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how does a dps commando play in pvp?


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You wouldn't regret the decision to play a commando, especially if you go gunnery.


Most of our damage is from a stand-still prospective, but I have no trouble in doing damage on the run ...


If an enemy begins to run, you can definitely catch him or her.


EXAMPLE: (full-auto to slow him down > sticky grenade > cyro grenade, concussive charge to slow him down again.)


Depending on the gear we can take a lot of damage, and we deal a crap load as well.


In my experience, two commando's working together are invincible.



- Convulsive, level 50 Gunnery Commando

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It's fun. I wouldn't say it stretches your ablities to the max or anything, but it's definitely fun. You don't want to get in the habit of just standing still and casting but you can give Imps a really bad day if no one forces you to move. Both Assault and Gunnery have about the same mobility. The only real difference is that Gunnery has a proc that resets the cd on Full Auto which is a 3-sec channel. More Full Autos = More standing & channeling BUT it also puts way more pressure on opposing healers.


EDIT: Cool, someone else answered while I was responding. WRT the Vanguard question, I haven't played one so I can't say from first hand knowledge but from what I've seen in WZ's they're an excellent PVP class.

Edited by Tren
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I'm a fan of the Assault tree in PVP. I find the free impact bolt (which can be shot on the run) is a great bonus from full impact or charged bolts. The slow from hammer shot and fire damage are great and not to mention the assault plastique at cap (also can be thrown on the run).


I think both are powerful, but assault has been working out really well for me. :)




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I am considering making a commando but was wondering how they play in pvp. Do you have to stand still and cast abilities or can you run around and be mobile while doing dps?


you will have trouble with opponents that are smart enough to interrupt full auto. also, mortar round deals great damage, but the casting delay is so long that most people can avoid. better to play the Empire's equivalent; commando's are borked right now -- the two highest dps abilities -- full auto and mortar round -- have unacceptable cast delays that will screw you in any competitive pvp. who knows when bioware will get around to fixing it.


assault is garbage, it cant come close to the burst from gunnery with its instant attacks.

Edited by Bluetickone
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Currently the DPS burst from the Gunnery skill will out do anything the Vanguard can put out for damage.


The shared tree focuses more on mobility, survivability, and DoTs that sheer damage.



The Vanguard specific DPS tree...I don't know, it's pretty much asking to be a melee trooper, where's the fun in that?


The Vanguard Tanking tree however...you are very valuable in defending doors in void star, preventing caps on Alderaan, and carrying the Huttball.


If you're lucky enough to group with a healer, your Taunt/Damage redirection is supreme.

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As a vanguard, you should be using your taunts even if you're DPS. If you see someone not attacking you, taunt them. You get protection points (worth medals and medals are worth commendations and valor) for doing it.


Also, I laughed at suggesting full auto to slow a target running away. They're gone by the time it begins firing. Cryo them first if you're going to do that or just chase them with hammershot and stickynade.

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As a level 14 gunnery specced commando with the orange PvP weapon and just green quest rewards, I racked up unbeatable, commando, soldier, demolisher, and two other medals in a voidstar match, coming out top in damage and medals earned.


Gunnery is a very competent spec, and against people who don't know how to counter it wrecks people. The thing to do is set up somewhere with a good view of the field that is in a relatively hard to spot position. If you're able to rain fire down on the enemy without them seeing you, you can completely **** face.

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Get up on ledges, when melees come up to you, knock them back down, then fry them as they try to come back up to you. If they do brave your barrage and get back up, knock them down again. :D Edited by Chomag
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Get up on ledges, when melees come up to you, knock them back down, then fry them as they try to come back up to you. If they do brave your barrage and get back up, knock them down again. :D


Yep thats exactly whar i do. Toss some nades, motar rounds, grav shot works awesome. We're also awesome at defending with the firing aoe (not sure whats called) just remember being dps.commando is all about finding the right place to set yourself up. Like they say a great strat is when the other person can know about but still cant so anything about it or something like that.

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Also, I laughed at suggesting full auto to slow a target running away. They're gone by the time it begins firing. Cryo them first if you're going to do that or just chase them with hammershot and stickynade.


^^THIS is why I think Assault is the better "on the run" pvp option. I burn them with incendiary round, hit them on the run with Hammer Shot (get them slowed) and then High Impact Bolt, and then I lay into them with the big hits (Assault Plastique, Full Auto, (possible free HIB), Charged Bold (another possible free HIB), rinse, repeat.


I was really handing it out last night and I'm only a 44. The 50's with expertise were still devastating, but I was holding my own and taking a few with me. :)




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