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Couple of lore issues


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I'm hoping someone with much greater knowledge of Star Wars lore can help me with a couple of points here.


1) First, technology in the Star Wars universe. SWTOR is set three millenia before the events of the films. Why then is the technology virutally identical? Consider how far our own technology has advanced in the last two centuries. We've gone from the telegram to smart phones that have GPS navigation, high speed internet access, with touch screens and live streaming video chat. From the horse and buggy to landing a man on the moon. From the abbacus to computers that can we play SWTOR on.


In the Star Wars universe, THIRTY centuries have passed and their technology is virtually unchanged. Holo terminals are still monochrome, graining, and flicker at the slightest disturbance. Droids look and function exactly the same, with some minor esthetic differences. Star ships and speeders look and function the same way. In fact, some of the star ships from three thousand years ago look better than the ones we saw in the "present day" movies. If there is any difference in the technology used, it is so subtle as to be imperceptible. The same goes for their weaponry. The only weapons used in KOTOR and SWTOR that seem in any way more primitive than what we see in the movies are vibroblades, but the shock lances (or whatever they're called) carried by general Greivous' body guards aren't all that different.


Why is this? Is there some kind of dark age that happens between the SWTOR period and present day? Are we to believe that in the Star Wars universe they have achieved the pinnacle of technology and no further advancement is possible?


2) Another thing that bugs me, though a lot less, is the presence of the Republic Troopers. Isn't it explicitly stated in the movies that the Republic had NEVER had a standing millitary of its own prior to the creation of the clone army? I'm probably mistaken on this point, so it doesn't bother me nearly as much, but is still a matter of curiosity. Maybe I'll go back and watch the prequels again to see if I can find the line or if I'm just not remembering correctly.

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I'm hoping someone with much greater knowledge of Star Wars lore can help me with a couple of points here.


1) First, technology in the Star Wars universe. SWTOR is set three millenia before the events of the films. Why then is the technology virutally identical? Consider how far our own technology has advanced in the last two centuries. We've gone from the telegram to smart phones that have GPS navigation, high speed internet access, with touch screens and live streaming video chat. From the horse and buggy to landing a man on the moon. From the abbacus to computers that can we play SWTOR on.


In the Star Wars universe, THIRTY centuries have passed and their technology is virtually unchanged. Holo terminals are still monochrome, graining, and flicker at the slightest disturbance. Droids look and function exactly the same, with some minor esthetic differences. Star ships and speeders look and function the same way. In fact, some of the star ships from three thousand years ago look better than the ones we saw in the "present day" movies. If there is any difference in the technology used, it is so subtle as to be imperceptible. The same goes for their weaponry. The only weapons used in KOTOR and SWTOR that seem in any way more primitive than what we see in the movies are vibroblades, but the shock lances (or whatever they're called) carried by general Greivous' body guards aren't all that different.


Why is this? Is there some kind of dark age that happens between the SWTOR period and present day? Are we to believe that in the Star Wars universe they have achieved the pinnacle of technology and no further advancement is possible?


2) Another thing that bugs me, though a lot less, is the presence of the Republic Troopers. Isn't it explicitly stated in the movies that the Republic had NEVER had a standing millitary of its own prior to the creation of the clone army? I'm probably mistaken on this point, so it doesn't bother me nearly as much, but is still a matter of curiosity. Maybe I'll go back and watch the prequels again to see if I can find the line or if I'm just not remembering correctly.


Tech wise, the Star Wars universe is on a technological plateau, which means its tough to advance technologically wise.

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There is that, and there's the fact they had a dark ages period


I don't know how well versed you are in history, but our dark ages lost us a hell of a lot of stuff, tech wise and knowledge wise. I imagine a galactic scale dark ages would be devastating. Heck, I don't think anyone really uses implants in the movie eras, while in the current era, they seem to be pretty common.


One other point. How many thousands of years did we use the same sort of stuff with minor variations? Swords, spears, bows, they didn't go out of use for quite a long time.



For point 2


The republic didn't have a standing army after the Ruusan Reformation, which occured at the end of the galactic dark ages. Prior to that it did indeed have a military force in some form or other.

Edited by Tullianus
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Tech wise- Who wants to be a Jedi before the invention of light sabers? Or shot a firearm that wasn't a Laser but a projectile? these are Uniquely star wars take them out and its not even imaginable, the amount of fanboy QQ'ing

Standing Army wise-I don't know if movie lore really states if the army existed or not but this universe has always had some sort of 2 sided military conflict, Star WARS. Its was draws most people to it.


I always like to point out Final Fantasy XI and XIV, the ammount of people QQing to get either Final Fantasy removed from the Title or rename it to Fianl Fantasy Online 1 and 2.

They didn't though.

People were soo upset these were numbered Final Fantasy games that were not "single player RPGs". Fanboy's are what drive these franchises and your have to throw real world logic out the window before your head explodes

Edited by Daraco
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1) First, technology in the Star Wars universe. SWTOR is set three millenia before the events of the films. Why then is the technology virutally identical?


Can you honestly think of anything MORE advanced than what they've created in this universe? You have faster-than-light travel, droids, FLOATING COMBAT DROIDS, holograms that apparently have full-dialog capabilities as if the person recording it was right there with you, and hover-technology. You'd think that after inventing all this, they couldn't really make it better.


So they haven't. Plain and simple, it's a technological plateau.


2) Another thing that bugs me, though a lot less, is the presence of the Republic Troopers. Isn't it explicitly stated in the movies that the Republic had NEVER had a standing millitary of its own prior to the creation of the clone army? I'm probably mistaken on this point, so it doesn't bother me nearly as much, but is still a matter of curiosity. Maybe I'll go back and watch the prequels again to see if I can find the line or if I'm just not remembering correctly.


You try having 50 years worth of lore and millions of pages of canon material and then having a FEW continuity slip-ups. It happens, even in the greatest stories.


Also, a cursory search of Wookieepedia even points out, UNDER THE GALACTIC REPUBLIC ARTICLE:


The Republic realized the need for an army and navy to keep the peace. The Republic's military forces would serve throughout many conflicts, including the Great Hyperspace War, the various conflicts of the Old Sith Wars, and the New Sith Wars as well as the absolutely ravenous Great Galactic War.

After the Ruusan campaign, the Republic decommissioned much of its military, retaining a small force only for security purposes. This force would later become known as the Judicial Department. This was to display the Republic's peaceful ideals, as the Republic used Jedi Knights as "keepers of the peace."


Obviously, 5000 years BBY is definitely before the creation of the Clone Army.


tl;dr learn to use the internet


Edited by Falkelord
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I'm hoping someone with much greater knowledge of Star Wars lore can help me with a couple of points here.


1) First, technology in the Star Wars universe. SWTOR is set three millenia before the events of the films. Why then is the technology virutally identical? Consider how far our own technology has advanced in the last two centuries. We've gone from the telegram to smart phones that have GPS navigation, high speed internet access, with touch screens and live streaming video chat. From the horse and buggy to landing a man on the moon. From the abbacus to computers that can we play SWTOR on.


In the Star Wars universe, THIRTY centuries have passed and their technology is virtually unchanged. Holo terminals are still monochrome, graining, and flicker at the slightest disturbance. Droids look and function exactly the same, with some minor esthetic differences. Star ships and speeders look and function the same way. In fact, some of the star ships from three thousand years ago look better than the ones we saw in the "present day" movies. If there is any difference in the technology used, it is so subtle as to be imperceptible. The same goes for their weaponry. The only weapons used in KOTOR and SWTOR that seem in any way more primitive than what we see in the movies are vibroblades, but the shock lances (or whatever they're called) carried by general Greivous' body guards aren't all that different.


Why is this? Is there some kind of dark age that happens between the SWTOR period and present day? Are we to believe that in the Star Wars universe they have achieved the pinnacle of technology and no further advancement is possible?



Technology is somewhat plateau'ed, and with the contentious wars every few 1000 years technology is contentiously destroyed, lost and reinvented (stealth technology is good example of this, abundent is ToR times, yet almost non-existent in movie times, until Sidious reinvented it)


2) Another thing that bugs me, though a lot less, is the presence of the Republic Troopers. Isn't it explicitly stated in the movies that the Republic had NEVER had a standing millitary of its own prior to the creation of the clone army? I'm probably mistaken on this point, so it doesn't bother me nearly as much, but is still a matter of curiosity. Maybe I'll go back and watch the prequels again to see if I can find the line or if I'm just not remembering correctly.


This is not the same Republic. The movie Republic is only 1000 years old by Ep1. The previous Republic's have all had large armies, however after the whole Army of Light crusade and trouble cause in the previous Republic, The movie Republic decided against having an big army when they reformed it.

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The discussion of technology has cropped up again and again on various Star Wars message board since the first Knights of the Old Republic game. One discussion I recall from the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars RPG boards hit upon what I think is the best answer.


The poster there described the idea that, at a certain point, technology simply can't get any better with the law of physics as they are. He used the example of a computer processor. The speed at which a processor processes data is dependent on how fast the data, as packets of electrons, move through the physical connections of the processor. With better materials and manufacturing techniques, you can make processors faster and faster by increasing the speed and efficiency with which the electrons move through the chip. However, at some point, you will find that the processor simply can't go any faster, as the electrons themselves cannot move any faster.


Star Wars tech has reached a point similar to this. Pretty much everything that can be invented has been invented, and you can't really pack more power/energy/speed into what there is.

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I'm hoping someone with much greater knowledge of Star Wars lore can help me with a couple of points here.


1) First, technology in the Star Wars universe. SWTOR is set three millenia before the events of the films. Why then is the technology virutally identical? Consider how far our own technology has advanced in the last two centuries. We've gone from the telegram to smart phones that have GPS navigation, high speed internet access, with touch screens and live streaming video chat. From the horse and buggy to landing a man on the moon. From the abbacus to computers that can we play SWTOR on.


In the Star Wars universe, THIRTY centuries have passed and their technology is virtually unchanged. Holo terminals are still monochrome, graining, and flicker at the slightest disturbance. Droids look and function exactly the same, with some minor esthetic differences. Star ships and speeders look and function the same way. In fact, some of the star ships from three thousand years ago look better than the ones we saw in the "present day" movies. If there is any difference in the technology used, it is so subtle as to be imperceptible. The same goes for their weaponry. The only weapons used in KOTOR and SWTOR that seem in any way more primitive than what we see in the movies are vibroblades, but the shock lances (or whatever they're called) carried by general Greivous' body guards aren't all that different.


Why is this? Is there some kind of dark age that happens between the SWTOR period and present day? Are we to believe that in the Star Wars universe they have achieved the pinnacle of technology and no further advancement is possible?


Go read the Golden Age of the Sith comics. The tech in them is so far removed from everything, it's almost impossible to make the correlations. Seriously, they use Scrolls, wear togas, and their ships look like lumped together pieces of scrap.


Also, remember, that this game is aimed at a more casual Star Wars crowd. They're going to want a much greater connection to the movies then some of the more hard-core fans, and real tech-heads.


2) Another thing that bugs me, though a lot less, is the presence of the Republic Troopers. Isn't it explicitly stated in the movies that the Republic had NEVER had a standing millitary of its own prior to the creation of the clone army? I'm probably mistaken on this point, so it doesn't bother me nearly as much, but is still a matter of curiosity. Maybe I'll go back and watch the prequels again to see if I can find the line or if I'm just not remembering correctly.


The Old Republic could barely turn around without getting into another war. In the span of 60 years, you had three, bad wars. The Sith War against Exar Kun, the Mandalorian Wars, and the Jedi Civil War.


Three-hundredish years later, you have the return of the Sith Empire, and a war that last decades.


1,500 years earlier, you had the Great Hyperspace War, where one Sith Lord used a Super-weapon to tear apart stars.


Not to mention that this is a time of rapid expansion for the Republic. There are always going to be small conflicts that require the Republic military assistance.

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I'm hoping someone with much greater knowledge of Star Wars lore can help me with a couple of points here.


1) First, technology in the Star Wars universe. SWTOR is set three millenia before the events of the films. Why then is the technology virutally identical? Consider how far our own technology has advanced in the last two centuries. We've gone from the telegram to smart phones that have GPS navigation, high speed internet access, with touch screens and live streaming video chat. From the horse and buggy to landing a man on the moon. From the abbacus to computers that can we play SWTOR on.


In the Star Wars universe, THIRTY centuries have passed and their technology is virtually unchanged. Holo terminals are still monochrome, graining, and flicker at the slightest disturbance. Droids look and function exactly the same, with some minor esthetic differences. Star ships and speeders look and function the same way. In fact, some of the star ships from three thousand years ago look better than the ones we saw in the "present day" movies. If there is any difference in the technology used, it is so subtle as to be imperceptible. The same goes for their weaponry. The only weapons used in KOTOR and SWTOR that seem in any way more primitive than what we see in the movies are vibroblades, but the shock lances (or whatever they're called) carried by general Greivous' body guards aren't all that different.


Why is this? Is there some kind of dark age that happens between the SWTOR period and present day? Are we to believe that in the Star Wars universe they have achieved the pinnacle of technology and no further advancement is possible?


2) Another thing that bugs me, though a lot less, is the presence of the Republic Troopers. Isn't it explicitly stated in the movies that the Republic had NEVER had a standing millitary of its own prior to the creation of the clone army? I'm probably mistaken on this point, so it doesn't bother me nearly as much, but is still a matter of curiosity. Maybe I'll go back and watch the prequels again to see if I can find the line or if I'm just not remembering correctly.


1) Tech has rarely changed in Star Wars and only improves upon itself. Any big advancement is usually lost or found too dangerous for use (then lost in time). It is assumed tech reached its pinnacle in the universe and therefore, cannot make huge leaps and bounds. Our technological slope has been big in the last 100 years but it took another 5000 to reach that point. Not to mention what would a bloody "dark age" mean on a universe scale? With constant war, tech could be constantly created, destroyed, lost rediscovered, corrupted, and who knows what else in the span of millenia.


2) the "formation of the republic" part of that quote has caused some discrepancies with the EU but an effective retcon has been that since the Republic is also 1000 years old according to the movies, that the Russan Reformation in the EU had effectively reorganized and reformed the Republic which eliminated its military. Besides, Star Wars without an army would be a very boring and one-sided war.

Edited by Forgon
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