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Concerning Parsers


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I will not come in and say crap like all the Pro-parsers say when they make there very well thought out rants in favor of parsers,


like "Everyone in the game wants parsers"


or "The majority of players will quit the game without parsers"


or even better "Bioware thinks that parsers are important and will implement them soon, but they are just waiting for the community as a whole to accept them"


I will say that, I as a player who quit other games inundated with 3rd party addons, and parsers, DO NOT WANT PARSERS.


I play the game to relax and have an enjoyable experience. I do not play the game so i can measure my E-Peenery against every other player. I do not play the game to listen to some snot nosed 12 year old complain to me cause i "Didn't max your dps that last boss fight".


If parsers are allowed, and the influx of 3rd party addons are introduced, i will more then likely leave this game as others, this is not an "I quit" post, this is just a matter of fact that i do not want to be forced into DLing 3rd party garbage for my game in order to be "allowed" to play the game in a normal everyday fashion.


Please, do not come in this thread telling me i don't have to DL the addons if i dont want to use them, you go play Rift or WoW and only use Vanilla and just wait for the clarion call from all the players who cant fathom a game without them.


i don't want em and i can bet there are 1 or 2 others who might agree with me. Maybe more ?

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Especially because there are guilds downing nightmare mode end-game content without them? I'd simply be happy with mouseover healing and anything else is gravy. I've watched parsers destroy other games, I was actually addicted to them myself. It's an addiction and I think all the rage posts about it is people who aren't getting their fix in SWTOR.
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The answer is pretty simple, if you don't want to parse then don't parse. Don't associate with players who parse, group with people who have a similar mindset to you.


If you didn't like ice cream would you suddenly advocate that everyone who did like ice cream not be allowed to have it? No because it's childish.

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A. BioWare is already adding a combat log and the ability to parse the information for analysis. Welcome to two weeks ago.


B. Combat log parsing really has nothing to do with addons. BioWare has already stated that they may consider opening the API for users to create mods in the future but that it is not an immediate priority.



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No guild I have ever seen mandates Recount or Skada, or any of the other damage parsers.


They do have a very useful function though, especially when dealing with constant deaths, or a lack of performance in some area. For example, last week my super-casual raid group in WoW was working Ultraxion, a very heavy healing fight. And we kept dying. And we were looking for a reason why we kept dying. Using a mod such as Recount allowed us to pinpoint that our Holy Paladin was underperforming. Using this knowledge, we were able to go to a damage parse website (World of Logs) and look at his performance using in depth tools provided there, and see this. We were then able to compare that to a successful kill like this one.


Using this tool, we were able to pinpoint problem areas in the way he was performing. He was not removed from the raid group. He was not publicly called out. He was approached in private, given some suggestions based on analysis of parses.


Without those types of tools, we would have had a hard time identifying and trying to fix specific problems, and were able to give much more constructive feedback.

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I play the game to relax and have an enjoyable experience. I do not play the game so i can measure my E-Peenery against every other player. I do not play the game to listen to some snot nosed 12 year old complain to me cause i "Didn't max your dps that last boss fight".


I do not want to be forced into DLing 3rd party garbage for my game in order to be "allowed" to play the game in a normal everyday fashion.



So shove yer parser up your parse, i don't want em and i can bet there are 1 or 2 others who might agree with me. Maybe more ?


Right on about the snot nosed 12 year olds with tiny IRL peens so they need a huge E-Peen to feel better about their miserable existence. Woe unto him that does not max out their DPS and armour and have just the right build or else be shunned by the “b-net kiddies”. Man WOW really brought out the morons……and they spilled over into all the other games.


I am already seeing recruitment adds and calls for group members with level and equipment requirements or a particular spec in order to be permitted to join in on the reindeer games. Such nonsense! I pride myself on the fact that my friends and I can succeed at things that the 1337 players would never attempt unless they had all the right gear and proper class mix of players..... They need to get a real life.


As to parsers I could care less there is /ignore.....


I am Icav and I approve of this post!

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I probably wouldnt quit, I play well enough. Still I hate the kind of behavior parsers bring and it would definitely put big weight on the "Quit SWTOR" side of the scale.


Just putting in my vote on "thread # 30234 regarding parsers and combat logs" in case Bioware is watching. Not joining the conversation this time around.

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Especially because there are guilds downing nightmare mode end-game content without them?


I've seen numerous hardcore elite players in world class guilds that completely dominated WoW say that combat logs and meters are necessities and games cannot be played without them.

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I've seen numerous hardcore elite players in world class guilds that completely dominated WoW say that combat logs and meters are necessities and games cannot be played without them.


Wait, "hardcore" PvE players want their hands held? What a joke.

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No guild I have ever seen mandates Recount or Skada, or any of the other damage parsers.


They do have a very useful function though, especially when dealing with constant deaths, or a lack of performance in some area. For example, last week my super-casual raid group in WoW was working Ultraxion, a very heavy healing fight. And we kept dying. And we were looking for a reason why we kept dying. Using a mod such as Recount allowed us to pinpoint that our Holy Paladin was underperforming. Using this knowledge, we were able to go to a damage parse website (World of Logs) and look at his performance using in depth tools provided there, and see this. We were then able to compare that to a successful kill like this one.


Using this tool, we were able to pinpoint problem areas in the way he was performing. He was not removed from the raid group. He was not publicly called out. He was approached in private, given some suggestions based on analysis of parses.


Without those types of tools, we would have had a hard time identifying and trying to fix specific problems, and were able to give much more constructive feedback.


Are you playing a game or studying analytics?

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Having groups give up due to low dps and not ebing able to beat a flashpoint is not enjoyable.

Being harassed for low dps when the run is going smoothly is not enjoyable.




i agree. and i say to people who complain about the 2nd one, the ignore feature and/or having self-esteem goes a long way.

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You know, being able to analyze the encounter by any means other than "LOL I JUST DIED AND I DONT KNOW WHY" is actually part of that.


Yeah, and for every group that uses it constructively, there will be how many more that harass and kick people for "low dps"?


Perhaps the compromise is that you only get to see your own combat numbers. Don't get me wrong, I understand how it can be used properly, but there's a ton of ego involved in PvE for some reason, and getting kicked from a FP because of low dps when everything's going fine is absolutely dumb.

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A. BioWare is already adding a combat log and the ability to parse the information for analysis. Welcome to two weeks ago.


B. Combat log parsing really has nothing to do with addons. BioWare has already stated that they may consider opening the API for users to create mods in the future but that it is not an immediate priority.




It was also stated that EQ2 would NEVER go free to play and NEVER have Beastlords.


Parsers will be the death of this game .. mark my words


hard core raiders will account for less than 1% of the population doing less than 2% of the total game content

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Parsers are there to show who's pulling their weight, not for personal performance. As a Hunter class leader on WoW, I could tell which other Hunters were underperforming and not min/maxing. This is very important for hardcore progression raids and determining whether or not a player needs to improve. You could look at worldoflogs parses and see whether or not they were utilizing auto attacks during movement, using their abilities off cooldown, refreshing DoTs and debuffs, etc.


It was extremely useful for hardcore raiding, and anyone who says it's not has never been in a hardcore progression guild. Also, I'd love to see anyone try to kill 25-man Heroic Lich King without the use of any addons.

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