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L2p premades do.


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premades roflstomp because they use vent/ts/skype, they work well together, they focus dps on single targets. they chain stun. they CC enemies for later, they bring stims, meds, diverse classes. they know the maps (eg snipers they see you, but you cant see them LOS) they have decent or skilled healers. they invest in gear. they know how to play their characters, they understand game mechanics. they compliment each others talents.


this will defeat a pug 95 percent of the time, and often ends up being a farm. just stop complaining. l2p. I get ganked my fair share. but the times when we employ even some of those basic concepts (even in a pug) , are the times when the pvp is competitive. level brackets wont fix pvp to the extent that those who cant pvp will hope. premades will still own.


if your not prepared to invest some effort, you shouldnt really cry foul, thats being a badsport.


This evening I was given a lesson in pvp. by a single jedi. who killed me 4 spawns in a row heck one time he lured me into combat. he had 25 percent health, and waited for me... stunned me grabbed the health buff near by came back and beat me again. lol... was he op? was the battle unfair? no.. he just outsmarted me out played me, and utilized skills he learnt, and dominated.


you dont hear me crying a justin timberlake river, all I can do is learn from it . get good. and tea bag him next time when I gank him.


long story short. pvp isnt broken just l2p.

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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premades roflstomp because they use vent/ts/skype, they work well together, they focus dps on single targets. they chain stun. they CC enemies for later, they bring stims, meds, diverse classes. they know the maps (eg snipers they see you, but you cant see them LOS) they have decent or skilled healers. they invest in gear. they know how to play their characters, they understand game mechanics. they compliment each others talents.

less than 1% of the premades do all of that, and less than 5% do half of that



you can make a premade of randoms, no vent and hardly the bare minimum of coordination, and win most of the matches due to 2 very basic factors


1) you are guaranteeing that at least 50% of the team in your scenario is lvl 50 with decent gear. Thats more than the randomness that queuing offers to soloers


2) you are guaranteeing that at least 50% of your team in your scenario has an useful role represented in a balanced manner.


most pugs fall appart due to too much dps but no healers, or too much healers but not enough dps, or too much dps but not enough meat shield tanks.

by bringing a premade you are guaranteed to have 1 dedicated healer, 1 dedicated tank and 2 dedicated dps at the very least, plus anything that the god of random decide to gift you in the form of the other 4 pugs





if BW made a matchmaking system that made sure there is a healthy amount of tanks, dps and healers per side, all max level, similary rated and geared, you would see how lots and lots of that "fake" premades would get their *** handed to them all the time by pugs.


as things currently are, tho, "fake" premades win most of the time, because the balance of possibilities dictates that no matter how poor their team is, the enemy team has far more chances to be way poorer in levels, gear and role distribution.

Edited by blackcerberus
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WoW has raids for premades at level 85 that offer more points than PUG groups. I see this game eventually implementing that.


ahh interesting, I played wow for like 3 hours, I had a terrible pc back then so I never got into it. or even when I got a decent pc I never tried it again.swg , lotro now this. actualy wish i was on the wow wagon when it was at its peak, feel like ive missed out lol.

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True story, but you can only make premades with 3 other players, so don't get the wrong illusion that the whole enemy team can be premade.


I myself play most of the time with other players together but we are most of the time 2-3 players and we don't time our CCs or chain or something, we just focus on each other or a quick "where is the ball" if you can't see it from your position etc. pp.


I love the PvP in most ways, because it suits my playstyle of a immortal fortress which is still dangerous and with all the tools Bioware gave us, I feel like I can really outplay my enemies when I want to.


Yesterday we did start to capture the last ball (5:0) and just pass it 1-3 times to each other while fighting their whole respawn, just because it gave us 1-2 more medals and was fun. In the end most enemies did pull me on purpose over the goal line with the ball to end this.. T_T

Still I think its a good way to give the enemies an opportunity to farm their own medals or get the ball back and have some fun?

Edited by Samurro
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We roflstomp premades 3 in 4 times with sub 50 randoms on my server. What is there to learn from that?


We? So you play with a "premade" as well right?


If you have premade vs premade, no matter how good each one is, if you get additional 4 randoms which have no clue what to do, the team with the worst randoms looses.

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less than 1% of the premades do all of that, and less than 5% do half of that


you can make a premade of randoms, no vent and hardly the bare minimum of coordination, and win most of the matches due to 2 very basic factors


1) you are guaranteeing that at least 50% of the team in your scenario is lvl 50 with decent gear. Thats more than the randomness that queuing offers to


2) you are guaranteeing that at least 50% of your team in your scenario has an useful role represented in a balanced manner.


most pugs fall appart due to too much dps but no healers, or too much healers but not enough dps, or too much dps but not enough meat shield tanks.

by bringing a premade you are guaranteed to have 1 dedicated healer, 1 dedicated tank and 2 dedicated dps at the very least, plus anything that the god of random decide to gift you in the form of the other 4 pugs



if BW made a matchmaking system that made sure there is a healthy amount of tanks, dps and healers per side, all max level, similary rated and geared, you would see how lots and lots of that "fake" premades would get their *** handed to them all the time by pugs.


as things currently are, tho, "fake" premades win most of the time, because the balance of possibilities dictates that no matter how poor their team is, the enemy team has far more chances to be way poorer in levels, gear and role distribution.


I agree with your points especialy regarding class formation, that goes a longgg way. but not all the way. a orginised premade will tear apart, a pug one. thats what teamwork does.


interested in your data gathering methods. less than 1% of the premades do all of that, and less than 5% do half of that ..

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So you are saying that because there is still an aspect of skill in PVP, it is impossible to be broken? That doesnt make an awfull lot of sense now does it?

BTW, i lolled hard @ "they compliment each others talents."


no im not saying pvp system cannot be broken. Im just of the opinion, its not. and im glad you "lolled". but still ingame credits would be more to my liking.

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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premades roflstomp because they use vent/ts/skype, they work well together, they focus dps on single targets...........


long story short. pvp isnt broken just l2p.


This much is true, having seen the video evidence for it on Youtube. Premades that work this way, using Skype or whatever to communicate with each other and relay info about the warzone will trounce the random queued solo players. Pretty much every time.


This has nothing to do with skill, nothing to do with the non premades having to learn to play, its all about that much larger perspective premade teams have. (coupled with the extra tools they have) That they can call for assistance or tell other team members to flank over to the right etc and give a rapid description by vocal means via an audio link when random solos are vainly trying to type a similar kind of message (with their third hand) whilst also controlling their character pretty much guarentees them a win.


So no, its not just a case of l2p, certainly not for solo queuers.


And that I'm seeing the same Premades pretty much every time on the Imperial side in the Warzones, (with their Skype/audio links to each other no doubt up and running at full speed) when the participants on the Republic side are invariably always a random mix pretty much determines the outcome. They win and its not just because of skill.

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It's not even fun playing against random pugs that have no chance, a waste of my time.


Premades ROFLSTOMP in SWTOR because we have level 50 players with stacked expertise gear that get placed against random pugs with players 20-30 levels lower.


It's the system that fails. NEED PvP brackets and separate queue for Premades with better rewards.

Edited by KonduitX
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Yeah ... what OP say is true ... when the groups are balanced. You get 4-5 lvl 50 players exp decked with 1-2 pocked healers vs pugs of ppl who are in their 3rd warzone at lvl 15 not even remembering what are they supposed to do.


5 year old vs 20 year old ... let's have a fist fight, l2p in your face.

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At the end of the day, you can't account for the other 4+ people on your team (and that's assuming you're queueing as a 4-man) and that is a huge random factor which makes winning/losing any one battleground ultmately meaningless.


Until groups 4v4 in open world or go full on 8 v 8 organizaed in warzones it's basically luck of a draw from the PUG pool. Even a good 4 man team will have a rough time towing the line for 4 undergeared, underleveled or incomptenent players unless paired against a similar team that contains undegeared,underleveled or incomptetent players.


Bolstering is the illusion of equality but it is far from an even playing field.

Edited by Boshi
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We roflstomp premades 3 in 4 times with sub 50 randoms on my server. What is there to learn from that?


Each premade has different skill levels, each server has different skill levels. On my server our premade has never lost a single war zone ... an we are battlemasters now. That is a lot of freakin games. Even stacked teams of 50s get stomped.


Regardless. If your not 50 you don't even deserve to win a war zone. Because you have not paid your dues and leveled your toon. Soon as the 50s get there own bracket they will QQ about level 49s. Instead of doing the smart thing and leveling.

Edited by Furyofwar
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It's not even fun playing against random pugs that have no chance, a waste of my time.


Premades ROFLSTOMP in SWTOR because we have level 50 players with stacked expertise gear that get placed against random pugs with players 20-30 levels lower.


It's the system that fails. NEED PvP brackets and separate queue for Premades with better rewards.


I see premades with good coordination that are sub-50's winning against PUGs.

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Each premade has different skill levels, each server has different skill levels. On my server our premade has never lost a single war zone ... an we are battlemasters now. That is a lot of freakin games. Even stacked teams of 50s get stomped.


Regardless. If your not 50 you don't even deserve to win a war zone. Because you have not paid your dues and leveled your toon. Soon as the 50s get there own bracket they will QQ about level 49s. Instead of doing the smart thing and leveling.


If you're not 50 you dont deserve to win a warzone?


Trust me, you're not some hot shot pvper. You're probably on a server with a horrible opposite faction that your premade can just roll. Stop acting like you're some hot shot with comments like the above, it really tells us all we need to know about you.


I would like to spectate our games when the 50 vs 50 brackets come out. Battlemaster about to get shown what grinding without competition gets him.

Edited by Liberate
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If you're not 50 you dont deserve to win a warzone?


Trust me, you're not some hot shot pvper. You're probably on a server with a horrible opposite faction that your premade can just roll. Stop acting like you're some hot shot with comments like the above, it really tells us all we need to know about you.


If he's Empire then he's spending more time playing against his own faction regardless.

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If you're not 50 you dont deserve to win a warzone?


Trust me, you're not some hot shot pvper. You're probably on a server with a horrible opposite faction that your premade can just roll. Stop acting like you're some hot shot with comments like the above, it really tells us all we need to know about you.


I would like to spectate our games when the 50 vs 50 brackets come out. Battlemaster about to get shown what grinding without competition gets him.


Lol, we are pro 50 vs 50 brackets. An we already won many 6-8 50s vs 4 50s matches an we only had 4 50s.


If your not 50 you do not deserve to win. Plain and simple. MMO's are based on taking the time an effort to complete your character. Who entitles you to a fair advantage when you cant even put the time into getting your character done. Anyone with a job who has weekends off can get 50 in one-two weeks. That's with working 46hours a week. Its just plain sad that people cant level to 50 on SWTOR when its even easier then WoW to level. Piss poor preperation = piss poor performance. If your not 50 by now stop pretending your good at MMO's your not.


PS: Most the time we are playing huttball and destroying our faction so hard the 50s are leaving there guilds an joining ours we now have like 40 50s in our guild due to no one wanting to really compete vs us anymore.

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Huttball is a strategy game. Most people are not caught up to the learning curve. You can beat 50s without being 50 it is not hard. Especially on huttball. No strategy pugs are the reason you lose. bring a pre-made of level 40s you will win vs pug 50s if your good players. Have a tank and healer grab the ball bring it to your pit.. bait the team into coming to kill the ball carrier then toss the ball to the ground away from them.. or better yet use a shadow tank and vanish with the ball. 5 seconds later ball spawns in the mid all the enemy are in your pit area thinking they will get a easy score. Grab ball toss it up to your teammate sorc or whatever with sprint. Score within 10 seconds. It's all strategy. We won while leveling. We win at 50. Because we are smarter then most PVE heroes that enter war zones thinking they are luke skywalker an try to solo everything.


If the enemy team groups up with entire team and runs the ball into your end zone. Don't bother killing anything.. lol you can just grab the ball an ninja score with 0 people able to stop you. But again PVE heroes will kill people an let them re-spawn to defend against the ball because they do not value winning. Its all about there medals/gear.

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Lol, we are pro 50 vs 50 brackets. An we already won many 6-8 50s vs 4 50s matches an we only had 4 50s.


If your not 50 you do not deserve to win. Plain and simple. MMO's are based on taking the time an effort to complete your character. Who entitles you to a fair advantage when you cant even put the time into getting your character done. Anyone with a job who has weekends off can get 50 in one-two weeks. That's with working 46hours a week. Its just plain sad that people cant level to 50 on SWTOR when its even easier then WoW to level. Piss poor preperation = piss poor performance. If your not 50 by now stop pretending your good at MMO's your not.


PS: Most the time we are playing huttball and destroying our faction so hard the 50s are leaving there guilds an joining ours we now have like 40 50s in our guild due to no one wanting to really compete vs us anymore.


So, the PvP epeening has already begun. Congrats, I guess. Oh, and get over yourself, Mr. PvP God. Seriously.

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So, the PvP epeening has already begun. Congrats, I guess. Oh, and get over yourself, Mr. PvP God. Seriously.


You should read the above post before assuming I am talking about my own exploits. I am just defending that anyone not 50 has not earned the right to be successful in a game that rewards character growth an strength through leveling. You have to be a hypocrite to think you are entitled to be equal pre-50.


An maybe I came off kinda cocky an i'm sorry just so tired of reading these QQ posts. But the bottom line is i'm right.

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