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** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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12.14.2011Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play




11.02.2011Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch




09.06.2011Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order


got the mail at gmt 16:13



for which accounts? just the sept one?


or nov or dec? clarify pls

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Several of us asked if it was the last wave on Twitter to the official and to Stephen Reid, instead of getting an answer we got this.


RockjawStephen Reid

Sorry guys, got to put down the Twitter periscope for now. Back later.


LOL oh well.

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I really hate staggered pre lauch MMO. THis is a very poor business practice for to handle a MMO.


Need to fire the guy behind this «genius» idea. This guys have no clue about what it cause the excitment to a MMO lauch day : chaos, rush for name reservation, plenty of people aorund. This is same guy as we had for Mythic in warhammer?..... fire him damnit!

Edited by Tirrexx
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@Rockjaw is that it for today? or will we get a bonus wave maybe?

5 minutes ago



Rockjaw Stephen Reid


@DrewIAHWK It's a little early to be saying that.

1 minute ago



Sounding more promising!





@Rockjaw Why are you guys still advertising up to 5 days EGA? No way will anyone post November get more then 1 day, seems kinda deceitful.

1 hour ago

in reply to ↑

Stephen Reid

@Rockjaw Stephen Reid

@DrewIAHWK It's a little early to be saying that.

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@Rockjaw is that it for today? or will we get a bonus wave maybe?

5 minutes ago



Rockjaw Stephen Reid


@DrewIAHWK It's a little early to be saying that.

1 minute ago



Sounding more promising!


Obvious Troll being Obvious, thats not what the tweet says. I just posted the REAL TWEET

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for which accounts? just the sept one?


or nov or dec? clarify pls


THey're all one account - they just post it confusingly. The Pre-Order was redeemed on 9/6, he was able to download/patch the client on 11/2 and he got his Early Game Access on the December date.

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In all actuality with a late Oct pre-order I expect to have to wait tomorrow anyway, but I still hope there is another wave because then I get in a little earlier tomorrow :cool:


Actually it kinda blows for me since these e-mails go out as I start getting ready for work. Meaning tomorrow I know I am going to have the longest day ever just waiting to go home to play.

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Congratulations to all of those who have been granted early access! Although you may have initially felt moments of rage and anger over being held out from earlier waves of invites, your trials are over.. and you are gaming happily at this moment. Kudos to you and deservedly so, you pre-ordered this wonderful new game and were given the very early access that was reward for pre-order.


But now let us all focus our attention on the problem that is at hand. The arrogance of a game provider holding steadfast to a completely arbitrary, slow, and entirely unnecessary delay in yielding invitations to all pre-order customers.


Why is it arbitrary, slow, and entirely unnecessary? Please consider the following:


#1 (arbitrary) - the game was initially marketed to have early access beginning December 15th with up to five days of potential early access. Actual invitations began on December 13th. How does this happen? Because the invitation process is arbitrary. The server infrastructure is in place. This game becomes official on December 20th. Do not be naive as to think that this game can not support all customers (including those yet to even purchase) at this very moment. If there was a thought that the servers could not handle the existing pre-order population... there would be no way that launch of the official release would occur in less than four days. The stress test conducted over the thanksgiving holidays proved the severs could handle all existing orders to date... and would be capable of handling additional loads upon official launch. In fact, the successful thanksgiving holiday allowed the arbitrary early access to be moved up. The infrastructure was in place... all was fine... so the provider began to open its doors.


#2 (slow) - on the first arbitrary day of early access, our arrogant provider decided to allow only those pre-orders that occurred during the month of July 2011. Why? Because arrogance has blinded the provider. "Keep it slow and regimented and we can build excitement and anticipation. Those pre-orders yet to be invited will sit and wait eagerly." These are the statements of an arrogant provider unwilling to believe that negative marketing consequences can result from such a slow and arbitrary early access schedule. Why only four waves, concluding at 1:30 in the afternoon on the first day of early access launch? Is it beyond the realm of possibility that a full scale mmo, one that will have servers running 24/7 at launch, could systematically phase invitations in on an hourly basis every hour on the hour beginning on 12/13? No, it is not impossible to implement nor foolish to do so... Those that pre-order first, received their just deserts... earlier access than those that pre-ordered later. This is not in question... nor is it being criticized. What is, is the unbelievably slow delays between invitation that are completely artificial, arbitrary, and unnecessary. Done solely based on an arrogant view that all customers will wait anxiously, and any backlash will be minor and inconsequential to the overall gain.


#3 (unnecessary) - the reality is that all pre-order customers could have been gaming as of 7am on 12/13/2011. But that would hardly seem fair as those that pre-ordered yesterday would receive the same reward as those that pre-ordered in July. The game provider is correct that a staggered invitation process must be conducted to provide the necessary justification to those that pre-ordered so many months ago... and to ensure the future success of very early pre-order events on games yet to be created. As stated above, it is not a criticism that those who pre-ordered first, received access earlier than those who did not. The criticism is entirely levied at one and only one point. The completely unnecessary and artificially slow delays between waves of invitations. Four waves of invitations on day 1... conducted between 7am and 1pm... with a 19 hour gap until invitations of waves began again on day 2. Please, this is truly an outrage and insults the intelligence of all pre-order candidates yet to be invited. We are not pavlovian dogs...waiting for the email bell to sound. While we surely will game happily when that email does finally arrive, consider that damage is being wrought at this very moment and will continue to build with every passing lazy arrogant hour that further invitations are not sent out. This hold back is arbitrary..and it is that knowledge that yields anger and customer dissatisfaction. The likely result will manifest weeks and months from now... when those whose mouths are currently filled with a very very bitter taste of arrogant, slow, artificial bs... begin to fire back not words of hate on this forum... but dollars of protest in canceled and un-renewed subscriptions.


In conclusion, your marketing campaign was effective Mr. Swtor game provider. You achieved the hype and anticipation intended. The early access carrot was effective and many hundreds of thousands have gladly forked 60+ dollars to receive this reward. But now that the hour is upon you... now that invitations are going out... the need for continued slow and artificial delays between invitations is achieving an undesired effect your arrogance did not first pre-conceive. Enjoy the coming fruits of this labor... you have seen evidence already on these forums.... but that evidence is inconsequential. The evidence to your wallet months from now... that will be the evidence you will wish you had anticipated....the type of evidence you would gladly strive then to avoid today.




Your registration date is november 2011, I see why you are mad... :cool:

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