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Datacrons, while a nice idea(Easter eggs)..


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Is this really something to complain about? Don't like them, you don't have to go get them now do you. They're fun to do.


Considerng all your stats can be increased by 30-40 points, yeah, I consider that something to complain about.

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The Tatooine one took me several tries... not because I missed the jump, but because the balloon would bug out about 30 meters from the sandcrawler and drop me on the dune below.


But the feeling of relief/satisfaction when I finally got it on the fourth attempt was fantastic, like finally downing Ragnaros. None of the other datacrons have seemed hard really. Turn off sprint, line stuff up and do the jumps with WASD + keyboard (more reliable than mouse).


You felt it was as rewarding as downing a boss encounter with other people, to not get buged out and collect 2 datacrons? this community is lost.

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Fun? fun jumping around in a game to me is Batman arkham city or something, not this garbage.


Then play something else.... If you're having trouble getting places in this game I suggest you try something on your level. I've seen you posting everywhere on these forums, and they're all nothing but bashing the game. Why are you on here?

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Dumbest implimentation, period.


I can understand Gold Elites and groups required to get to them.


How many folks have gotten all the Datacrons on Coruscant? Particularly the one in the works.


Whoever at Bioware thought this was a good idea? Fire them, now.


Who thought waiting 2 hours for the Balloon on Tat(missed it by less then a minute), and only getting 1 of the 2 Holocrons because I wasnt centered perfectly to drop for the second was a good idea??


Optional content too hard or tricky for you?

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Then play something else.... If you're having trouble getting places in this game I suggest you try something on your level. I've seen you posting everywhere on these forums, and they're all nothing but bashing the game. Why are you on here?


Did you get the Works Datacron?

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No respones?

Are you a troll or what? I got datacron in The Works on 3 characters already. Never failed a single time while going for it. It is one of the easiest datacrons to get once you know the path to it. And I am an avarage gamer without super manual skill.


Seriously, I am quite often against elitism in games and I believe there should be plenty of content tailored for casuals. But collecting datacrons is NOT hard. Maybe there are few which are more difficult to get or more time consuming (like the baloon on Tatooine) but it will change NOTHING for you if you decide to skip those few.

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You felt it was as rewarding as downing a boss encounter with other people, to not get buged out and collect 2 datacrons? this community is lost.


Well sure if you want to misquote me. Anyway, I did the datacron with a friend I've known for 25 years so the whole doing it with other people still applies here (though, I didn't like my guild at the time in WoW)... that said, Ragnaros was undefeatable when we attempted him, and on patch day, we were the first guild on our server to down him. So the feeling was very similar :)

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Did you get the Works Datacron?


Yes I did. The only one that was slightly annoying was the Tattoine one as I ran off the ledge instead of walked and overshot the strength datacron. I haven't done close to all of them yet, but that's another thing to do besides pvp now that I'm 50.

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I have all the datacrons from Korriban, Dromund Kaas, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Alderaan, Quesh and Hoth. I like that they are hard to get or take forever. If you don't well DON'T get them. The matrix shards themselves are easier than the attribute ones.
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You guys do know you dont have to ride the balloon to get up on the sandcrawler right? :)

Some of the datacrons require a group, those 2 can be acquired within a group too, just have to think ;)


Good luck finding a group tht stays togehter long enough to finish this.

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They really, really, really, really, really should halve the stat points of all datacrons, across the board.



Still rewarding? Yes. But not so much something you have to do.



As it is now, not getting the datacrons makes you feel like you're on uneven ground. 20 points in Endurance and your main stat will make a big difference in a PvP fight.


So I can't just PvP, I have to go look up datacron locations on the internet and jump on stupid, narrow, rounded pipes that like to mess with the jump mechanic. For hours.


And the final "+10 to all" datacron? It has glitches halfway through it (invisible holes on a narrow platform, and a grapple-hook that may or may not decide to throw you off a ledge). So in getting this rather hugely important item -- you might just randomly fall to your death. Have fun!!!@


And then there's the 25 minute balloon ride.



Who really enjoys this feature? If datacrons were rewarded for an elite fight (as a few are), or for simply exploring -- that'd be fine. But it's not about exploring, as much as it is platforming. Very few datacrons are located somewhere I'd call "clever". They're mostly either out in the open, or somewhere no one would ever, ever look if it wasn't for the internet.


Who actually enjoys this feature?

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Honest answer, too hard, ie, too time consuming even following the guides on the internet.


I dont want to judge people. There are many levels of skill and I tend to keep away from calling people "bad". But honestly, getting most datacrons is NOT hard. Try playing some Tohou Project or Guitar Hero on hardest settings or killing heroic Spine of Deathwing in WoW. That is hard. Datacrons in SWTOR just needs some patience, a virtue which anyone can train to posses.

Edited by Aweus
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Good luck finding a group tht stays togehter long enough to finish this.


It takes like 5 seconds to get on top of the sandcrawler? =/

No balloon neccesary if you have a friend around :)

Edited by Autaris
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How exactly do you do that? Would be great to use on an alt, but I'm drawing a blank.


Have someone force push while you're jumping up in front of them- they'll push you right on top of it.

Iv seen it done with a sniper as well, "cover pulse" ... pretty much any knockback ability works if hit while you're jumping :)

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You don't HAVE to get the datacrons it's just he completionist inside you wants to do it. Don't want to make them too easy to get to. The baloon in tatooine is awesome!


you probably looked up the locations of all the datacrons but imagine if you didn't, maybe one day you decided to just see where that balloon took you. Then you found that you could find a treasure that others probably didn't know about. You would have a felt a sense of adventure and discovery.


I definatley appreciate what Bioware set out to accomplish with the datacrons, someone that plays the game just to be the best probably wouldn't understand.


Have some joy man.





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I like the way they are now.


I loved the baloon one on a PvP server and I loved one on Hoth when a brave JK tried everything to avoid me to get it, including calling for reinforces (I am 50 he was 42). He sucked hard and died a lot of times, but I could only get the datacron after an hour or so.


I also love the need of special tools to get them, and I surely love the fact not everyone will do each and every datacron. They are a small boost, but not for everyone, because they need some kind of dedication. But some teamwork makes things easier, like pulls and common use of necessary assets (Rakata Energy Cubes anyone?).


The boost you get from them is not unbalanced, so if you find some of them... unpalatable... you always have the option to ignore them without losing anything of vital importance :)


Note: obviously some of them need fixes, the MGGS works once in a thousand...

Edited by Hett
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I like the way they are now.


I loved the baloon one on a PvP server and I loved one on Hoth when a brave JK tried everything to avoid me to get it, including calling for reinforces (I am 50 he was 42). He sucked hard and died a lot of times, but I could only get the datacron after an hour or so.


I also love the need of special tools to get them, and I surely love the fact not everyone will do each and every datacron. They are a small boost, but not for everyone, because they need some kind of dedication. But some teamwork makes things easier, like pulls and common use of necessary assets (Rakata Energy Cubes anyone?).


The boost you get from them is not unbalanced, so if you find some of them... unpalatable... you always have the option to ignore them without losing anything of vital importance :)


Me and my buddy at lvl 44 out in the wastelands of Hoth looking for that silly probe... dodging a full group of lvl 50 sith also looking for the probe XD. Or my 2nd balloon flight where we had an sith inquisitor that wanted to do it too, rode the entire balloon until it bugged out just chatting with her.

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