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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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Thank you, Qwertly, for this thread! It's nice to have someone doing this.


By the way, are you in game yet, or are you still waiting?


Thanks mate, I appriciate it a lot! :)


I'm not in game yet. I pre-ordered my copy and redeemed the code on the 10th of december. So I will probably be one of the last persons to leave this thread :)


How about you?

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I just hope the anger remains so that other games don't follow suit in the future.


Somehow through I'm sure when everyone does start playing it will all be forgotten. Not like I'm going to not play right?


At the very least they should have had a breakdown of what day you got in = to when you ordered.


As for the people defending this kind of thing all i can say is you drank the kool-aid silly sheep.

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If anyone is curious, I got my access today and I entered my pre-order on August 31. I was on the second to last wave, too, since I got my e-mail at 11:09 (EST). So they should be well into September now. Hopefully that should silence some of the crying...


...Of course, I'm crying right now because, rather than playing TOR, I'm studying for finals. Still, though, last final is tomorrow at 8AM. Then I'll be free and online!

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Man...it was an example. I don't work for the company, so I don't know how many preorders there actually are. I just know that they are letting people in based on # of preorders and not just set in stone date ranges.


I was just pointing out that the way you think they are proceeding is wrong, VgChartz has 939,358 for the US alone!. with a 22k+ new preorders each week. they don't let people on Numbers alone.

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I was just pointing out that the way you think they are proceeding is wrong, VgChartz has 939,358 for the US alone!. with a 22k+ new preorders each week. they don't let people on Numbers alone.


Um, yeah they pretty much are. It has nothing to do with the dates. What else would be a factor besides maybe EU vs US? Age? Sex? Location? No.

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Thanks mate, I appriciate it a lot! :)


I'm not in game yet. I pre-ordered my copy and redeemed the code on the 10th of december. So I will probably be one of the last persons to leave this thread :)


How about you?


Qwertly...what did you use as reference for the estimate in your op post ? As I see it...atleast all of november will be in the EGA tomorrow....

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I never said me taking off work was dirty semantics, I'm saying there loosely worded Pre Order hook was dirty semantics. They knew they were being confusing, you too know this.


Semantics as defined by the dictionary

"the meaning, or an interpretation of the meaning, of a word, sign, sentence"


Looking at the bated hook you see 5 days EGA for everyone, only if you read into do you see OR NOT, who is reading into it though? I didn't think that would be necessary, nor should it have been.


We just want to play star wars man. Not read the fine print.


This horse has been beaten so much none of the molecules are even connected.


The AD always has said play UP TO 5 days early. I never needed to read fine print to understand that this meant that they were being cautious about some other factors that might make EA less than 5 days.



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Qwertly...what did you use as reference for the estimate in your op post ? As I see it...atleast all of november will be in the EGA tomorrow....


LordVorpal - My estimates were at a later date than the one showing. I simply don't wanna reveal that later date, since it may or may not happen and thereby I would have disappointed people.


This way, I feel it will be the minimum date reached tomorrow, and people can only be gladly surprised. Remember there is supposed to be one of the dreaded "spikes" in November.

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btw Qwertly change the last get in to 2nd october only, 3rd is misleading some ppl are freakin out. ( even there are some left outs among them, there was some guy that couldn't get in, he said he redeemed code @ like 4 p.m. )


Right away Dante.

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have you read anything i said, this is turning out to be another flat earth argument!


Yes I have. I re-read it, but not sure where you are going with what you're saying. You were taking my numbers literally. Obviously it's not just numbers. They aren't guarenteeing X number of early access each day. Of course it depends on if they are comfortable with their servers stability, etc. I was just clarifying the misconception that some people think that if they let 2 months of preorders today, then there will be 2 months granted tomorrow, which is not the case. From what I heard is that September had a really low preorder amount, which is why we saw such a large date range of people get in.

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Thanks mate, I appriciate it a lot! :)


I'm not in game yet. I pre-ordered my copy and redeemed the code on the 10th of december. So I will probably be one of the last persons to leave this thread :)


How about you?


November 29th. So, I'm hoping for tomorrow, but resigned for Friday. ;)

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Crap! That means I won't be getting in until the 18th or 19th. lol


Chevex - Don't worry. I'm on december and I expect to be getting in with in 2½ days max. The chart is off, if you take the massive numbers they are inviting right now, into calculations :)

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Crap! That means I won't be getting in until the 18th or 19th. lol


nah mate, don't look at the chart, take a look at the last date that entered at today's final wave! ~ 2 of October.


So the chart is off, and i hope (for real i wish and hope and praying at the same time) that ill get EGA tomorrow, although i preordered at 30/11 :(

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Chevex - Don't worry. I'm on december and I expect to be getting in with in 2½ days max. The chart is off, if you take the massive numbers they are inviting right now, into calculations :)


I would think that chart is a bit off. Seeing how they are into October invites.

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