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I hope operatives dont fall prey to what happened to rogues in Aion


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Aion gimped the rogues so bad they never recovered and became the weakest class.


I hope Bioware ignores all this whining about operatives. They have no grapple, no leap, no ability to close the gap with other classes. They have a big burst and then low dps after that.

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Well, first people raged about the number of sorcerers, then comandos, now operatives, timorrow it will be some other class.


Probably Marauders.


" I play an operative and don't want my class nerfed. Killing people before they can react just feels too good."


If you are truly a Sith Sorcerer and die to Concealment Op's all the time, you are doing it terribly wrong.

Edited by neurosisxeno
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Aion gimped the rogues so bad they never recovered and became the weakest class.


I hope Bioware ignores all this whining about operatives. They have no grapple, no leap, no ability to close the gap with other classes. They have a big burst and then low dps after that.


Don't they have stealth? Plus, the problem is not with the damage itself, it's about how strong the initial burst is. I play an Infiltration Shadow and I know about burst but you aren't supposed to do your knockdown and before the target is up you have killed them. That's just too much burst.

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I havent played as an OP, but if the OPS here who are complaining that they dont need a nerff because their burst is high but after that, their dps is low is true--- (and I take everything with a grain of salt), then it would seem that the best way to bring OPs in line is to decrease their burst significantly but boost the rest of their damage.


Everyone else doesnt die before they get a chance to get back up--- so they can actually participate in the fight and have a chance at winning= win


OP being able to get a nice first shot in, but still having to battle it out with their target without being at too much of a disadvantage-- so anyone can still win this fight=win.

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They won't nerf us Operatives too much, because they know that Powertech and Marauder pvp is more overpowered than us.


I can open with a 7k crit on a geared marauder and all he does is get up, turn, and smack me in the face for half my health and the rest of my HP just melts off before I can vanish out.


Powertechs can't be killed even with a low level healer behind them.


So people are complaining that Operatives can kill 10-49 level people not in champion gear?


I've yet to kill a champion or battlemaster in the opening stun. It always ends up a battle to each of our limits. Class balance will not become apparent until we are all level 50's in our own bracket.


Yes I pray on the lower levels, its the way it is, I love it, and I wish I was on a pvp server so I could gank all day too.

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^^ this.


burst class should have burst, but killing people in 3-4 hits is too much.


and its not just geared 50s doing this to scrubs, there are guys under 25 tearing it up as operatives (myself included as a scoundrel).


the burst should be lower. if that is such a huge terrible thing to ops, give us some utility to compensate, but for godsake, there should be skill required in dropping someone other than popping a surge trinket and killing someone withing 4.5seconds.

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Consumable stacking is the problem, not Operatives. People need to realize that and get over it. Because all PvPers are Biochem.


Relic + Adrenal + Gear + Hidden Strike = forum post to nerf Operatives


If Bioware is smart, they'll wait until they at least implement the level 50 bracket, and see how classes are doing in there before giving any class buffs or nerfs.

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Aion gimped the rogues so bad they never recovered and became the weakest class.


Poor example.


Rangers in Aion were ridiculously OP at launch. Anyone with more than half a brain could see it for what it was. Even people who played rangers.


Assassins at least were forced into melee range while rangers would light you up from stealth and by the time their chain was finished, so were you.

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I'm pretty sure it will all level out soon enough. The brackets will help. People gearing up will help.


Some of them used to hurt too much to live through the burst. But after hitting 50, 2 champs and the rest filled with crafted purples, I can survive the burst and stay alive. Sure some still get me now and then, but I have a fighting chance. (I'm a sorc, plenty of tools, but a burst is dangerous!)


It's not as bad as the whines say. And like some mentioned, the BH/Trooper seems to have a lot more going than burst and hide! ;)

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^^ this.


burst class should have burst, but killing people in 3-4 hits is too much.


and its not just geared 50s doing this to scrubs, there are guys under 25 tearing it up as operatives (myself included as a scoundrel).


the burst should be lower. if that is such a huge terrible thing to ops, give us some utility to compensate, but for godsake, there should be skill required in dropping someone other than popping a surge trinket and killing someone withing 4.5seconds.


You don't even have your best burst skill until level 36, please don't talk like you're an expert on the class.

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^^ this.


burst class should have burst, but killing people in 3-4 hits is too much.


and its not just geared 50s doing this to scrubs, there are guys under 25 tearing it up as operatives (myself included as a scoundrel).


the burst should be lower. if that is such a huge terrible thing to ops, give us some utility to compensate, but for godsake, there should be skill required in dropping someone other than popping a surge trinket and killing someone withing 4.5seconds.


im sorry, but Operatives/scoundrels tearing people up at or under level 40 is a blatant lie.


it's not until you get the final talent point, you get the sick burst they are using now (combined with biochem and expertise buffs).


below level 40 all you're gonna do is run around and spam backstab which is on a 6 second cooldown.


operative/scoundrel, is nothing more then dirt to other classes until they get the actualy good abilites.

Edited by Sodalazer
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They are fragile like hell already.. and every other class can eat them quickly on 50.. just use dot and cold head and medpack..attack and sco/op is dead..


biochem is reason ..not class itself.. remove biochem from pvp.. and they will not be capable to burn anyone in opener (even now with biochem is not capable relatively good equiped Operative to take down your healthpot fully if you are equivalently equiped as well-- ok, well, I dont talking about green equiped "profesionall" sitting ducks calling for nerf here in forums) -Ops seems uselles in fact.. because normal dps is pathetic compared with other classes, so they are good just in finishing eg. stealing kills in arenas.. ,bit different case is if they are specialised in healing .. then they are insane in picking up team alive .. and they should be rewarded for .. not nerfed.. because healing now in pvp seems as hell on earth) but in healing build.. they cannot even scratch you..bah... just wondering why iam writting this ...and to see healing OP in battleground is more rare than see your boss crying over his children.


Hell.. if they will be nerfed ,than just minority players will be affected because those are less played class in game (at least on my server)


Iam just wondering what class will be in nerf focus next ?

and to see in pvp just consulars and inquisitors bashing each other by sabers.. and force.. hum.. dont sound funny at all.

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^^ this.


burst class should have burst, but killing people in 3-4 hits is too much.


and its not just geared 50s doing this to scrubs, there are guys under 25 tearing it up as operatives (myself included as a scoundrel).


the burst should be lower. if that is such a huge terrible thing to ops, give us some utility to compensate, but for godsake, there should be skill required in dropping someone other than popping a surge trinket and killing someone withing 4.5seconds.


If you're killing people under 25 as a Scoundrel the players you're facing aren't very good. Operative/Scoundrel gets really good at 40 when they get their Armor Pen ability and prior to 40 you don't even have your opener which is one of the hardest hitting abilities(if not the hardest) you have. Don't try to make things up to attempt to prove a point.

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