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What is the best build for PvP?


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As far as PvPing, what build gives the best results? I'm pure Carnage right now at level 30, and am really disappointing at this build. It feels really lack luster and under powered.


Should I respec Annihilation, Rage, or is there a guide I can follow?

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the best spec is the one you enjoy the most, anyone who says different is not worth listening to.



You will always be better when you have fun playing your spec.


Well, the one I have most fun, would be the one that lets me stand a chance against the other classes. Which is to say, Carnage is seriously lack luster. Thus, it isn't any fun with an underpowered build.


I don't prefer Burst, or AOE or whatever have you. I don't have a preference toward any of that - I simply want the results.

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no cookie cutters my friend. all trees have some pvp abilitys; you just have to find the one you like to play with; imo anni and rage are a bit better then carnage, tho carnage has some nice pvp snares/roots and scream hits.


with anni you just melt your apponents and get som heals off aswell, if your lucky you get a 75k healing done medal (wich is hard for us otherwise).


with rage you get big smash crits and nice aoe dmg; great for cluster f**ks around doors, turret controls, ball carriers. reduced cooldowns, and another "jump to target".


just try out a couple of specs and find one that fits your playstyle.

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Well, the one I have most fun, would be the one that lets me stand a chance against the other classes. Which is to say, Carnage is seriously lack luster. Thus, it isn't any fun with an underpowered build.


I don't prefer Burst, or AOE or whatever have you. I don't have a preference toward any of that - I simply want the results.



Get to level 40, and get end talent in one off the trees; then you will get your results. This class really shines later on trust me! i thought mara was cool pre 40, and at 40 i got my self full furious set (lvl 40 pvp set off vendor, costs about 1k comms) and went nuts!

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Im personally a big believer in carnage at the moment.


I think it has as strong of pvp dps as the other two trees except is single target (in otherwords effective damage, unlike rage which is meter padding). Its also more bursty and easier to play than anni.


One thing that hasn't gotten much talk either is the root on our healing debuff. Our one and only purpose for ever existing in wz's since all the other classes can do things equal or better than we can.


Not only does it give us a root (huge for slowing flag carriers/trapping people in hazards), but its a far more common part of our rotation and gives us more bang for your buck with the rage.


As it stands right now - if there were competitive wz's where people truly went all out to win - I think a single carnage marauder would be the only spec that got into a group. (thats not to say we can do damage and look cool on meters, but if you want to win a game, I think thats the only way to do it at an elite level).

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I play Carnage and enjoy it over the other two specs. Im not claiming its the best or the worst but i enjoy it and thats all that matters. I am always top 3 damage wise and average 6-8 medals per game. I feel im an above average player with a decent grasp on the specs and class overall.

Take my post however you will the bottom line is nobody on these forums can claim they know the best spec without combat log data. So for now choose the spec YOU like and play it.

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Before playing the game just reading the tips carnage would seem like the best pvp tree. But Rage is so *********** disgusting with it's aoe 4k crits. It's sad to me that rage does more damage aoe than carnage does in bursts.
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Having played both Carnage and Annihilation at LvL 50, I would have to go with Annihilation. The thing about Carnage is that you have to be in mele range constantly, unlike Annihilation where if you stack youre dots, you are still pumping out dmg. And with my Deadly Saber with 3 stacks criting over 1.2k a tick, those dots add up very quickly.
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Once true competitive pvp (full premades) is introduced. It's going to be go rage or go home.


You can't argue with the best burst aoe dps in the game. You also can't ignore that rage has the best passive damage mitigation of all three specs, which far outshines the self-healing of annhilation when you're playing with 2 healers.


That being said, I can't stand the playstyle of rage, but it is what it is.


Rage> Annihilation > Carnage

Edited by Sluggerface
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It depends.


Rage also has the most obvious telegraphing of any spec, and in the current client-server environment can be severely bent over with well timed CC. On the flip side, the benefit of an omega Smash + guard damage omega Smash on a tank is undeniable. Pretty sure tanks don't enjoy eating 5k damage spikes while the healer is busy healing themselves.


Especially when it's a Rage Marauder + Jugg assist train, and their tank gets spiked for 10k damage in a single global.


However, if the enemy team rotates knockbacks, which is absurdly easy given the retarded tuning of the Resolve system, the entire Rage DPS vector is nulled a lot of the time. This is where a high-contact spec like Carnage may have a place when it gets its raw damage tuned up slightly, or where Annihilation's spaminterrupt become more significant.

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It depends.


Rage also has the most obvious telegraphing of any spec, and in the current client-server environment can be severely bent over with well timed CC. On the flip side, the benefit of an omega Smash + guard damage omega Smash on a tank is undeniable. Pretty sure tanks don't enjoy eating 5k damage spikes while the healer is busy healing themselves.


Especially when it's a Rage Marauder + Jugg assist train, and their tank gets spiked for 10k damage in a single global.


However, if the enemy team rotates knockbacks, which is absurdly easy given the retarded tuning of the Resolve system, the entire Rage DPS vector is nulled a lot of the time. This is where a high-contact spec like Carnage may have a place when it gets its raw damage tuned up slightly, or where Annihilation's spaminterrupt become more significant.


roll sorc, key-bind all keys to knockback, roll face on keyboard; get tank-assin to carry ball ! 5-0; farm valor !


on a more serious note, i agree with you a smash train hurts as its a huge spike; but then again, how many wz's have we not played where 2-3 knockback classes team up and knock you into oblivion, forget getting close range then :/

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So I've been reading in threads of the Mara forums. It looks like the most re-occuring advice from people who where playing the Carnage build is to respec to Rage.


I say this, because their comments are very specific, detailed, and not just the usual "nothing is wrong with Marauders, play what you like blah blah blah." So by being very very specific in what they are saying (namely explaining that they where once Carnage, and Rage is 100% better), I can tell that those people are not the usual "I hate people who complain about anything on the internet at all." I sincerely hope people aren't defending this class because they are such optimists that nothing is ever wrong with something.



That being said, I am finding that the strongest arguments are leaning toward Rage. And although I can see some abilities like Overwhelm are probably pretty nice, the bitterness that the Rage users are expressing toward the Carnage tree are strong evidence.


Unless someone can come up with a strong argument through experience - all the evidence is telling me to respec to Rage.

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Play what suits you - all the specs are viable in PVP - all bring different things.


Personally I went Annihilation as I like the flexibility it offers me in PVE aswell and also I feel with 50 only brackets and higher Expertise the burst is going to diminish whereas the sustained dots will always shine.

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roll sorc, key-bind all keys to knockback, roll face on keyboard; get tank-assin to carry ball ! 5-0; farm valor !


on a more serious note, i agree with you a smash train hurts as its a huge spike; but then again, how many wz's have we not played where 2-3 knockback classes team up and knock you into oblivion, forget getting close range then :/


Having played all 3 specs, the one thing I have found is that knockbacks and CC effect rage the least, the buff timers on smash are a lot longer than those in the carnage tree giving you time (especially with 2 jumps) to get back into range before they fall off and still smash.


Where with carnage, despite it having higher up time do to more roots and being able to lock people in place... if you get knocked back, or stunned while your burst buffs are up (gore and blood frenzy) then you are screwed as there is no way you are going to be able to get your burst off when most stuns last 4-8 seconds (and in this game, unlike others, stun length isn't reduced in PvP by DR... you are either immune... or not... and half the time not immune even with full resolve).

Edited by Drathmar
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Play what suits you - all the specs are viable in PVP - all bring different things.


I'm really sorry to single you out - but this is exactly what I mean.


I don't care about the style I play my Marauder in. Because at the end of the day, I'm still that dual wielding destroyer. I just care about the results. Anni, Carnage, and Rage are all equal in my eyes - unless the facts say otherwise.


Personally I went Annihilation as I like the flexibility it offers me in PVE aswell and also I feel with 50 only brackets and higher Expertise the burst is going to diminish whereas the sustained dots will always shine.


Ah ok. This is something.


Now, is this proven? Can we compare this experience to having played Carnage at 50?

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I'm really sorry to single you out - but this is exactly what I mean.


I don't care about the style I play my Marauder in. Because at the end of the day, I'm still that dual wielding destroyer. I just care about the results. Anni, Carnage, and Rage are all equal in my eyes - unless the facts say otherwise.




Ah ok. This is something.


Now, is this proven? Can we compare this experience to having played Carnage at 50?


Here is what we are trying to say.


All 3 specs are viable at level 50. All 3 specs give results at level 50. Some of us prefer one spec over the other and can argue for why that spec is best...


But I have already seen someone who would argue for carnage, someone who would argue for rage, and someone who would argue for annihilation in this thread as being the best.


This is why we are telling you to pick the spec that you feel most comfortable with as all of them give results. There is no one spec is better than all others in this game like in WoW.

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Here is what we are trying to say.


All 3 specs are viable at level 50. All 3 specs give results at level 50. Some of us prefer one spec over the other and can argue for why that spec is best...


But I have already seen someone who would argue for carnage, someone who would argue for rage, and someone who would argue for annihilation in this thread as being the best.


This is why we are telling you to pick the spec that you feel most comfortable with as all of them give results. There is no one spec is better than all others in this game like in WoW.


Is that truly the case?


If so, then this class is definitely the most underpowered in the entire game. Either that, or this class is completely underpowered until level 40 - 50. 30 levels of under-utilization, and 20 of being even with everyone else. I wouldn't say that's fair, if that is the case.


Because again, if all three specs are equally as powerful, then this implies that the class itself is the weakest. I may as well re-roll as an Assassin.

Edited by The_Metal
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Is that truly the case?


If so, then this class is definitely the most underpowered in the entire game. Either that, or this class is completely underpowered until level 40 - 50. 30 levels of under-utilization, and 20 of being even with everyone else. I wouldn't say that's fair, if that is the case.


Because again, if all three specs are equally as powerful, then this implies that the class itself is the weakest. I may as well re-roll as an Assassin.


1.) The class doesn't start to shine until lvl 40, you are correct there.


2.) At level 50, in PvP, this class is far from being the weakest, I am always first, sometimes second in damage every single WZ I am in, playing without a group, and I have done this as rage, annihilation, and carnage.


3.) If you feel this is the weakest of the classes, once you have got it to 50, then I would suggest you re-roll as something else. No one is forcing you to play this class.

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Is that truly the case?


Honestly don't see why people spam this thread with so much random b.s.


Bottom line for the current PvP:


Carnage is categorically the weakest spec atm, because it is, in fact, slightly underpowered from a raw damage output perspective. In addition, the utility and damage vector that it provides is not optimal for pug vs. pug or pug vs. premade contexts.


So it's basically weak x2.



Anni and Rage are both solid, but for somewhat different things and different playstyles.


Annihilation is probably the most threatening 1v1 against a durable opponent. Rage is more threatening against a flexible opponent. Depends on what you're trying to kill.


A Rage spec will kill a Sniper, whereas Annihilation would have problems. Annihilation can roflol all over a Merc/Commando, whereas a Rage spec would have problems.


In a 1v1 leghump, Annihilation has mad advantages. Getting caught cold by a Smugg/Op, Rage will survive the burst better. In a 1v2, Rage has a clear and present advantage.



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So the evidence so far is:


Carnage is the weakest tree.


This class is completely underpowered until level 40 - which then finally becomes even with everyone else (completely unfair in my opinion, but I suppose it was a design over sight).


Anni is good, and Rage is good.



Once again, another addition to the Rage argument. Sounds like it's time to respec.

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This class is completely underpowered until level 40 - which then finally becomes even with everyone else (completely unfair in my opinion, but I suppose it was a design over sight).


Not exactly. For PvE:


Annihilation builds up quite quickly and is more than viable at low and mid levels. It gets 'ok' at level 15 and 'good' at level 20.


Carnage is exceptionally poor until 40+ where it becomes decent for PvE.


Rage is 'ok' until 30 or so where it becomes decent. At 40 it becomes good.



The perception of viability in PvE varies WIDELY.


I could solo a heroic4 2 levels below me at level 26 or 28 (two levels above the Jawa quest in Tatooine).


Most can't. Doesn't make the class underpowered -- it means that it's harder to use.

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Never had a problem with PvE, unless it was a Flashpoint that was exactly my level. Always seemed to be the first to die.


So I've switched to the "noobish" Rage spec, and will never go back to Carnage. Only level 35 of course, so naturally I'm still in the horrible parts of this class. However, my kill output has drastically increased. I'm able to kill bosses before dying that I normally could not, and PvP has allowed me to kill much quicker.


Even some that are ten levels higher have problems with me. Not all of course, but a select few. I'm convinced Rage is much better than Carnage. Yes, I'm sure it gets better once you hit level 40, but that's an absurdity.


Why should I wait 30 levels to finally be on the same playing field as everyone else? There's no logic in that. Either way, I'll probably enjoy my character a lot more now that I can actually do things.

Edited by The_Metal
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Is that truly the case?


If so, then this class is definitely the most underpowered in the entire game. Either that, or this class is completely underpowered until level 40 - 50. 30 levels of under-utilization, and 20 of being even with everyone else. I wouldn't say that's fair, if that is the case.


Because again, if all three specs are equally as powerful, then this implies that the class itself is the weakest. I may as well re-roll as an Assassin.


what is this I don't even


This has got to be the screwiest logic I've ever heard...is a bear the weakest animal in the animal kingdom because different kinds of bears are equally deadly when you get eaten by them? Seriously, I'm getting out of the military soon, I want some of whatever you're on.

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