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People will soon be calling for a BH nerf


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Ive been reading the class forums and seeing a lot of people saying agents are op. The counter of most agents is "BH'S ARE OP THEY TOP DAMAGE CHARTS OMG! THEY SPAM TAC MISSLE THE IWIN BUTTON".


As a level 25 bh i consistently top damage in most WZ's but does that mean we're op? No it means this class EXCELS at aoe damage. One of our hardest hitting ability, Unload is so unreliable and its CHANNELED which makes it even worse. Spamming tac missles is just all around stupid. The majority of arsenal's damage comes from the fact the enemy needs to be on fire or needs a heat signature to maximize our damage.


TLDR - Dont talk about BH's being op until you've played one.

Edited by Daedricshots
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The problem is people see this list:


1. Heavy armor

2. Heals


4. HEAVY AoE Dps

5. Ranged(Which DOES give some inherent advantage even with all the gap closers. People are more likely to target people in their face than look around in hectic gameplay for the ranged guy 20 feet up and to the left)

6. Absolute faceroll easy rotation

7. Top damage(not always...but very high in the list) and lots of medals all the time. Do medals win the match? Nope...but they do pave the way for more gear chances and valor ranks.



There is a reason even bad mercs can top 3 pretty darn easily and why there are so many of them. It's because it has so much going for it for so little effort. Add a truly skillful player and they are nigh gods. It's just TO easy for so much profit. No? Do I know how to fix it? not a clue. I have a 50 Valor rank 51 powertec BH and a commando on another server and it really is just Easier on the merc/commando @shrugs@


PS: I'll add I do just fine on my PT, great in fact so I'm not in any way saying they are weak. I just feel there is a lot more risk/work put into doing what I do on my PT. I make it my personal mission sometimes to go after mercs, all that tracer spam makes it hard to hear my railshots proc'ing lol. @All in good fun@


PPS: @Edit@ A 25 Anything should not be topping charts imo. Not with so many 50's out there now. All that shows is just how easy it is, no?

Edited by Hyperius
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It's the retarded nerf mentallity.


"damn, those BHs look fun, I wish my class was that fun, so instead of requesting buffs for my class, I'll try to ruin theirs"


It's *********** pathetic.

Edited by dargor-
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we are probably the most balanced class out there,we can dish a good amount of damage but we are interruptable,we dont have a sprint ability to run from every crappy situation,our heals if we dont are bodyguard are slow and pathetic,and there are classes out there that can almost double our damage instantly


think that the BH is op?,go to play a madness sorcerer then came back

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Well to be honest with you I think people see something that isn't there. People are quick to nerf something rather then ask for a bump in certain things.


The problem is there is no balance in any MMO. Someones strenght is always someones weakness.


I always find it funny how people always want to be at the top of the damage board. I'll tell you how get good at your profession. Before trying Merc I was an assassin. Every PvP fight I would get about 11 kills die around 5 and my average damge 25k. Not very good but I was learning assassin.


I played SWG from server up and must say I had one true profession Bounty Hunter that is why I am a merc now. I had two a Dark Jedi and a BH. I must say that Sores are by far the most powerful but they use force powers which are ranged attacks. Assassins are by far the short end of the stick. Their maul takes forever to hit. Most of the time in PvP with lag their well away from you before your attack goes through. So it says you are not in the right situation.


Merc are about the best balanced career in the game and you are good for everything if you want to change up your expertise. I wish they would have comms for completeing heroics and flashpoints instead of random drops. If they did that and had gear you could buy, Mercs would be a viable part of all aspects of this game. Healer check, DPS check and AoE check.

Edited by jackalious
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Yeah seriously stop our Tracers from stacking and we lose a ton of our damage even if we switch to Power Shot. Just because you can't interrupt doesn't mean we are OP, it means you are bad. I've seen plenty of people force me to play outside my usual combos by stopping Tracers or Unload and it hurts.


Our mobility is terrible if we want to sustain damage, we have to plant ourselves.


We have no interrupt.


We are very susceptible to people taking advantage of LOS (Seriously folks, learn how to duck out of Unloads and hide if you're getting targetted).


Theres plenty of tradeoffs for what we do get......

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The problem is people see this list:


1. Heavy armor

2. Heals


4. HEAVY AoE Dps

5. Ranged(Which DOES give some inherent advantage even with all the gap closers. People are more likely to target people in their face than look around in hectic gameplay for the ranged guy 20 feet up and to the left)

6. Absolute faceroll easy rotation

7. Top damage(not always...but very high in the list) and lots of medals all the time. Do medals win the match? Nope...but they do pave the way for more gear chances and valor ranks.



There is a reason even bad mercs can top 3 pretty darn easily and why there are so many of them. It's because it has so much going for it for so little effort. Add a truly skillful player and they are nigh gods. It's just TO easy for so much profit. No? Do I know how to fix it? not a clue. I have a 50 Valor rank 51 powertec BH and a commando on another server and it really is just Easier on the merc/commando @shrugs@


PS: I'll add I do just fine on my PT, great in fact so I'm not in any way saying they are weak. I just feel there is a lot more risk/work put into doing what I do on my PT. I make it my personal mission sometimes to go after mercs, all that tracer spam makes it hard to hear my railshots proc'ing lol. @All in good fun@


PPS: @Edit@ A 25 Anything should not be topping charts imo. Not with so many 50's out there now. All that shows is just how easy it is, no?


1) firstly heavy armor is nothing in this game, avoidance > mitigation

2) heals - if we are effective at healing we dont have that uber dps you are talking about, bodyguard vs pyro/arsenal

3) heavy st dps - but no mobility or heals if we are heavy st

4) heavy aoe dps - our big dps aoe is on a long cooldown, our alternate is not heavy by any means

5) ranged - most classes can either stealth to us, leap to us, or are ranged themselves, we have no escapes and no mobility, this is not a factor

6) easy rotation - this game is easy, get a clue

7) top damage - its all we really do, with no other functionality we cant charge in to plan without being seen, we cant force leap or pull teamates to to goal line, we are just plain old slow moving dps, what would you have us do.


if you are so jealous roll one and you will see, most arsenal spec BH's think we need love and you come in here screaming nerf because you stood and took the dps from a dps class.

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1) firstly heavy armor is nothing in this game, avoidance > mitigation

2) heals - if we are effective at healing we dont have that uber dps you are talking about, bodyguard vs pyro/arsenal

3) heavy st dps - but no mobility or heals if we are heavy st

4) heavy aoe dps - our big dps aoe is on a long cooldown, our alternate is not heavy by any means

5) ranged - most classes can either stealth to us, leap to us, or are ranged themselves, we have no escapes and no mobility, this is not a factor

6) easy rotation - this game is easy, get a clue

7) top damage - its all we really do, with no other functionality we cant charge in to plan without being seen, we cant force leap or pull teamates to to goal line, we are just plain old slow moving dps, what would you have us do.


if you are so jealous roll one and you will see, most arsenal spec BH's think we need love and you come in here screaming nerf because you stood and took the dps from a dps class.


^ you are my new hero

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1) firstly heavy armor is nothing in this game, avoidance > mitigation

2) heals - if we are effective at healing we dont have that uber dps you are talking about, bodyguard vs pyro/arsenal

3) heavy st dps - but no mobility or heals if we are heavy st

4) heavy aoe dps - our big dps aoe is on a long cooldown, our alternate is not heavy by any means

5) ranged - most classes can either stealth to us, leap to us, or are ranged themselves, we have no escapes and no mobility, this is not a factor

6) easy rotation - this game is easy, get a clue

7) top damage - its all we really do, with no other functionality we cant charge in to plan without being seen, we cant force leap or pull teamates to to goal line, we are just plain old slow moving dps, what would you have us do.


if you are so jealous roll one and you will see, most arsenal spec BH's think we need love and you come in here screaming nerf because you stood and took the dps from a dps class.


Agree with you completely.

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1) firstly heavy armor is nothing in this game, avoidance > mitigation

2) heals - if we are effective at healing we dont have that uber dps you are talking about, bodyguard vs pyro/arsenal

3) heavy st dps - but no mobility or heals if we are heavy st

4) heavy aoe dps - our big dps aoe is on a long cooldown, our alternate is not heavy by any means

5) ranged - most classes can either stealth to us, leap to us, or are ranged themselves, we have no escapes and no mobility, this is not a factor

6) easy rotation - this game is easy, get a clue

7) top damage - its all we really do, with no other functionality we cant charge in to plan without being seen, we cant force leap or pull teamates to to goal line, we are just plain old slow moving dps, what would you have us do.


if you are so jealous roll one and you will see, most arsenal spec BH's think we need love and you come in here screaming nerf because you stood and took the dps from a dps class.



I KNEW somebody would read what they WANTED to read and not anything but LOL. Did you read that I have both a PT AND a merc? Did you read Anywhere that I wanted a nerf? Nope...lol. Plz try again.


1. Are you claiming light armor to heavy armor makes zero difference? A small difference is a difference nonetheless. Thanks for the obvious, avoidance > miti yes. so? Who was talking about avoidance LOL. Don't think I did? Quote it plz. Heavy IS better than light/med. It's not much of a point but a point nonetheless.

2. The mobility makes little difference when the damage is as fast and strong as it is. @I@ on MY commando and @YOU@ on your merc can blow through people so fast with even a few crits it's amazing. Yes! FASTER than MANY other pure dps classes.

3. WAIT....are you saying you have zero heals? I hope not or you need to learn your own class. You can still los somebody and throw yourself a couple quick heals. RIGHT?

4. It's much better AoE than most, which is Exactly and @only@ what I was implying

5. It IS a factor, lol. Again you read what you wanted and didn't take the rest alone with it. People Naturally attack people in their face first. People have less awareness of ranged than the Marauder in his face. WHAT MMO in the last 10 years have you played that ranged didn't often start with some inherent advantages?

6. Yes, it IS easy. And merc is even easier. Do you Actually claim it's not? 2 posts above mine are seasoned mercs giving a newbie advice that Mercs have a Very simple and powerful rotation. @WoW@ The point - that YOU missed - is that all are easy rotations but some give much more profit.

7. You CAN easily throw out some clutch heals to. Don't bother saying you can't lol. Absolute annihilation of opposing forces is good enough, it's what a LOT of classes @Only@ do other than some gimmicks. Mercs just do it faster(Don't even bother saying Op's lol. Ops do Not throw near as much destruction as mercs) AND easier for the most part.


I NEVER once stated@Directly at least@ Mercs were OP nor did I say I was jealous. In FACT I said I have both a PT and a Commando so yeah I have a pretty darn good idea of what I'm speaking. I do, and I'm not at all alone, think that mercs are Very strong, in fact stronger than quite a few classes. Buffing other classes would be preferable and let me state again just for you that Nowhere in my post did I say Nerf, OP, CRAZY, OMGZ or any such thing. To funny lol.


PS. You just couldn't help yourself could ya?

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I KNEW somebody would read what they WANTED to read and not anything but LOL. Did you read that I have both a PT AND a merc? Did you read Anywhere that I wanted a nerf? Nope...lol. Plz try again.


1. Are you claiming light armor to heavy armor makes zero difference? A small difference is a difference nonetheless. Thanks for the obvious, avoidance > miti yes. so? Who was talking about avoidance LOL. Don't think I did? Quote it plz. Heavy IS better than light/med. It's not much of a point but a point nonetheless.

2. The mobility makes little difference when the damage is as fast and strong as it is. @I@ on MY commando and @YOU@ on your merc can blow through people so fast with even a few crits it's amazing. Yes! FASTER than MANY other pure dps classes.

3. WAIT....are you saying you have zero heals? I hope not or you need to learn your own class. You can still los somebody and throw yourself a couple quick heals. RIGHT?

4. It's much better AoE than most, which is Exactly and @only@ what I was implying

5. It IS a factor, lol. Again you read what you wanted and didn't take the rest alone with it. People Naturally attack people in their face first. People have less awareness of ranged than the Marauder in his face. WHAT MMO in the last 10 years have you played that ranged didn't often start with some inherent advantages?

6. Yes, it IS easy. And merc is even easier. Do you Actually claim it's not? 2 posts above mine are seasoned mercs giving a newbie advice that Mercs have a Very simple and powerful rotation. @WoW@ The point - that YOU missed - is that all are easy rotations but some give much more profit.

7. You CAN easily throw out some clutch heals to. Don't bother saying you can't lol. Absolute annihilation of opposing forces is good enough, it's what a LOT of classes @Only@ do other than some gimmicks. Mercs just do it faster(Don't even bother saying Op's lol. Ops do Not throw near as much destruction as mercs) AND easier for the most part.


I NEVER once stated@Directly at least@ Mercs were OP nor did I say I was jealous. In FACT I said I have both a PT and a Commando so yeah I have a pretty darn good idea of what I'm speaking. I do, and I'm not at all alone, think that mercs are Very strong, in fact stronger than quite a few classes. Buffing other classes would be preferable and let me state again just for you that Nowhere in my post did I say Nerf, OP, CRAZY, OMGZ or any such thing. To funny lol.


PS. You just couldn't help yourself could ya?


you have a commando and a power tech from what i can read... and i stand by everything i said, and glad you spent so much time replying to me, means i win because i hit your buttons.


and if you play commando you dont play merc so no you dont know what you are talking about.


fyi, small slow heals are worthless in a pvp world, and full dps spec has poor at best heals.

Edited by Yazule
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The Commando is the Mercenary's mirror, guys.


They're the same class.


mirror is only a cute word people use, they are similar, but not the same


they are ranged gun dps, its like saying a camero and a mustang are the same car

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The mechanics are the same.


Entirely the same.


The differences are cosmetic.


i do not believe that every timers and effects are the same, I refer to my camero/mustang analogy again.


almost only counts in hand grenades

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you have a commando and a power tech from what i can read... and i stand by everything i said, and glad you spent so much time replying to me, means i win because i hit your buttons.


and if you play commando you dont play merc so no you dont know what you are talking about.


fyi, small slow heals are worthless in a pvp world, and full dps spec has poor at best heals.



How? You have not refuted one thing with any sort of clarity at all LOL. My buttons? no...your buttons were pushed when you @obviously@ became defensive and could not read my entire first post. Only pulling what YOU wanted from it and leaving the rest lol.


OHH Guys! I'm sorry, I was under the assumption that TROOPER:Commando was the repub equivalent?? My bad right?


PS. Rofl, now saying they are not the same. Fair enough as MOST @I better clarify or you won't realize I'm not saying so......ohhhhh!@ people seem to think the commando is WEAKER than the Imp MERC class lol.


PPS. Look, I'm fully aware nobody likes it when people @seem@ to be saying your class is OP. I'm not lol. I'm saying they are Very strong and perhaps a bit stronger than a lot of other classes. They simply are. A few choice bumps in other classes would again be preferable but as it stands now Mercs just ARE better at what they do than many other classes. Why do you think there are so darn many of them? I'll tell you why: Possibly the easiest 2-3 button target destruction rotation available. Less danger being ranged(Do you get hit with AoE DD/CC often? hrm! Heals....better than zero heals@Even YOU cannot refute this fact@



Edited by Hyperius
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mirror is only a cute word people use, they are similar, but not the same


they are ranged gun dps, its like saying a camero and a mustang are the same car


rail shot = high impact bolt

assault cannon = main hand blaster + offhand blaster

death from above = mortar volley (which is bugged like the above poster pointed out)

heat system = ammo system

vent heat = recharge cells

tracer missile = grav round




Really folks, rtfm before posting.

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As far as I know, the Bounty Hunter is not the only class the damn PvPers want to be nerfed. They also cry out to nerf the operative. Damn whiners... I hope BioWare and LucasArts mange to find a way to separate PvP from PvE... then both sides would be happy...
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How? You have not refuted one thing with any sort of clarity at all LOL. My buttons? no...your buttons were pushed when you @obviously@ became defensive and could not read my entire first post. Only pulling what YOU wanted from it and leaving the rest lol.


OHH Guys! I'm sorry, I was under the assumption that TROOPER:Commando was the repub equivalent?? My bad right?


PS. Rofl, now saying they are not the same. Fair enough as MOST @I better clarify or you won't realize I'm not saying so......ohhhhh!@ people seem to think the commando is WEAKER than the Imp MERC class lol.


PPS. Look, I'm fully aware nobody likes it when people @seem@ to be saying your class is OP. I'm not lol. I'm saying they are Very strong and perhaps a bit stronger than a lot of other classes. They simply are. A few choice bumps in other classes would again be preferable but as it stands now Mercs just ARE better at what they do than many other classes. Why do you think there are so darn many of them? I'll tell you why: Possibly the easiest 2-3 button target destruction rotation available. Less danger being ranged(Do you get hit with AoE DD/CC often? hrm! Heals....better than zero heals@Even YOU cannot refute this fact@





i wonder if i can post another sentence and get another novel... your opinion does not matter to me, i commented on your list with my take on it and pretty much was done with this thread...

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