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Your companion is back...STOP EVERYTHING!


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Yeah, the "pending" notification would be enough.


This is so annoying when you try to do anything in the GTM.


This. +1


Nothing like comparing items and stats only to have it all wiped for ship droid to come back empty handed.


Great implementation, seriously. I didn't think it would remain in game this long but then again, knowing the span in beta, I'm not holding my breath.

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This is handled well when you are in cut-scenes: the results will either only appear after cut-scene or sit up on the 'pending' button waiting for your action.


There are a couple of places though where the results get in the way of things you are doing:

  • When selling on the GTN
    If you've got your inventory and GTN screen open then the crew-mission results will close your inventory and popup the results page. Annoying when you are in the middle of trying to list items for sale
  • When organising your cargo hold
    You've got your inventory and cargo hold open and are moving things between them. When crew-mission ends then results page will close one of those screens you are working on.
  • When equipping yourself/companion
    You've got the character panel and inventory open, moving things around and the crew results come in closing one of the windows you're working on.
  • I know this is a personal one, and some people probably don't mind, but I don't want crew-mission results to come up while I am in the middle of PvP warzones. They get in the way and I have to spend a second moving the mouse to accept them ... invariably they arrive at the worst possible moment Oh, and you can't accept the rewards if you've just died (because you had to deal with the window rather than the enemy kicking your arse).

I'm sure there are other situations I've forgotten about, but generally speaking if I have UI elements open such as inventory, GTN, cargo hold, character sheet then I don't appreciate the game closing them for me to show mission results. I'd much rather receive the message in chat, the audio clue from the companion saying it went well/badly and the 'pending' button appearing unobtrusively at top of the screen. If I don't have UI open then sure, hit me with the full results page.

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Can we please, not have a pop up window when a companion returns, which closes all the windows you have on screen, while browsing the AH, or shopping with a vendor, or reading through your skill sheet!!!!


If a companion returns from a mission, just let us know, like when you're in a conversation and THEN, pop up when your finished!!!!


It's more than a little annoying!


Made a ticket about this. Set that **** to Pending status if you have another window up.


STOP THE PRESSES, your damn ship droid needs to nudge everything you're doing out of the way so he can triumphantly declare how awesome he is at failing a mission!


Yeah... No.

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Or just put the popup window into the "Pending" area so we can open it at our leisure?




What's wrong with Pending? Really? To this I add that if I've dismissed my companion, say during some RP, let me send him off to do Crew Skill missions without him respawning beside me. I'm addicted to multitasking and not everyone has the same speed of typing and thought that I do. (And there's nothing wrong with that. Different strokes, different folks. :)

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I'd appreciate companion mission returns to just get sent straight to pending with no window pop up. Several times I have been in the middle of a very long ticket to a gm and the companion comes back and knocks the help window away...

Edited by xyloh
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Can we please, not have a pop up window when a companion returns, which closes all the windows you have on screen, while browsing the AH, or shopping with a vendor, or reading through your skill sheet!!!!


If a companion returns from a mission, just let us know, like when you're in a conversation and THEN, pop up when your finished!!!!


It's more than a little annoying!




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Seriously, despite the GTN being a total mess (the search function doesn't even work) I still enjoy selling stuff and making some small time profit on the GTN. I constantly have companions running jobs for me during this time too to make my flow of income going. This is such a nuisance.


Please set it so you can make it go straight to pending, not open a window immediately that closes other windows. Even if its a toggle option for people who want to keep it, this would save me, and a lot of people (especially healers) grief.

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Several times I have been in the middle of a very long ticket to a gm and the companion comes back and knocks the help window away...


Ironically, if/when you open that window by accident (that key left to "1" that's very easy to press mid-fight), it takes multiple clicks to make it close. But when companion returns, "poof" - all gone :rolleyes:

Edited by Freor
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The companion return interrupt is just as vile and as fithy as popups, email spam and antivirus programs stealing the operating system focus. Please fix it so that it becomes a pending message in the background, lowest priority. What the user is currently working on should never be interrupted.
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This very annoying this feature, you looking at AH, writing CS tickets, mailing folks, chattin in chat, sorting bags out sorting your otehr stuff out, talking to npc venders, , then an annoying window pops up and its your companion back , and closes all your other windows !


Why does SWTOR only allow ever 2 windows open at once as well i like to have multiple windoiws open like inventory, chara, ah, etc when looking for armour to wear mix and match as of the poor customisation mod system in game.


An then to have companions appear and close all windows is very very annoying :mad:

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