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Way to much Bug Fixes and Maintennce!


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First of all I would like to say I love playing this game being a huge star wars fan and avid MMO gamer, thank you. However, I understand how there needs to be occasional emergency bug fixes and patches, but, I personally feel there is WAY TOO much maintenance. I am paying a monthly service fee for a service which is not always being provided for me (and all of us).


Most importanly as a consumer, my point is: There should be a reduction in our monthly service fee- (giving us a discount) every time the game is shut down because of this constant maintenance.

Edited by GirlStarWarsFan
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Weekly maintenance is normal in these games. Read the EULA, it's all covered. As well as weekly maintenance, new MMOs often have longer down times due to bug fixing. You may not think all the bug fixing is that important, but these forums show that plenty of people do.


My only objection on this issue are the EU maintenance times. I don't mind that that they are bringing the servers down often to apply minor patches, I just wish they would do it whilst the majority of the EU sleep.

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First of all I would like to say I love playing this game being a huge star wars fan and avid MMO gamer, thank you. However, I understand how there needs to be occasional emergency bug fixes and patches, but, I personally feel there is WAY TOO much maintenance. I am paying a monthly service fee for a service which is not always being provided for me.


Most importanly as a consumer, my point is: There should be a reduction in our monthly service fee- (giving us a discount) every time the game is shut down because of this constant maintenance.


constant? what do you honestly consider to be constant?


to me constant is just that...always down for maintence.. this game is not that.


it has once a week maint with the occasional couple of hours here and there?


if you cant find something to do in the downtime you have no life.


try getting a job, or a family, or anything.. you can fill in the few hours a week they take the game down to IMPROVE it for your benefit.


asking for a discount is stupid, you dont get a discount when the cable in your tv goes off for weather or maintence of the lines do you? no. .what if your internet goes down? are you going to tell BW to give you some money back becuase you couldnt play? or your intetnet provider because it was there fault?


give it up, accept the updates and maintence like a big girl and welcome to the world of being an adult..


you cant always get what you want, but you get what you need.. .and what this game needs is updates and bug fixes..

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Yes, I am complaining about shutting the game down WAY TOO MUCH! I want a discount every time it is.


Read the EULA. You are not entitled to a discount because of maintainance.


I'm betting we would get it for extended downtime, but not for the stuff we have had to deal with.


/get over it.

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Yes, I am complaining about shutting the game down WAY TOO MUCH! I want a discount every time it is.


Too bad so sad.


It costs you less than a dollar a day. Maintenance is 3-5 hours. Do you really want that 30 cents back?

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Yes, I am complaining about shutting the game down WAY TOO MUCH! I want a discount every time it is.


Then you shouldn't play this game. If they don't do maintenance, and introduce the fixing of major bugs, then your game experience will quickly degrade. Any new MMO that isn't on the ball with timely maintenance and bug fixing can expect to not retain a player base, when that happens, the game is a failure.

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Please re-read my post I did not say that one scheduled maintenance per week is NOT needed, just excessive fixes are not.


You think that it's excessive to bring the servers down to fix exploits where people were cheating their way to millions of credits?

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First of all I would like to say I love playing this game being a huge star wars fan and avid MMO gamer, thank you. However, I understand how there needs to be occasional emergency bug fixes and patches, but, I personally feel there is WAY TOO much maintenance. I am paying a monthly service fee for a service which is not always being provided for me (and all of us).


Most importanly as a consumer, my point is: There should be a reduction in our monthly service fee- (giving us a discount) every time the game is shut down because of this constant maintenance.


Its only every tuesday. Suck it up.

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Quoted for truth.


Next people will be asking Bioware to pay them for going to work and not being able to play the game ROFL.


wait ...we can do that? damn it.. here i was using all my sick days to play and I could be asking bioware for money to just stay home and play...whine...



seriously if OP is serious this is one of those I dont want to live on the planet anymore moments....logic..who needs it?

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wait ...we can do that? damn it.. here i was using all my sick days to play and I could be asking bioware for money to just stay home and play...whine...



seriously if OP is serious this is one of those I dont want to live on the planet anymore moments....logic..who needs it?


I think Logic died when this thread was made lol.

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