the content is just a means to get your hands on "teh awesome epix".


I'm an instance finder person, and I could care less about the epics. I'd simply like to see a better tool than what's available in order to fasciliate finding groups. When I want to find a group, I don't want my best option to be sitting around in fleet general. It has nothing to do with purples.

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You guys are basically going in circles with this argument. You are telling everyone to either join a guild or put up with the silly inconvenience of spamming chat.


Many of us are saying no thank you and no way.


Does that pretty much sum up the debate?


No, critical difference.


You are saying no, change the game drastically to suit my needs and to hell with what you think, because I don't believe what you are saying anyway. So to hell with that, give me what I want.

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Where did I say I was exempt from the requirements? All I want is an effective way to group with other people. I am entitled to the content as a paying customer. It is up to me to meet the requirements of the particular encounter. I never mentioned skipping the requirements. Finding a group should in no way be a gate to content. My LFG need is for pre 50 content. I do not know how easy or hard it is to find groups at end game. This is not about gear, I don't know why you keep bringing that up. As long as players meet the requirements they should have a method to access all content. You don't deserve to have epic gear all to yourself. Please stop with the elitist attitude.




MMOs are social games. Finding a group to do group content IS a part of that.

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You can do all that now. The WoW model destroys this outright.


It's an observable fact.


An observable correlation does not make it a fact. Otherwise, by looking at WoW one could factually say that difficult content = less subscribers. See why hasty inferences are bad?

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No, critical difference.


You are saying no, change the game drastically to suit my needs and to hell with what you think, because I don't believe what you are saying anyway. So to hell with that, give me what I want.


Pretty much. This game does not suit my pve grouping needs. And as for those who say I don't really want to interact with others, if that were true, I'd level to 50 solo (which is easy enough) then pvp for gear. The pvp gear is quite good if one has enough time to pvp, and I do. Plus I get plenty of credits from it. So actually, when I ask for a lfg tool, I'm asking solely for the purpose of being social.

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I'm an instance finder person, and I could care less about the epics. I'd simply like to see a better tool than what's available in order to fasciliate finding groups. When I want to find a group, I don't want my best option to be sitting around in fleet general. It has nothing to do with purples.


NOBODY's best option is to sit around in general.


If all these people spent as much time making friends in the game as they spend here on the forums crying about how they can't get groups, then they would have more than enough friends to do group content for the rest of the lifetime of this game.

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NOBODY's best option is to sit around in general.


If all these people spent as much time making friends in the game as they spend here on the forums crying about how they can't get groups, then they would have more than enough friends to do group content for the rest of the lifetime of this game.


I'd rather meet lots of players randomly than collect a relatively small group of people through an inefficient method. This is an MMO, not facebook.

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An observable correlation does not make it a fact. Otherwise, by looking at WoW one could factually say that difficult content = less subscribers. See why hasty inferences are bad?


There is nothing hasty about it. And it is not just some simple correlation.


It is clear as day.


Four random strangers thrown together cannot effectively tackle the same level of content as a coordinated team. If you make throwing four random strangers together the focal point of the model, the content MUST suffer in quality to support this.


It couldn't be any more obvious.

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That still fails to show how you are entitled to anything other than to compete in the game. Period. That's all your fifteen dollars buys you.


Should bioware make all content do-able solo because there might not be a group available during the hours you play?


No... That's foolish, it is a game, it has rules, it has standards, without that it just degenerates.


You pay for your chance to play the game that is all. If it isn't a service you enjoy, stop paying for it and choose one that does meet your needs. Like WoW. Please do not force me to play the game you want to play because you have to turn my game into what YOU want.


That is a terrible argument. What service in the world is based on chance? Your car is broke? Cool pay me and I may fix it or you might get it back broken. You want to order food? Cool pay up front may've I'll serve it. No pay for chance service works except lottery and casinos and it least in those you get to participate when you lose money. You're deck means 'pay to play' but I give you no ticket so you have no chance to win. Most people arguing for lfg in this thread don't want 'eazy purples' they want to see content. I don't want purples handed to me if it means I sit in town all day and do nothing. This argument is about access to content hard or easy. He'll let's make the game a better game of chance. Someday we'll let you log in, some days you'll be denied access. Same situation if you are denied access to content your denied access to game. Let's make your game not work 50% of the time and see if you are happy with the game.

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There is nothing hasty about it. And it is not just some simple correlation.


It is clear as day.


Four random strangers thrown together cannot effectively tackle the same level of content as a coordinated team. If you make throwing four random strangers together the focal point of the model, the content MUST suffer in quality to support this.


It couldn't be any more obvious.


And someone already mentioned that it's possible to dumb down pug content while letting others play the content as it is.


Now, I don't care for this idea, I'd much rather suffer a high failure rate.


But I notice none of the people arguing about content difficulty has addressed this possibility.

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Don't you get it..?


The ONLY reason that Blizzard nerfed the heroic modes right after the Cata release was BECAUSE SO MANY PEOPLE FROM THE TOOL WERE FAILING IT AND CRYING ABOUT IT.


You can't drop people in a random group and expect them to complete harder content.


They were seeing the content just fine. They just weren't WINNING IT.


Dumbing down the content doesn't make it more accessible... It just makes it easier to beat.


So you're saying the people were able to see the content and fail at it prior to the tool.


So how would the tool increase their complaints if they were already seeing the content?


An LFG tool will happen in SWTOR beacuse it gets more people into content they weren't in before.

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