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Rolling need for your companion


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"Enjoy it while it lasts", is the remainder of what I have to say about this topic. This is one oversight that BW is bound to fix, and you will only have yourselves to blame for it, because you put AIs above the MAINS of other players who are in the FP with you. It's that simple. If you claim that you don't care, that's fine, but don't claim that it's some sort of accepted societal norm, or you will be laughed at. :)


You just don't get it. Your companion IS YOUR MAIN!


Really, if you hate this so much, take it up with Bioware. Hating on other players for playing the game AS INTENDED is selfish and lacks understanding of the big picture.

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As soon as you begin acting like a moron in a group! You can count on it!


Did you understand the question? Because your answer has nothing to do with what I asked.


I'll try again...


When can we expect all these so-called ninjas who need on everything to be unable to find groups because of social blacklisting?

Edited by Caelrie
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Yet another thread about this?


OK, if you insist.


Roll however you want on whatever you want. You fought for it and have as much right to it as anyone else. What you do with it once once you get it is your business and no one else has anything to say about it.


Attitudes like this are why this thread keeps coming up.


If I fought for it and have as much right to it as the next person, why need/greed at all? Why not just have one roll? :mad:

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Ah I see! So since I have several companions of every archetype, I may as well roll need on absolutely everything I see, since it will improve one of them at least.


Hell, I'll roll need even if it doesn't improve them, because I can vendor the item for credits, which in turn I can use to purchase more upgradeable items for my overall character. Because really, the point of running instances is to improve my overall character right?




You're talking about loot ninjas. I'm talking about gearing out your character. Get on the same page.

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Did you understand the question? Because your answer has nothing to do with what I asked.


I'll try again...


When can we expect all these so-called ninjas who need on everything to be unable to find groups because of social blacklisting?


Ninja looting is wrong, and if you refuse to communicate with people you will be socially blacklisted by the community. These ninjas are playing within closed communities. Once they develop a reputation for themselves at level 50, it's going to stick. The end-game community is not as clueless as you would like to believe.

Edited by ApolloAtlantis
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Don't make me explain this to you a second time, kiddo. These ninjas are playing within closed communities. Once they develop a reputation for themselves at level 50, it's going to stick. The end-game community is not as clueless as you would like to believe.


Got any proof this actually happens, rather than just a load of insults? This thread seems to be proof that it DOESN'T happen.

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Don't make me explain this to you a second time, kiddo. These ninjas are playing within closed communities. Once they develop a reputation for themselves at level 50, it's going to stick. The end-game community is not as clueless as you would like to believe.


This is quite true ^^

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Got any proof this actually happens, rather than just a load of insults? This thread seems to be proof that it DOESN'T happen.


This thread is proof of EVERYTHING and NOTHING. Get it?


I can tell you are an MMO noob so I wont bother.

Edited by Aisar
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Got any proof this actually happens, rather than just a load of insults? This thread seems to be proof that it DOESN'T happen.


I've noticed (as I think you have too), that the people against rolling for alts are arguing based on emotion, with little to no logic behind their position, and like to make threats and insult people.


I feel trolled.

Edited by Marlaine
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Where's the proof that that's true? I remember people still insisting this would happen 4 years after WoW was released, and yet it never did.


You need endgame mmo experience. i cannot prove it to you. mmo noobs are clueless.

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I can tell you are an MMO noob so I wont bother.


Even if that person were an mmo noob, how does that relate to the topic at hand? Name me one mainstream mmo that has fully gearable companions. Just one.


The point is that no other mainstream mmo has this kind of system. So to act as if your prior experience in a mmo makes you an authority on this matter is laughable.

Edited by Marlaine
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More insults instead of actual debate. Par for the course? Show me your proof.


my proof is that if you ever had a maxed toon in any mmo that matters you would never be asking this question or be concerned. you are clueless or casual or something. nothing to see here, move along.

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no you have not lol.


Your argument is that your position is self-evident. Something that's self-evident has plenty of proof to back it up.


Let's see yours. Where is your ample evidence that people get blacklisted and can't find groups? Come on, put your money where your mouth is and show us.

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I've noticed (as I think you have too), that the people against rolling for alts are arguing based on emotion, with little to no logic behind their position, and like to make threats and insult people.


I feel trolled.


Nothing emotional about it, I fail to see the logic in rolling on loot for your companion that comes from an area where you can't use your companion. Your companion didn't help the group in any way, yet you think you should be able to take the loot for it.


As I said earlier there are plenty of solo quest rewards that are companion specific. People who join group to equip companions are just flat out greedy. They abuse the groups that they join for thier own self interests.

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