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Bad framerate in warzones


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I don't understand why I'm getting bad framerate in warzones. My computer is good enough to run this game on high easy, but I tried turning the graphics down to medium and still no improvement.


At first I thought it was lag but I know the difference between lag and low framerate. Is this a common issue? I really want to PvP but this is killing it for me.

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my framerates are fine but what i experiance in warfronts seems to be server lag... mt latency is fine and my frame rates are fine but the server just seems to delay my actions.


Oh, I think what you're experiencing is another issue. There is a huge *** thread in general section somewhere describing the problem. TLDR version is: some animations can block your abilities, even if they are up and it's not GCD. Yes it sucks, hopefully it will be addressed in foreseeable future.

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Oh, I think what you're experiencing is another issue. There is a huge *** thread in general section somewhere describing the problem. TLDR version is: some animations can block your abilities, even if they are up and it's not GCD. Yes it sucks, hopefully it will be addressed in foreseeable future.


Wow mabie thats why some movements do not cancel actions either i hate that i cant cancel some actions by moving

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Some people say it's a memory leak, other people have their own theories. Bioware seems to think it's OUR problem and not an issue with their game.


(Which is funny since it seems to be pretty damn universal across the board.)


I recommend you post up your dxdiag and/or specs before you make comments like this though. Atleast then people might know how to respond.

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Some people say it's a memory leak, other people have their own theories. Bioware seems to think it's OUR problem and not an issue with their game.


(Which is funny since it seems to be pretty damn universal across the board.)


I recommend you post up your dxdiag and/or specs before you make comments like this though. Atleast then people might know how to respond.


Agreed. I'm running a 570gtx and easily pull over 110fps on all planets, but in WZ's i average just over 60fps and around 15-20fps on the station. What gives?

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Yeah graphics settings don't make a difference at all. Just ran one at low settings and I was still only getting 15 fps. I normally get 60+ fps running on high settings in non-fleet areas.


So basically I can't do warzones, and I'm damn sure it's not because of something on my end. Thanks Bioware.

Edited by Kurugi
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Bioware seems to think it's OUR problem and not an issue with their game.


Wait, where have they said that? I've cancelled my subscription until this crap's fixed, but if they aren't even going to attempt to solve it I might as well stop reading this forum and uninstall the game now.

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What also frustrates me is I see tons of PvP vids on youtube where people's framerates are just fine, and I've done my share of recording videos as well and I know that takes an extra chunk out of your computer while recording as well, yet my rig can't even get above 15fps all by itself?


My PC isn't top of the line by any stretch of the imagination and I haven't upgraded it at all in a while, but it's good enough to run this game on high settings easy, so I should be able to have good fps in warzones easy...

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My PC isn't top of the line by any stretch of the imagination and I haven't upgraded it at all in a while, but it's good enough to run this game on high settings easy, so I should be able to have good fps in warzones easy...


Yeah it's not a straight specs issue. I can run skyrim on just under ultra and get a solid 60fps, but I get 12 in huttball, 5 in aldaraan. I've tried drivers, reinstalls, different hdds, even tried switching out my gcard with a friend's, no dice. So unless the game has an issue with my i7 or mobo (again, both of which I've tried driver fixes for) it's on their end. And if either of those ARE the issue, tough, I'm not buying new ones just for a badly coded game.

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