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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

And here is my few reasons to quit (yeah, yeah, another one thread)


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Great for you! I don't have the money to support a game in such a state and competition on the market is fierce. Keep in mind most of the people posting "crap" are just players as concerned about this game as you but with different budgets or different expectations for the game itself.


Then they should post less and work more, especially if thats the only way they can express themselves. If your obviously unhappy and unwilling to wait and see then I suggest trying out another game in this "fierce" market, if its in your budget that is.

Edited by Aniaden
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Great for you! I don't have the money to support a game in such a state and competition on the market is fierce. Keep in mind most of the people posting "crap" are just players as concerned about this game as you but with different budgets or different expectations for the game itself.


Really?? $15.00 a month is such a budget concern for you??

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OP please. Here ARE my few reasons......




Thank you for correcting me english! Im Nanja Ibico, exchange student from Cameroon! © Trading places

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Then they should post less and work more, especially if thats the only way they can express themselves. If your obviously unhappy and unwilling to wait and see then I suggest trying out another game in this "fierce" market, if its in your budget that is.

I live in a place where having a job is being considered lucky. Government actively destroys any free market here.

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I don't understand the people who come on here to cry about the lack of PvP in MMOs. PvPing in MMOs is often a joke anyways. The disparity in quality of gear (or class composition in team matches) determines the winner/loser of a match about as often as individual physical skills such as hand-eye coordination or reflex. Want to PvP on relatively equal playing field to determine your true worth? There is the Battlefield or Call of Duty series of FPS.


Too often MMO PvP (especially those with open world PvP) simply devolves into clowns stroking their e-peen by ganking lowbies or griefing others. Sorry but I'd rather save my peen for real life where it gets some real, high quality, fun.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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In a matter of weeks most people will be level 50, so PvP will improve and you will here the opposite QQ thread, 'Im level 10 and no one wants to PvP'.


yes, there are people LFG, but I have never seen anyone wait all day, but I know if you go to the Fleet or enterance to a heroic you have a better chance of getting a team, rather than you be bimbling about elsewhere. Teams get fed up when they recruit a member and find he/she is 30 minutes away and seems not to show any interest in turning up


also find a guild, a lot of people wont pug

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I don't understand the people who come on here to cry about the lack of PVP in MMOs. PVPing in MMOs is often a joke anyways. The disparity in quality of gear (or class composition in team matches) determines the winner/loser of a match about as often as actual physical skills such as hand-eye coordination or reflex. Want to PVP on relatively equal playing field? There is the Battlefield or Call of Duty series of FPS. Too often MMO PVP simply devolves into clowns stroking their e-peen. Sorry but I'd rather save my peen for rl where it gets some real, high quality, fun.


Sure you have a point to some degree, but pvp in mmos is more complicated and strategic (you have **** ton timed abilities and cc) as compared to fps and that to me at least translates in getting more fun out of it when game is done properly.

Edited by tehehe
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Really?? $15.00 a month is such a budget concern for you??

15 dollars is one fee of many fee adults have to pay each month in order to feed and clothe you, sorry money does not grow on trees and even if I could afford to throw away your allowance on the same 1 game every month I wont when it is broken and CS is terrible and no fixes/overhaul is on the horizon compelling me to stick around. By the time they could have fixed it, 3 months? I will be playing diablo 3 and or guild wars 2 etc.



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1. I like to PVP. I play MMORPG to play with/fight vs real people. Im not interested in single playing part of the game, how wonderful it is/might be.

In SWTOR, just for me, PVP is totally broken. Ive never seen such a ******** model of MMORPG where lvl 10 fighting vs full pvp geared lvl 50. Yeah i know 1.1 incoming. And? Now lvl 10 will fight vs lvl 49? Its not just gear, its amount of skills lvl 49 got and point in skill tree.

2. I like instances. With no LFG tool this part of SWTOR is broken for me too. Why? Because once i was spamming "LFG for X FP" for WHOLE DAY! Yes! Im playing on Frostclaw (very heavy, full server) and i couldnt find a tank FOR A WHOLE DAY! And i keep spamming chat for HOURS everytime i want to go to FP. Its jusy not acceptable for me in 2012.


These are two major reasons.


P.S. No, i will not go back to WoW till pandas.

P.P.S. No, you cant have my stuff.

P.P.P.S. Yes, i know you wont not miss me.


I'm guessing you have the same attitude ingame as you do here on the forum, if that is the case then I know why you won't get a group for flashpoints (hint: my ignorelist is full of killstealers/objectivestealers, ninjas, escaped forum trolls and obnoxious people who won't get access to any group I tank or heal for)

Edited by WereMops
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I just don't get these things. I so many of them the issues are they want things are are widely available in other games. I'm not going to say "go back to (insert other game name here)" but seriously, if another game has all the features you want, and this one doesn't, why aren't you playing it? Not being rude, or facetious, I would genuinely love someone to answer this question. Game A has all the feature you want, and Game B doesn't. Yet you stand around complaining that Game B doesn't have them instead of playing Game A. Will someone please explain this to me?
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I just don't get these things. I so many of them the issues are they want things are are widely available in other games. I'm not going to say "go back to (insert other game name here)" but seriously, if another game has all the features you want, and this one doesn't, why aren't you playing it? Not being rude, or facetious, I would genuinely love someone to answer this question. Game A has all the feature you want, and Game B doesn't. Yet you stand around complaining that Game B doesn't have them instead of playing Game A. Will someone please explain this to me?


lightsabres and wookies

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The PvP isn't broken at all. I suggest you work on your attitude about it, that is probably what is wrong.


Trust me I played Meridian 59. The PvP was brutal, and continues to be to this day. Nothing will compare to the thrill of winning on Meridian. The PvP on The Old Republic is pretty fun though.


Put simply if you are a heavy hitter in the PvP world, you will do well on the Old Republic. Once they flesh out the PvP aspect with new warzones and more open world PVP it will be so much fun.

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