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My Opinion On Why SWTOR Won't Have The Staying Power Bioware Wants


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Scale wise it fits with certain planets, others it doesn't based on the movies. Look at Coruscant in the movies, they are overly huge massive buildings that makes the actors look tiny. On Tatooine all the buildings feel much tighter and compact, exactly what you would expect and do see from the movies.


Keep in mind that in lot of ways when it comes to these places they are simply using what was already determined by Lucas. Next time you watch the last 3 films, pay attention to the scale of things, I think you will see that maybe some of the things you have issues with is that they simply replicated the aesthetics of the movies.

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Ehm.. OP is not stating he's right and no one else is. He's just giving his thoughts about the game and it's possible future. meanwhile you're trying to diss him and not contributing to the discussion he wants to start. I don't agree with him but i can understand why he thinks like that. Do only thing i find strange is that the empire is all cool and tuff, while the republics look and sound a bit gay :p dev's prefer empire i guess :) And btw didnt anyone see the name Robothitler ?!? You're so gonna reported by someone :D ( damn this reply belongs on page 1 of thread sorry) edited :o Edited by Leoluchtloper
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Yeah lvling in the barrens in wow felt populated ... please .. did you even visit the imperial fleet ? or illum ?! , i mean in wow the game only felt populated is when you were hanging in a main city such as orgrimmar or the place where you do dailies and the same goes for other mmo's you can't expect to be going around dromundkaas with 50 people running with you , the planet is big , + this late in the game you won't see many people as most of them already hit lvl 50 , here am only discussing the thing about game feeling empty , btw maybe it's just your server , i was on a server that actually was empty even on the imperial fleet but after rerolling i feel alive again :D. Edited by kissmyshield
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What people want to pay for in an MMO is a sense of a living, thriving virtual world that is cohabited by their peers. They want the sense that they are a part of something much bigger.


I think that used to be what an MMORPG was all about, but of modern MMOs, only EVE Online sticks to this ideal.


MMOs nowadays are single player games with an option to group. The sense of virtual world is quite vestigial.


In fact, I've said on another thread that I think the VO and storyline in SWTOR actually awakens a sense of virtual world in SWTOR, but not in the old sense, not via gameplay, but in the sense of a dev-created virtual world.


i.e. it makes the SW lore come alive, and thereby creates a different kind of illusion of a virtual world.


IOW instead of being immersed by "making a difference" (as one might have done in some of the classics, or in EVE Online now) one is immersed simply by good stories, with good voice acting - so one is immersed more as one would be immersed in a film.


For these reasons, I think it has a decent future - provided BW has the resources to keep pumping out the same high-quality VO content. Which I think they do. (I read somewhere that they have many of the voice actors on contract for the next year and a half.)

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I'm sorry, but as much as you are very clearly trying to make your post constructive, and prefaced it by saying it was your opinion, I fear I can't take this with anything approaching a positive outlook. Literally every single one of your positions is not based on logic or anything but "Ilikeit/Idontlikeit" and your applique of your personal tastes to the rest of the player base invalidates many of your own arguments.


To wit:


Story & Voice Acting - I and many others have realized that generally speaking, people that play MMO's long-term (for years) do not play for story narrative or voice acting. It really doesn't matter how good your narrative is or how groundbreaking your voice-acted dialog is for MMO's. People aren't going to pay a monthly fee for this alone.



That's funny. That's literally the *only* reason I am interested in SWTOR and paying for it. I play DAoC and Warhammer, which already has the best PVP, and my PVE experiences skew more towards STO or Champions.


For every person who will not like this choice there may be one, or two, who are drawn to it. Games like WoW and GW2 have nothing to offer. They are , quite literally, games filled with boring, repetitive grinds, people that I dislike for their focus on stupid numbers instead of actual fun, and a mindset that basically encourages you to not even bother to explore the world around you.


Some people will reject that. Others will suggest that, basically, SWTOR is as good as the quests anything else offers, but the presentation is better, and that will attract them.


What people want to pay for in an MMO is a sense of a living, thriving virtual world that is cohabited by their peers. They want the sense that they are a part of something much bigger. Having great narrative and voice-acting would be a fantastic addition to SWTOR if it were able to consistently capture the epic feeling of a living & breathing world.



I really don't get that. To use two examples: Both WoW and Champions online are horribly over-crowded. It is extremely hard for me to maintain my sense that I am someone special when I'm literally drowning in people. In SWTOR I get the sense that I am not the average, that I stand out.


I have no use for social lemming behavior and to suggest that most people do is counter intuitive -- no one would ever bother with any new MMO if that was the case , since they have what they need already.



It would be shoddy statistics for me to apply these numbers to the whole player base, so I will refrain from doing so. But even if Bioware lost 15-20% subscribers within the first few months, that would most likely be a death sentence for SWTOR. Bioware can sustain and handle losing less than 10% of subscribers and hope that new purchasers would offset the loss.



I'll skip the parts about corridors, because it's much of the same -- some like them, some don't. Focusing on this instead -- if Bioware lost 20% of their subs in the first month that wouldn't do a thing. People underestimate how much EA has riding on this. They are prepare to absorb SIGNIFIGANT short term losses in hopes of capitalizing on a long-term steady revenue flow such as Bilzzard has achieved with WoW. They need that flow to fund their other trainwreck projects and make up for other missteps.


Naysayers and others who are all declaiming the game will fail basically don't bother to think about the business bottom line here -- nothing more that complete catastrophic rejection (40% to 50% loss rates) is going to kill this thing. If the game dies it will be due to miscaluation SWG style with the NGE that alienates a large mass of the player base at the same time.


The losses we have at launch will half be expected and half of members who will resub in 6 to 8 months out.



As it stands, I worry for the future of the game. I want it to succeed. But Bioware is in trouble if the overall feeling on these forums and that poll is indicative of the player base right now.


This is pretty much what derailed everything. You present a series of "things wrong with game" that are basically opinions -- which is fine. Then you make a premise that these things are what everyone isn't liking, which is shaky logic. And then that this dislike will cause the game to possibly fail, which is illogical given the finances. And then finally you base this off a single poll and some posts on the forums which isn't even REMOTELY representative of the SATISFIED or HAPPY players and is always going to be dominated only by people having problems, haters, trolls, fanboys, and people who enjoy watching trainwrecks.


Sorry, no buy.

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Also, a thing to note - While Coruscant is your 'capital city', the Republic Fleet is actually set up to be the more central hub... and seems to be where most people congregate, due to FP shuttles and more. I, for one, lag insanely due to the large number of people in the Fleet, so it doesn't feel empty to me. >_>
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