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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

POLL: How many believe this game was rushed to release before it was ready?


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/ agree two very well thought out post.


Not I, though it could use some fixing up and some additions.



A bug, all MMOs have them.



Could use some touching up on, but it's not a huge issue.



Most MMOs do not have a LFG. I know everyone here comes from WoW or Rift or whatever, but I've played dozens of MMOs, F2P and P2P, most MMOs do not have an LFG. As such, although it may make a nice feature, it does not count as something missing from the game, or something that makes the game incomplete.



False. I've had issues and although it takes time, they've been dealt with. Bad customer support MAYBE, but not no customer support.



Because MMOs you know, are supposed to look beautiful. Very few MMOs look great, and that was not this game's focus. This game doesn't need to look perfect to provide a moving and gratifying experience, besides I've seen quite a few recent MMO launches that look as bad if not worse than TOR.



That's actually not true. It runs on MOST computers, it runs okay on a lot of computers. There are a lot of computers that have problems with it, but still, more people play it fine than play it with large crippling FPS issues.



MMOs have loads of bugs on launch. I'm shocked. That's the case with EVERY single MMO launch ever, some worse than others. As someone who's experienced multiple MMO launches, I can safely say that this one is smooth that most, though not the smoothest ever.






I disagree on forums being terrible overall. They're missing some nice touches as you mentioned, but they're far from horrible.


Chat bubbles, basic functions for guilds and ability to use chairs etc.


/cheer for you fantastic feed back you keep your answers short and to the point .. i hope the troll can under stand it. people say this is wow but they keep trying to turn it into wow for unknown reason...


also that is the main reason alot of us are here we are tired of wow or we dont want panda's and pokemon. just direct the trolls to

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I dont think it was rushed. Hell, how many years in dev?


I do, however, think the designers didn't spend enough time evaluating other MMOs to see what does and does not work.


The UI alone shows this. That they can consider such a rigid, inflexible and ugly UI to be suitable shows they can't possibly have looked at an MMO since 2005.


I'd say 2003 even, I should have made that more clear, most problems besides lack of CS are due to bad game design, and it really is bad game design.

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You haven't been in many MMO launches if you think TOR is rushed. I suggest you read up on what WoW, DAoC, Asheron's Call 2, AO, Dark and Light, and Mourning were like on launch day.


Blizzard spent a month adding enough servers that overpopulation didn't cause a given server to come to a complete standstill for fifteen minutes. The original patcher for WoW was freaking bittorrent!


DAoC was so buggy you would think it was a pre-Alpha build.


AC2 at launch was so buggy that it never recovered and Turbine had to pull the plug on it.


Anarchy Online was so bad that it's developers nearly went bankrupt.


D&L was just awful, laggy, buggy, horrible graphics.


Mourning was so bad that even moderators and developers were openly decrying that the game was being released in the condition that it was in and that it was at best an Alpha-build.


TOR is missing some minor features that Bioware are addressing, but it's a playable game.


Darthmood not flaming you here, just exploring your point further


Name one MMO release that has gone really well? none!

OK is that a good thing? no!

Should it be different? yes!

Has time passed and lessons been learnt since the early days of MMO's by Bioware? no!

Why? Because they like most game developers like the dynamics created by forum based discussion and the views expressed as it gives them a chance to earn revenue whilst you properly play test the game for them...!


This is an accepted way of MMO production. the difference is that IMO SW:TOR has taken a retrograde step by producing a (supposed triple A) game that promised so much and is beaten solidly by many many older, smaller and less well populated P2P, F2P and FFA MMO games in terms of playability, innovation, quality and community...


Oh and I hardly thing that the serious lack of a meaningful endgame is a minor feature for an MMO... The Bioware\EA business model is relying on you re-rolling alts to replay and keep pumping your subs in (at least in the short to medium term). This MIGHT be an epic fail as the core MMO community just dont work like that, though the new casual SW fans may like this and if so good luck to them. It still does not make this a proper MMO... it's an MMO lite with nice cutscenes period.... not a bad thing but the paradigm shifting messiah for MMO's it most certainly is not!!!

Edited by septusmortis
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Yes, this game was rushed. Anyone saying otherwise is just an obtuse fanboy. The "it's an MMO, what did you expect?" excuse is for lower profile games with a smaller budget. It's a pretty stupid excuse anyways. I'm sick of broken and unfinished games, which is why I have already canceled this one. Hopefully, BioWare won't listen to the fanboys and some of these problems will get fixed.
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like i said.. people come on here and cry... when they have no experience with any other game. if these kids were around for wows launch, Aions launch, Aocs launch or war hammers launch.. they would KNOW this is NOTHING compared to those launches...


People just like to cry when they are butt hurt. nothing more nothing less.



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Constructive, well-reasoned feedback that offers specific suggestions about what you as players would like to see is extremely useful to us, and we’d like to see more feedback of this nature. However, feedback that states “this game sucks” and doesn’t offer actual suggestions about how to improve the game is not useful and only serves to incite argument, which in turn can make the forums very unfriendly to those who are looking to constructively discuss the game.


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