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LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.

Edited by Thamelas
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I never understood people that drop out of the group after dying...that just seems stupid to me. Pretty sure what groups are supposed to do after a defeat is regroup, and try to formulate a better strategy...not just find a new group, and run in guns blazing again with absolutely no strategy what so ever...so counterproductive!


I think what we really need is a smarter, patient, more strategic community...also I'm pretty sure that's never going to happen...things will probably just continue to get worse.

Edited by Lavargian
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WoW community was dead BEFORE lfg tool- lfg tool had nothing to do with it- your view is skewered!


lfg is NEEDED in this game due to heavy instancing of EVERYTHING


LFG tool is not needed -_- I have no issue finding groups for anything.

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WoW community was dead BEFORE lfg tool- lfg tool had nothing to do with it- your view is skewered!


lfg is NEEDED in this game due to heavy instancing of EVERYTHING


i never had ANY problem whatsoever to find a group for something, start asking people and stop beeing lazy

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It is needed. When Fleet has 30 people in it, I am not sitting in there with my thumb in you know where for an hour waiting on someone to log in, spamming over and over. I want to que LFG for Esseles, head to Corrusant and start questing. When I get a popup, I can go experience that content....
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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


I completely disagree and heres why.

In every game Ive ever played there was at the very least a LFG global channel. In SWTOR nothing. I found exactly 2 groups for heroics specific to planets and exactly ZERO pugs for flashpoints while leveling to 50. Why? Because there isnt the very least a LFG global channel. Im not going to stop leveling and go sit on the fleet spamming for groups while I could be out questing and leveling. Just not gonna happen. Its boring and non efficient. If there was a LFG global channel that might have changed my experience 1-50. My 1-50 experience sucked except for the guild flashpoint runs I got to do. I like to pug as well and that didnt happen because it was very inaccessbile. and I am a healer no less. I also flagged myself with LFG comment and got nothing 1 to 50. At the very least a global channel would do wonders.

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It is needed. When Fleet has 30 people in it, I am not sitting in there with my thumb in you know where for an hour waiting on someone to log in, spamming over and over. I want to que LFG for Esseles, head to Corrusant and start questing. When I get a popup, I can go experience that content....


Join a guild?

Make some friends in the real world that you can play SWTOR with?


That way you don't have to sit around waiting for some random person to group with.

Simple solution to a simple problem.

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I love these replies. "I don't have issues so it's obviously you..." What if the person plays at off peak hours? "Get a guild" is another cop-out. I said it once and I'll say it again. If WOW didn't do the dungeon finder, then half these nay-sayers would be praising it. I'm sorry your group broke up on one bad pull, but if that's not happening every single group you got....
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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group.


People always left groups after wipe. LFG just made it easier to get another group afterwards. You have a skewered view of what it was really like.

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Please stop with the "join a guild" spam.


I had my fill of guilds in EQ/DAOC and just want to run some 4man instances.


a tool is needed, there should be no guild requirement to experience a 30minute 4man instance.


Like it was said before, because there is a tool doesnt mean you have to use it. Use your uber guild, and I will use the tool.


My server is extremely empty even though it was labelled STANDARD, no one is ever online.

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Spamming a chat channel is not efficient, it's boring, lame, and slow you can spam it for 30 minutes trying to find a group for something and then 5 minutes after you stop someone else comes along and finally wants to do it but by that time you are afk, have logged off, or are busy with something else. People like to talk about how the LFG tool killed the WoW community, the truth is the community killed itself long before that.
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WoW community was dead BEFORE lfg tool- lfg tool had nothing to do with it- your view is skewered!


lfg is NEEDED in this game due to heavy instancing of EVERYTHING



LFG is not needed. LFG is something you add to a game to try and put a little life back when a game has become dead. SWTOR is 3 weeks old, it far to early to be thinking about LFG

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I would not say no to a LFG tool , But i would hope they would try Server only LFG first, If its needed then Cross realm. But sadly i think PVP needs it own brackets on every level and cross realm groups to sustain the level brackets, FP wise , I would prefer server only. :D
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Nobody uses the LFG flag whatsoever, and this is not an exaggeration.


I haven't seen one other person flagged, EVER outside of the Imperial Fleet.


I have had to forego every single heroic mission past level 40, because not a single other person does them. Trust me, I looked. I looked the entire time I was on each of these planets, everything past Hoth.


The response I always get is that groups are too hard to put together.

Edited by ryanvward
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LFG is not needed. LFG is something you add to a game to try and put a little life back when a game has become dead. SWTOR is 3 weeks old, it far to early to be thinking about LFG


Which is why WoW added it when they were probably at the peak of their subscription base.

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The dungeon finder was a massive degradation to the feeling of community. I hope bioware sees this.


The solution I would like the most is a server wide /lfg channel. Bioware seems really keen on their flagging system, but it is just too much of a light weight effort.


There has to be something in between the faceless-ness of the dungeon finder and the chaos of chat spam.

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The dungeon finder was a massive degradation to the feeling of community. I hope bioware sees this.


The solution I would like the most is a server wide /lfg channel. Bioware seems really keen on their flagging system, but it is just too much of a light weight effort.


There has to be something in between the faceless-ness of the dungeon finder and the chaos of chat spam.


I don't care what the solution is, as long as it's some kind of improvement to this flagging system we have now.

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A LFG channel might be a good idea.


I suppose I feel like LFG tools just kind of hand people everything. Maybe you aren't a good player? Why should all the lazy players just get to breeze through content. I feel like a lot of people just want other people to carry them to loot.

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