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Marauder Keybinding


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Just getting into a marauder alt after being so used to a sniper in pvp.. any tips on keybinding the massive amount of abilities with a marauder? I'm having trouble just having it all set perfectly my fingers are everywhere at the moment and I hate it.
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Depends on what you prefer, mouse, keyboard, or both. I'm more efficient with the keyboard (using my left hand) than using the buttons on the mouse. I basically have the usual 1-6, then Ctrl 1-5, Alt 1-5, and Shift 1-5. I also have Q, E, F, X, and V for other skills. I'm still actually needing a few more keys that's why I'm gonna pick up the Naga or the Logi G700. Edited by BarcodeX
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maybe manage the ones I used most closer to my fingers


Yup, that's why I use Q, E, F, X, and V aside from the others mentioned. Then again as a marauder with so many abilities you need to be QUICK in using them especially in PvP.


Sometimes I get scared that I might get carpal tunnel on my left hand because of this (though I've used these keys in previous MMOs and haven't had any hand/finger problems).

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I got Up Arrow key, Down Arrow key, Left Arrow key, Right Arrow key for my movement.


For my abilities I have:


Delete: "Attack"

End: "Force Charge"

PgDown:"Vicious Slash or w/e it's called"

Insert: "Force Scream"

Home: "Ravage"

PgUp:"Battering Assault"

Numpad4: "Retaliation"

Ctrl+Del: "Preditation"

Ctrl+End: "Obliterate"

Ctrl+PgDown: "Crippling Slash"

Ctrl+Ins: "Smash"

Ctrl+Home: "Force Crush"

Ctrl+PgUp: "to be decided"



Hope this helped OP :o.

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You should also bind W, A, S & D together with shift.


If those are used as movement keys I don't think it would be good idea to bind them with shift, alt, ctrl, etc as it would conflict with movement. I mean some people are fast at key pushing but still. After playing MMORPGs and FPS for so long on PC using WASD as movement, that would total mess up my play style.

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Ya I am running into a similar issue. Thought maybe I should get a pedal and set it up as a mod. Honestly I use ctrl all the time. I try to avoid using Alt because even though I have both turned off in Windows the two damn start keys always take me to my desktop if I hit them by accident.


Again they are turned off! Even will say key disabled right now if I hit it. Seems going into SW makes it go active.


I use tab to swith between targets. Can't really think of any other options for me. Shift isn't easy to hit. Maybe I have small hands.


Maybe it is just too many skills and it is just too much for me. Now I know some mods like what I use in WoW could go a long way. Maybe even a few macros. Those we might see in time.


Till then I recommend and plan to get a pedal.

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stop using w,a,s,d to move. Hold your right button and push your left to move, makes a world of difference once you get used to it. If you want to keep a back move button you can but its always faster to turn and run then to back up. Default binding is q and e for strafing leave those.


Then you can bind `,1,2,3,4,5,w,r,t,a,s,d,f,z,x,c,v, plus shift and all those as you need them, I prioritize shift+key to those that feel most natural as that improves the speed with which I can key strike. shift+v for example isn't very natural.


Use your index finger for your right mouse button and your ring finger for your left so you middle finger is free for the mouse wheel. Bind mouse wheel up and down off the camera and to something more useful (I use force camo for up and predation as down,I then bind shift mouse wheel up and down for zoom in and out), bind mouse button 3 (mouse wheel press, which i bind to my break free). Then I bind max camera out to shift mb3 since there are times when you camera gets screwed up and being able to quickly max it is very useful.


If you have a razor naga mouse you can also us 0,-,= very easily with your thumb, and mouse button 4 and 5. If you have fat fingers like i do the 1-9 on the naga are simple to small to use effectively.


The above set up gives you 23 easy access keys between your left and right hand(without shift). If you don't have a naga you lose 3 keys potentially more depending on how dexterous your thumb and left index fingers are.


If you add shift to the mix and don't use shift+mouse wheel up and down for camer or mb3 for max camera its 46 keys.


Its also really wise to bind all your characters like this then designate specific keys to specific actions. For example no matter what toon I'm playing mb3 is always my break free, this means I learn muscle memory for escaping cc for all my characters and switching characters after long sessions doesn't require much of a transition.

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This guide on key binding is specific to rift, but the concepts are applicable to all mmos (which while they default bindings often mimic fps shooters, it doesn't really make sense to retain them if you really want to excel)




I outlined the basics of the guide in my previous post.


I'm quoting now to highlight this.


Realize that rebinding your keys is one of the most disruptive things you can do. It’s like learning to walk all over again. Therefore, you have to be patient. It typically takes a week of playing to get the muscle memory down for a new setup.


Very important to remember this, in the end it is well worth it though, takes you about 10 levels to get used to the new bindings, I expect if you try it you won't go back and like he said about a week before it seems natural.

Edited by Tilure
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I use a razor naga. it has 17 buttons. if you use shift or ctrl it doubles or triple the amount of buttons. i'm getting used to it. i used to have a rogue in WOW so key binding a lot is no problem. what my issue is all the crazy global cooldowns. i wish i had some add ons to help with that. my suggestion is to keep practicing. it just takes some more acclimation. dont give up. :)
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  • 3 weeks later...
Ya I am running into a similar issue. Thought maybe I should get a pedal and set it up as a mod. Honestly I use ctrl all the time. I try to avoid using Alt because even though I have both turned off in Windows the two damn start keys always take me to my desktop if I hit them by accident.


Again they are turned off! Even will say key disabled right now if I hit it. Seems going into SW makes it go active.


I use tab to swith between targets. Can't really think of any other options for me. Shift isn't easy to hit. Maybe I have small hands.


Maybe it is just too many skills and it is just too much for me. Now I know some mods like what I use in WoW could go a long way. Maybe even a few macros. Those we might see in time.


Till then I recommend and plan to get a pedal.



Heh a pedal, never thought of that, but for the Sith Warrior and JK classes in SWTOR......... well it seems like a good idea.

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I use a Razer Naga mouse and a G15 keyboard as well. I don't take full advantage of the G15 yet, but I did keybind Sprint (F11) and my buff (F12), then I 'recorded' myself hitting F11 - waiting a few seconds - then hitting F12. That way in PVP, when I die, I can just hit the G3 key and it will automatically cast my Sprint and buff.


As far as the Naga's bindings go, I'd have to look at it, since I kind of just 'know' where buttons are.

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I use a G13 gamepad; it makes a WORLD of difference.


1-12 all easily accessible, using a thumbstick for movement. Using 2 buttons on the side of my mouse for alt and shift, this easily gives 36+ keybinds that are very easy to use quickly.


I have my pinky set up to jump, and I reach my index finger down to tab target. I even have the huttball on its own special key. :p

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  • 1 month later...
very helpful post man i play a marauder and have always used wasd 1-9 0 -. and then shift and those but dont use mouse for camera and i know it makes me suffer. I will use your guide here to get use to it hopefully becasue i know i need to to be as efficent as i want in pvp i know i could play much better etc with your setup. My problem is im lvl 50 maruader BM tahts been playing like this forever so im going to attempt to relearn it your way but in 50 pvp zones this is going to be very hard to get use to and constantly explain to my guildies why im doing horrible horrible lol
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You should also bind W, A, S & D together with shift.


Agreed, I bind abilities I use all the time (as well as Shift Mousewheel Up and Down) to mouse wheel up and down so I can spam them when I'm not sure what to do. I use W,A,D for my movement, then bind commonly used abilities (but ones that may need a proc or some thought) to every key my left hand can reach quickly: Q, E, R, F, C, X, Z (as well as Shift for those same keys). That gives me 18 abilities I can quickly activate with my left hand or mouse wheel and still be able to move well.


Then it is just prioritizing which abilities i use most and binding those to the keys i like to use the most because I find those keys easy to use.

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Just keep experimenting to find your ideal keybinds. Once you do, practice them until they become part of your muscle memory and you don't need to think about which button to press.

I use a standard 101 US keyboard and 2 button mouse with scroll wheel.


WASD movement, QE strafe, occasionally right+left mouse buttons for movement.

1-6 most common abilities, 7-0 less common abilities. And tilda key: `

Shift 1-6 defensive cooldowns

Ctrl 1-5 random utilities

F1-F4 more utilities


Everything is basically within reach of my left fingers.

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Unbind s, you never need to backpedal in this game.


Q W E for movement so that you fingers are close enough to 1-5 that you can be moving and pressing the 1-5 at the same time.


Rebind A S D R T F G Z X C V.


If you have a mouse that has a side button find a program that will rebind it to use it as ALT or CTRL. That way you can press your side mouse button down for a modifier and double your keybinds. Otherwise use your pinky or thumb for a shift/ctrl/alt.


Hope this helps.

Edited by awildcannon
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Mine's funky for having a simple 3 button mouse. I have my tree-specific things though.


1: Assault

2: Vicious Slash/Massacre

3: Charge

4: Battering Assault

5: Deadly Saber/Scream

Q: Smash

E: Annihilate/Gore/Obliterate

R: Obfuscate

F: Ravage(carnage), Rupture (annihilation), or Crush (Rage)


Ctrl+Q: Berserk

Shift+5: Predation

Shift+T and Shift+Y for Relics

G: Undying Rage

Z: Cloak of Pain

X: Saber Ward

T: Throw Hutt Ball

Shift+F for Camo



Shift+1 for Vicious Throw

Shift+2 for that one snare that I forgot the name of

Shift+3 for AoE slash that builds rage and that's all I use it for and I forgot the name of.

Shift+4 for Choke

Shift+R for Deadly Throw


Mouse3: INTERRUPT. I can't stress the importance of this enough.



Shift+Q is either Scream, Ravage, or Rupture depending on spec....





Yeah, depending on the spec I am in, I switch a lot of keybinds up. The important ones end up on E, F, or 5. I don't know if I missed anything, but you get the idea.

Edited by Spiderbubble
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Couple things in this thread work for other people that would never work for me.


1) Unbinding WASD from move. I've spent almost 15 years playing FPS games, and the muscle memory is so ingrained that it would be very difficult (and disadvantageous, as I don't only play SWTOR) to change.


2) Unbinding S to back up. There are plenty of times the quickest way to get a large-hitbox character out of a little collision snag is to tap S.


3) L+R click for full-time movement. I use it sometimes, and it's very useful, but just as WASD is too firmly ingrained in muscle memory to train (or want to train) out, my muscle memory for use of L/R mouse buttons in an FPS fashion is also burned in.


With that in mind, the goal was to set up binds that would leave all binds in reach of my left hand without moving from WASD for more than a brief instant (e.g. to hit a modifier key). I wanted to optimize the layout for PVP without compromising PVE utility.


The easiest way I found to do this was to extensively use 1-4, Q, E, R, F, Z, X, C, and V, and use them in combination with Shift, Control, and Alt, and cover any moments off WASD hitting CTRL+key or ALT+key with L+R right mouse button movement. 5 and 6 are also used for attacks, but attacks that fall outside of the normal priority list.


The second piece of the puzzle was how to arrange bars to maximize situational awareness. If the screen were virtually split into 9 grid squares (think tic tac toe), I want my attention in the center and bottom center squares 80% of the time.


What worked for me was ensuring the easiest things to see were normal priority attacks with cooldowns on the center bar, starting from the first slot, and binding them, along with Assault (which is tucked out of the way in the rightmost slot of the bottom center bar), to 1-4 and Shift+1 through Shift+4. Vicious Throw is bound to E to make it easy to land killing blows in PVP, but is tucked in the middle of the bottom bar since it's easy to tell if it's available based on enemy HP bar. Crippling Slash is bound to Shift+Q to make slowing a target in PVP easy. Other useful attacks are tucked further to the right and on the right side of the bottom bar, and bound to less-reachable keys (5, 6, R, and those keys in combination with Shift/CTRL).


Right below them are my Fury buffs, bound to Alt+1 through Alt+4. I used to have these placed in a less central location but I found I was not using them optimally, because there wasn't as sufficiently visible cue that they were available. Watching the counter on the buff bar reduces situational awareness, and tucking those buffs to a side bar requires visual screen scanning, which takes time.


Defensive CDs, trinket, and interrupts/CCs sit on my left bar, and are bound to CTRL+1 through CTRL+4, Q, and F, Shift+F, CTRL+F, and CTRL+E, respectively. I also tossed throw huttball and a speeder hotkey there since I had open slots.


Medkips, adrenals, stims, relics, party buff, Channel Hatred, 20m, and a couple miscellaneous things sit on the right bar, with the med bound to Z, stims to X and Shift+X, Relics bound to C and Shift+C, CH to Shift+V (rebound V to draw/sheathe weapons, and CTRL+V to speeder), and most of the rest there to click but without hotkeys. I didn't think I'd need to hotkey Rakata stims, but I didn't want to have to open up the inventory to quickly switch between STR and END stims as required. Likewise, party buff is usually a click at the start of a FP or WZ, or otherwise used out of combat when a hotkey isn't needed.

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1) Unbinding WASD from move. I've spent almost 15 years playing FPS games, and the muscle memory is so ingrained that it would be very difficult (and disadvantageous, as I don't only play SWTOR) to change.


I also play other games than SWTOR. Currently playing APB:Reloaded, BF3, and a few RPG's. I've also been playing FPS games since basically Half-Life came out. It is not a hard change for you to do and would probably take max 2 hours for you to fully adapt. The reason I decided to use QWE instead of WASD really came down to raiding in WoW in which pressing a strafe (f) and the #4 at the same time(without jumping) is fairly difficult and would net a loss in dps(or damage uptime for pvp).


2) Unbinding S to back up. There are plenty of times the quickest way to get a large-hitbox character out of a little collision snag is to tap S.


You were asking about PVP and I was giving you thoughts on it, since it would open up 3 possible binds. However if you don't need em then to each their own.


3) L+R click for full-time movement. I use it sometimes, and it's very useful, but just as WASD is too firmly ingrained in muscle memory to train (or want to train) out, my muscle memory for use of L/R mouse buttons in an FPS fashion is also burned in.


I agree, I find that pressing both at the same time could lead to a tactical disadvantage in pvp fights. ie. Running to a sorc/sage and finding the spot in which would push you up against an object(or the least far away). Would be very difficult to do with trying to position using just the mouse clicks to do lol.

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