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takes place 3000 years BEFORE Star Wars?


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lol good stuff..i laughed out loud because i know what youre talking about..im not gonna comment on the actual topic..no sense in it but i'm a 36 yo star wars and star trek fan and i'm not about to attach reality to either one ..haha no way..i wonder why the future future star trek people with the temporal prime directive never stopped Kirk and the gang from getting those hump back whales.. ah anyway it was prob a good thing to break the rules that time .. "Captain ! there be whales here !"


Loved how when DS9 went back in time to the Orginal Kirk Tribble episode they sort of bi passed how the Klingons looked different.

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between SWTOR and episode1 Empire and Republic wouldve had war that would have decimated Empire and reduced amount of siths to only a handful.


I imagine our world would be back in tribal era if Cold war wouldve went from chest thumping to real war.

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Yes, but stuff like advances in metallurgy, better navigation, etc. isn't as visible as the big stuff, like going from first flight to space flight in what? 60 years?


I'm sure they're are stronger blasters, faster ships, and better food during the OT then in the ToR Era... but they're not exactly something that's easily recognizable.



Navigation was nothing more than advanced geometry. It was basically technology created by the greeks 2000 years before. It just had no practical use because ships couldn't stay out at sea for too long.


Christopher Columbus's actual calculations and such were so appalling it was ridiculous. He did stuff like try and calculation the curvature of the earth without calculus.

Edited by GeoLager
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so what?


You're compairing a plateued tech to tech that is still advancing.

Besides, by the time we get to the movies a lot of technological progress have been lost due to stagnation/peace. From tpm to rotj technology advance quite a lot in the military fields, Death Stars, galaxy guns, sun crushers...


i tell you what..if i were a bad guy in the emp. strikes back i woulda been getting me another death star but i also woulda been making me a 3000 yo space station that shoots asteroids..that crap was cool..but then like i read in the legacy of the force series if i were a good guy say a jedi i woulda figured out how to use the force to push super star destoryer class vessels into each other :p ever more awesome

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lol good stuff..i laughed out loud because i know what youre talking about..im not gonna comment on the actual topic..no sense in it but i'm a 36 yo star wars and star trek fan and i'm not about to attach reality to either one ..haha no way..i wonder why the future future star trek people with the temporal prime directive never stopped Kirk and the gang from getting those hump back whales.. ah anyway it was prob a good thing to break the rules that time .. "Captain ! there be whales here !"


It's cause Star Trek screwed up quantum physics and time traveling. They corrected it in the latest Star Trek movie.

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Loved how when DS9 went back in time to the Orginal Kirk Tribble episode they sort of bi passed how the Klingons looked different.


They finally explained it in Enterprise.


Klingons discovered embryos of Earth's old Eugenics programs (Khan and the like) and the Klingons tried to make their own.


They messed up and most Klingons got infected with a disease.


Either the disease, or the cure (can't remember) caused them to start looking like humans since they'd used human DNA in their own Eugenics programs.

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Untrue. The Millenium Falcon can travel .5 past light speed. And could even do the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs, if you can believe it.


That bit has ALWAYS annoyed the hell out of me...


A parsec is a measure of distance (approx 3.26 LY), not speed. And 0.5 WHAT past light speed? Seeing as at light speed it'd take 4 years to get to the nearest star to us....


Lucas is an idiot.

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That bit has ALWAYS annoyed the hell out of me...


A parsec is a measure of distance (approx 3.26 LY), not speed. And 0.5 WHAT past light speed? Seeing as at light speed it'd take 4 years to get to the nearest star to us....


Lucas is an idiot.


WIZARDS IN SPACE with swords made of light and you're complaining about improper units?

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That bit has ALWAYS annoyed the hell out of me...


A parsec is a measure of distance (approx 3.26 LY), not speed. And 0.5 WHAT past light speed? Seeing as at light speed it'd take 4 years to get to the nearest star to us....


Lucas is an idiot.


and you cannot hear sound in the vacuum of space :p so no pew pew

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WIZARDS IN SPACE with swords made of light and you're complaining about improper units?


There are two types of sci-fi fans.


One's who actually understand science and expect the movie/tv show/book to, at least, stick to facts when dealing with facts.


And one's who don't actually understand science.


Lightsabers and the force aren't real science, so they can make stuff up with no complaints.


But when they're dealing with real science, there's no reason not to get your facts right.

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My favorite is when you have to burn the body and the character pulls out a biblical times torch instead of a more tecnological type LOL


hahah ^^ this right here..thats great but its 2012 in our universe and i always keep my torch handy.. never know when we need to form a posse and hang a man or get together a lynch mob and go back to Frankensteins castle cuz he made another monster..or yeah burn a body..happens all the time

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Which just backs up the argument even more...


So instead of doing the kessel run in (for sake of argument) 18 miles, "The Falcon" could do it in just under 12 miles.... he wasn't going FASTER he took a SHORTER route. And to clairfy Light Year is also measure of distance: how far light travels in the course of 1 Julian year in a vacuum.


So we both start a 20 mile run from the same spot. There is an electrified fence at the 10 mile marker, but the end of the race is 1 mile on the other side. You decide to go around the fence, thus making your total run 20 miles. I decide to jump over the fence cause I know I can clear it with plenty of room to spare. So my run just went from 20 miles, to 11 miles. So while it might SEEM I've run faster than you, in fact, I just took a shorter route.


That actually doesn't make sense.

That's like saying "Instead of running the Boston Marathon in 26.2 miles, I did it in 10!"

The assumption is that the Kessle run is a specific route/distance. If you do it in a shorter distance you're not doing the same run, hence you can't measure the success of it in terms of length.

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hahah ^^ this right here..thats great but its 2012 in our universe and i always keep my torch handy.. never know when we need to form a posse and hang a man or get together a lynch mob and go back to Frankensteins castle cuz he made another monster..or yeah burn a body..happens all the time


you dont live in scotland do you?

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I'm a firm believer, that if the universe ever reached the level of technology that is portrayed in the game, there would be a plateau. And in the case of the game and the way the storylines work, 3000 years isn't that long of a time frame.


Yes, I realize Earth's technology has changed DRASTICALLY over the past 3000 years, but we are one planet. With a universe, I do think it would slow way down at some point.


There would never be a plateau, especially in a Star WARS universe. Most of our techology has only advanced so quickly because of war. It pushes us to be better than our competition and it will never change. Even if you have a planet sized space station, your enemy would strive to have an advantage over it. Technology will always continue to advance. It will slow down once you reach some point, yes, but it will never just stop advancing.


With that said, it could be that like you said 3000 years just isn't a long time period in terms of technology... especially with the lasting peace that does ensue after the period we are playing in. I'm not exactly the biggest lore nerd when it comes to Star Wars, but I do know that the Sith eventually do lose.

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That actually doesn't make sense.

That's like saying "Instead of running the Boston Marathon in 26.2 miles, I did it in 10!"

The assumption is that the Kessle run is a specific route/distance. If you do it in a shorter distance you're not doing the same run, hence you can't measure the success of it in terms of length.


bit like



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Loved how when DS9 went back in time to the Orginal Kirk Tribble episode they sort of bi passed how the Klingons looked different.


haha yeah yeah..i mean anyone can make a forum to pull apart any sci fi series..but it makes for an enjoyable read..and back to the warp 10 comment which was dead on..ST Voyager told you that warp 10 means you are everywhere in the universe at the same time and become all species for some odd thing..haha but wont necessarily take you back to sector 001..i dunno

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There would never be a plateau, especially in a Star WARS universe. Most of our techology has only advanced so quickly because of war. It pushes us to be better than our competition and it will never change. Even if you have a planet sized space station, your enemy would strive to have an advantage over it. Technology will always continue to advance. It will slow down once you reach some point, yes, but it will never just stop advancing.


With that said, it could be that like you said 3000 years just isn't a long time period in terms of technology... especially with the lasting peace that does ensue after the period we are playing in. I'm not exactly the biggest lore nerd when it comes to Star Wars, but I do know that the Sith eventually do lose.


Well, there is one point where technology can't grow:


The point where we've exploited every type of physics.


For example, let's say we never discover anything more efficient than fusion. We've yet to find anything in the universe better than fusion, so let's, for arguments sake, assume fusion is it.


So once we perfect fusion, than power production technology is "done".


So there are limits to how far technology can grow.

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It's cause Star Trek screwed up quantum physics and time traveling. They corrected it in the latest Star Trek movie.


i dont know about correcting fiction but i did like how the last star trek movie threw a monkey wrench in everything before it.. honestly great idea, makes for more of not the same. the entire movie to my suprise was totally unexpected..heh and in the future future of star trek if a mining ship comes back in time its a good idea to not approach it haha its weakest weps are worse than your strongest ones.

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Well, there is one point where technology can't grow:


The point where we've exploited every type of physics.


For example, let's say we never discover anything more efficient than fusion. We've yet to find anything in the universe better than fusion, so let's, for arguments sake, assume fusion is it.


So once we perfect fusion, than power production technology is "done".


So there are limits to how far technology can grow.


well they hadnt reached that because their holograms were rubbish, mono colour and pretty bad signal. Thats an area Steve Jobs could have improved.

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They finally explained it in Enterprise.


Klingons discovered embryos of Earth's old Eugenics programs (Khan and the like) and the Klingons tried to make their own.


They messed up and most Klingons got infected with a disease.


Either the disease, or the cure (can't remember) caused them to start looking like humans since they'd used human DNA in their own Eugenics programs.


i remember that too i just couldnt remember what series it was that explained it.

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well they hadnt reached that because their holograms were rubbish, mono colour and pretty bad signal. Thats an area Steve Jobs could have improved.


Aw, but you forget those holograms are being transmitted instantly across an entire galaxy.


It could be literally a limitation any communication system that has to send info that far.


And even if you say they could do better holograms, that doesn't mean they could do better ships or weapons.


Maybe turbo lasers are the best that can be made. Many no other weapon technology is superior.


It's like Warhammer 40k. Half the technology in WH40k is so advanced the people using it don't even quite know how it works, and who would try to invent new weapons when you already have weapons that can wipe out solar systems in one shot?


Why invent new forms of FTL travel when nothing will be faster than traveling through the warp?


Why invent new communication technology when you have psykers?


Necessity is the mother of invention, so when you eliminate necessity, you severely limit innovation.

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Aw, but you forget those holograms are being transmitted instantly across an entire galaxy.


It could be literally a limitation any communication system that has to send info that far.


And even if you say they could do better holograms, that doesn't mean they could do better ships or weapons.


Maybe turbo lasers are the best that can be made. Many no other weapon technology is superior.


It's like Warhammer 40k. Half the technology in WH40k is so advanced the people using it don't even quite know how it works, and who would try to invent new weapons when you already have weapons that can wipe out solar systems in one shot?


Why invent new forms of FTL travel when nothing will be faster than traveling through the warp?


Why invent new communication technology when you have psykers?


Necessity is the mother of invention, so when you eliminate necessity, you severely limit innovation.




Ok they might not be able to improve holograms, but surely their design of death stars could be improved, i mean you make a passageway large enough to fly a space ship down and at the end is a vital single point of failure that wipes you all out.


just a few metal gates would have been an improvement on that...

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