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** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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dear bioFAIL, your servers are still light/standard, granted its the morning and alot of kiddies are in school, but beware YOUR SERVERS ARE STILL LIGHT


So we send out massive invites get them to heavy/full status NOW and then later when the 100K+ people with day jobs/school try and get on and wait 2-3 hours in a queue?

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Then you are an exception and were ripped off, my friend. Most people only had to pay a deposit. Blame the retailer, it's on them.


It's starting to look like gamestop scammed a lot of people with this game actually. promises of getting on the 15th, paying 5 extra that they didn't need to, etc... not good =\

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Is it just me or is everyone who is complaining someone who registered after July 2011? If you paid attention on July 21st they said it was a first come first serve early access. Whoever got the order in first got in first. But since you all didn't even register for the site until mid-late 2011 you didn't know that, and now it is Biowares fault for not giving you extra FREE playtime? You were not PROMISED any FREE playtime. They said there would be a limited spot early access, if you don't know what that means then please just leave...


Well i'm off to level up my Sage. See you guys later!


Actually, I am reading this thread because it is playful and hopeful -- people who are waiting to play a game they love.


Frankly, your post and maybe one other has been filled with that acid stuff that made me need to address it and ask you to kindly leave your vitriol at the door.


Thanks! Come again!

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I i went to the store and bought the game on the 20th it would be $60*, I bought the game preorder it was $65*, So that would make it a Fee.


(*these numbers are Excluding Tax)


You are either wrong, or you got ripped off. My "balance" is $54.99.

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I'm a guild nazi troll? Please, explain that one to me.


Anyway, I wasn't complaining about being on a high server. I was stating that your suggestion to watch the server list was flawed. Which it was. Just because a server is high now, does not mean it will be later. And vice versa.


Why did you "HAVE" to make your guild ahead of time? Personally I was just suggesting it to those who might just log in and grab the first server they see on the list.


Sorry for trying to be helpful to those who might not be in a guild, and to those in a guild the point of the post was not directed to you.


Have fun on those high pops on the 20th :D

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Please let us know when you get in, and through what wave.


Also, discuss this days' wave of invites.


**Wave 1, day 2 related:**


UPDATE 1: Latest in this thread: 1th August.

UPDATE 2: Latest in this thread: 4th August.

UPDATE 3: 13 minutes past the first wave. Seems to have ended around the 6th August. Will

update when next wave arrives.


**Wave 2, day 2 related:**


UPDATE 1: Estimate (and only estimate) of wave 2: August 6th-August 13th

UPDATE 2: latest in this thread: 15th August.

UPDATE 3: latest in this thread: 28th August. (last of this wave)


**Wave 3, day 2 related:**


UPDATE 1: Estimate (and only estimate) of wave 3: August 26th - Sep 10th


UPADTE 3: latest in this thread 9th september.

UPDATE 4: Last known invited date: 10th September.


**Wave 4, day 2 related:**



LOL...yeah, Bro totally got his invite! Later!!!!

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