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** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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Below is a list of valid Star Wars: The Old Republic codes that have been redeemed under this account.

12.14.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play

11.02.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

09.20.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Standard Edition Pre-Order

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Someone posted numbers earlier and I decided to do the math. Using October 10th as the cut off so far 543,000 people have been invited, and there are 219,900 left to be invited past that date meaning that there will most likely be 2 waves tomorrow morning and everyone will be in.


762,900 preorders sounds pretty damn promising to me also from looking at those numbers.


your numbers r all wrong http://www.vgchartz.com/charts/preorders.php? these r only hard copies from shops

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Is it just me or is everyone who is complaining someone who registered after July 2011? If you paid attention on July 21st they said it was a first come first serve early access. Whoever got the order in first got in first. But since you all didn't even register for the site until mid-late 2011 you didn't know that, and now it is Biowares fault for not giving you extra FREE playtime? You were not PROMISED any FREE playtime. They said there would be a limited spot early access, if you don't know what that means then please just leave...


Well i'm off to level up my Sage. See you guys later!

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This entire thread is equivalent to a child in the back of a car asking "are we there yet?". Obsessing over who has already got in WILL NOT SPEED UP YOUR ENTRY. This entire thread is as productive as staring at a wall. Seriously, go outside and do something, it would be a better way to spend your time.


Knowing is half the battle.

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actually, your incorrect. $5 was the Preorder FEE... as in EXTRA. the game wasn't $60 it was $65 to pre-order... If it was a DEPOSIT, it would have been $5 upfront and $55 later.


Look it up.. DEPOSITs go towards the Cost of something.

de·pos·it :

- A partial or initial payment of a cost or debt: left a $100 deposit toward the purchase of a stereo system.

- A sum of money given as security for an item acquired for temporary use.


Sorry you are wrong.

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actually, your incorrect. $5 was the Preorder FEE... as in EXTRA. the game wasn't $60 it was $65 to pre-order... If it was a DEPOSIT, it would have been $5 upfront and $55 later.


Look it up.. DEPOSITs go towards the Cost of something.

de·pos·it :

- A partial or initial payment of a cost or debt: left a $100 deposit toward the purchase of a stereo system.

- A sum of money given as security for an item acquired for temporary use.


they call it a fee because its non-refundable, its meant to lock you in so you dont want to cancel, but it is part of the cost


when was the last time you saw a game cost 55 dollars new? no one does that, its 60 bucks, 5 bucks non refundable, its very common, most games that you pre order have a 5 dollar deposit

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Are people really arguing about how they say the date?

Europe DD/MM/yr

America MM/DD/yr

(where M is month and D is Date)

Who the hell can't get their head round that! You ppl should be in pre school!

Today is the 14th of December, two thousand and eleven. Btw. 11 days till Christmas!


But its annoying as **** when you dont know which format the date is in.


For example, which month am I talking about with this date 6/9-2011?

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This entire thread is equivalent to a child in the back of a car asking "are we there yet?". Obsessing over who has already got in WILL NOT SPEED UP YOUR ENTRY. This entire thread is as productive as staring at a wall. Seriously, go outside and do something, it would be a better way to spend your time.


If you want to tell people how to spend their time, go out and make a kid and feel free to tell him what to do. buh bye.

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Someone posted numbers earlier and I decided to do the math. Using October 10th as the cut off so far 543,000 people have been invited, and there are 219,900 left to be invited past that date meaning that there will most likely be 2 waves tomorrow morning and everyone will be in.


762,900 preorders sounds pretty damn promising to me also from looking at those numbers.


I do hope you are correct!^ :rolleyes:

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Just wondering but... It has been confirmed that the release date for the game in Europe would be on the 15th. There's many of us still waiting for the Early Access email. If the game releases tomorrow for us those who didn't get the email should effectively be able to log in and play tomorrow? Since it's launch day? :-)
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