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** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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I'm neither troll or trollette. :) Sorry, but it's not trolling when one does not agree with you. :D


Well, except for the fact that you are incorrect on the original issue and have remained that way throughout your trolling. Yes, you heard me right. You might not have realized it, but your intractability when it comes to being right and going off of one post by BioWare to equate Launch and Release as the same thing is ignorant, and you trolled to prove you were right in the face of everyone else telling you that you were wrong. And you were wrong. Now, please let us get back to real issues and yes, I realize that this is as close as I've come to getting trolled by you. As this is the closest I've ever been to angry, even though I'm not even close to angry. A little frustrated by your ignorance, yes. Last thing I'm going to say to you since you're obviously not worth any more effort, and I've only typed this all out because I was extremely bored. There. :D -goes to get another beer-

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Very helpful original post. Lots of clutter building up in the thread though - sorry guys we'll never successfully re-create the epicness of yesterday's thread.


Grats to those who got EGA - good luck to those (including me) who didn't for getting in tomorrow. Seems promising at least :)

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Well, except for the fact that you are incorrect on the original issue and have remained that way throughout your trolling. Yes, you heard me right. You might not have realized it, but your intractability when it comes to being right and going off of one post by BioWare to equate Launch and Release as the same thing is ignorant, and you trolled to prove you were right in the face of everyone else telling you that you were wrong. And you were wrong. Now, please let us get back to real issues and yes, I realize that this is as close as I've come to getting trolled by you. As this is the closest I've ever been to angry, even though I'm not even close to angry. A little frustrated by your ignorance, yes. Last thing I'm going to say to you since you're obviously not worth any more effort, and I've only typed this all out because I was extremely bored. There. :D -goes to get another beer-


Oh gosh, no. Don't get him started again.

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4 waves really, bioware can do so much better !!

And the preorder is 5 days early right!?! So everyone should be getting in tomorrow but after reading the post it looks like late november and early december wont get on till friday.....

fk that!



Not right, EGA was up to a week long.

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Ya alot of people are complaining about the fact that servers are so empty they cant find people to complete the group missions. Its all in the grand plan!


I just logged off and on Ord Mantell [shadowlands Server] there were ~73 people....


That is compared to the ~200 people that was there on average during the beta.

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I just logged off and on Ord Mantell [shadowlands Server] there were ~73 people....


That is compared to the ~200 people that was there on average during the beta.


Still early in the day yet. Most East coasters haven't gotten out of work/school.

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I would like to make the point where those that pre-ordered the game during the later dates (im unsure on the earlier dates) were charged £5 for early game assess people do have a right to complain when there money has already been taken (like mine has), not that im complaining lol i couldn't play it if i had it now or tomorrow (working), i just want to state a fact.


That five dollars/euros goes to the final price of the game. All it does is reserve the game for you. So really it's free game time people are getting not paying extra for it.

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4 waves really, bioware can do so much better !!

And the preorder is 5 days early right!?! So everyone should be getting in tomorrow but after reading the post it looks like late november and early december wont get on till friday.....

fk that!


Not if they do roughly the same amounts that they did today. If going by that, and if the pre-orders had indeed slowed down some then there's a very good chance that late Nov early December will be included, with the rest in time for the weekend jaunt.

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What's actually awesome is while I was lurking on these boards a guy I work with came over and said


"Hey I know that site, I was thinking of playing when it comes out, what do you think?"


I told him my positive views on the game but explained how they were staggering access and he stated:


"So you'll be behind from day one, that's kind of messed up." He thanked me for the information and said he will stay with the MMO he's currently in.


This is from a non-preorder / non-hardcore guy who is looking at it from a casual players standpoint, and that was his deduction, that 'it kinda sucks' do set up access like that.


So that's the 14th pre-order I've either gotten cancelled or changed someones mind about, myself, 12 guildies and one guy at work.



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From what I'm hearing now from friends of mine who are in, the servers are decidedly not busy now. One of my friends who got in on Day 1 said the server was almost empty and it was difficult to get a group.


Server I want to join was FULL last night and is HEAVY already today :(

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What's ... cropped ... at work.


Golf Clap ... You do realise that your logic means that the only game worth playing is one where you are the first person allowed in? ... and that no one should ever buy a game after release/launch date? ... Damn what a way to think ... Hope you don't live the rest of your life like that, as must be a real downer to realise some people were born before you!!


... but way to go ... if you want to keep bashing yourself and others over your poor understanding of the EGA then have fun

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/sarcam on


Im so glad they stopped invites early again 2 days in a row, No need to get everyone in and actually have players to help players complete quests. Great job!


/sarcasm off


forgot this


they are doing it in a 12hr span roughly... 2pm gmt - 2pm CST so the Euro-US overlap doesn't flood the servers around 6-8PM EST

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That five dollars/euros goes to the final price of the game. All it does is reserve the game for you. So really it's free game time people are getting not paying extra for it.


for the 1000th time, no that is not correct. It is an additional fee beyond the game price - they both show up as separate line items. $5, and then $75 (for the digital deluxe; other prices for other versions). It IS a separate fee and it is NOT coming off the game price (confirmed by a friend who was charged after getting into the pre-order).

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