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Which is better? Server Queues+Lag or Unknown Wait?


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Server Queues and Lag is 12 trillion times better than hundreds of thousands of people pressing F5 and wondering if they will get into the game in a few minutes or in a few days.


Not knowing is awful. I would much rather be queued for 4 hours than have no idea when I might get a chance to queue for 4 hours.

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Server crashes and queue times are MUCH worse folks. Imagine knowing that you *could* log in, but be unable to play because of server instability or super, super long queues.


That would be rage-inducing, rather than only frustrating.


At least you get to anticipate getting in (like a kid on Christmas morning), instead of rage-quitting because of crashes all day long.


UNKNOWN WAIT is better than crashing the game...


I was anticipating getting in early like christmas morning yesterday. Now it kinda feels like santa is taking a huge dump in my stocking. Not sayin my opinion is better than theirs. Just sayin this is makin me sad :(

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Title says it all, which would you prefer, a big gosh darn queue and some issues with the servers at launch?




This random wait with no info, no clue and no idea when you will get access?






Personally i'd rather be stuck in a queue, at least then I can see how long I have to wait.


I'd rather have server queues and lag. Then I would not have wasted a day off. I can't figure out who's the bigger ******....me or BW. I'm guessing me.

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Just think of it like this. Would you rather your character have an exp bar that shows exactly how long it will take you to reach the next level even though you're getting tiny amount of exp per mob, or to have no visual indication of when you'll level at all?
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Title says it all, which would you prefer, a big gosh darn queue and some issues with the servers at launch?




This random wait with no info, no clue and no idea when you will get access?






Personally i'd rather be stuck in a queue, at least then I can see how long I have to wait.


I hate to tell you this, but based upon beta experience you are going to get BOTH no matter what. Personally, I HATE queues for getting into a game that I pay a subscription for and have a limited time window in which to play. I think that queues are going to be far worse in the long run then have to wait a few hours to get into Early Access the first time.

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People choosing option one simply want the satisfaction of being able to log in RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!


They haven't thought far enough into the future for what the ramifications of such a launch would be. They don't care what the ramifications could be. They just want their access now, Now, NOW!! But guaranteed, if the servers crashed during said scenario they'd be having epileptic seizures on the forum B&M'ing that BioWare should have worked that sh** out before letting people on the servers.


Stop being un-realistic and thinking only about your want for instant gratification, people. There are at the VERY least 1,999,999 other people that are wanting to play this game too and BW has to take EVERYONE into consideration and do what's best for the WHOLE, not just YOU!

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Title says it all, which would you prefer, a big gosh darn queue and some issues with the servers at launch?




This random wait with no info, no clue and no idea when you will get access?






Personally i'd rather be stuck in a queue, at least then I can see how long I have to wait.


Random Wait, Since they publicized their intentions for years!

I'm in IT so I'm understanding a staggered launch. I like how they implemented the launch.

They can let in a block of people, see how the network, and servers are handling the load.


It's more about what transaction software they are using. <-- Transaction software that routes your request to a database.


It's about how that database handles your request.


Monitoring of those transaction regions, and the databases, the servers and the network load.


Yes, as an IT professional, I appreciate their approach.

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Then why are so many from Sept and Oct already playing?


There isn't/they aren't, so far I haven't seen any proof other than people saying "a buddy of mine that pre-ordered blahblah is already in" or "I pre-ordered blahblah and got in already", no screenshots = they're trolling


EDIT: Forgot my on topic


I'll go with the unknown wait time any day of the week, queues/crashes/lag are the devil's minions

Edited by WereMops
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With a queue you have a quantative figure. You have the impression that something is happening. Not knowing? It's too amorphous. Am I waiting up for no reason tonight? I just don't know. That's rather frustrating.


That said, they're not changing anything here and now. But hopefully the next mmo EA launches will keep this in mind.

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The problem with staggered access is that you end up allowing people access not knowing if they will actually try to access the game (or can), while you lock out people who actually can access it.

I mean, out of all the 1st day pre-orders, you'll have a lot for whom this will be during work hours, or they might not even be home, or whatever. Then you roll out 2nd day based on information that is pretty much useless since not everyone in the 1st day came in the game.


Then you end up Friday evening and weekend, with 5 "days" allowed in, and then you just end up with EVERYONE and their mother logging in at the same time anyway!



The major problem on release are usually queues anyway. Queues exist mostly because people will log on, play a bit, then AFK for 24 hours in game, for fear or being stuck in queues, not realizing that this only generates more queues.

Then you end up with over inflated server population marked permanently full, while in fact they are full of AFK people. Couple weeks later, server is actually half empty.



Best solution for all this? Captchas as it was used in another game I believe. For the first few weeks, you have a captcha popping up every hour or two, 5 minutes to answer, 3 tries, then your character is booted off. Queues because of AFKs = solved.



In any case, this is the first time staggered access is used and so far they are handling it quite nicely and professionally, so we'll see how it goes, knowing that in a week, none of this will matter anyway :)

Edited by Kemorand
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Coming from one of the worst launches in history (Darkfall Online) I would take this smooth wave launch any day over queues.


You don't understand how frustrating it would be if you waited in a 6hr queue to get in, then the servers are so overflowed that your 2000+ latency causes you to disconnected only to wait in that 6hr queue again. I'm sorry but the method SWTOR chose is incredibly smooth and I'm thankful for it. They are letting people in earlier than the estimated pre-launch, why can't you all just be happy with that?

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The problem with staggered access is that you end up allowing people access not knowing if they will actually try to access the game (or can), while you lock out people who actually can access it.

I mean, out of all the 1st day pre-orders, you'll have a lot for whom this will be during work hours, or they might not even be home, or whatever. Then you roll out 2nd day based on information that is pretty much useless since not everyone in the 1st day came in the game.


Then you end up Friday evening and weekend, with 5 "days" allowed in, and then you just end up with EVERYONE and their mother logging in at the same time anyway!


Excellent post.


I'm willing to bet that there will be several server crashes, lag, and other fun occurences during the weekend.


Sooner or later, they're going to hit the same amount of CCU. Whether its frontloaded or staggered in the manner that they are currently.

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option 2.


You are assuming that there will be "some" issue's.


Those issues are usualy login issues due to the login service failing (they take the load of ALL players, not just that of 1 server).

The result is a developer post stating something like this

"We are aware of the login issue's and are working on the issue, we can not give you an ETA of when things will be resolved"


Which STILL gets you to option 2 but only MORE pissed off because you expected to get in or WAS in the game.

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Excellent post.


I'm willing to bet that there will be several server crashes, lag, and other fun occurences during the weekend.


Sooner or later, they're going to hit the same amount of CCU. Whether its frontloaded or staggered in the manner that they are currently.


But, it's not just about total server load. It's about density in a single area. That's one of the primary causes of server-wide instability. They *had* to gate people's access or (very likely) every starter area would be filled to capacity and the server would crash.


They let in ~20,000 people every couple of hours on multiple servers and those people progress out of the starter areas, letting more people in.


It really is the best way to do it, imo.

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