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Merc solo diffuculty?


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As a Powertech 44 now, I'm working my little Merc now. Im curious of those Mercs out there that leveled up Arsenal spec, how the solo play went? I had no problems with Mako leveling up solo as a Shield Tech. Any thoughts? Im not really interested in soloing as a healer.


Thanks in advance.

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Pretty easy, i used only Mako too as arsenal specced merc. I was able to solo most heroic 2+ quests after i got that 1min cc skill. I also out leveled each zone by couple levels so it made it even easier. And you are able to heal basically all heroic 4 quests too if your group has a bit of cc.
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As a Powertech 44 now, I'm working my little Merc now. Im curious of those Mercs out there that leveled up Arsenal spec, how the solo play went? I had no problems with Mako leveling up solo as a Shield Tech. Any thoughts? Im not really interested in soloing as a healer.


Thanks in advance.


Merc soloing is easier and faster than Powertechs. There is never a threat to dying when Mako is out. 2 elites aren't a big deal if you blow a few cooldowns (but you can just CC 1 for 60 seconds so it doesn't even matter). Never had a problem with a single elite or champion mob.

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Merc solo to 44. Fastest and easiest lvling I've done. Arsenal gets boring tho, Its to small rotation.



Tracer - Tracer - unload - Tracer- missiles - tracer - tracer - rail Unload whevener it procs.


That line above is why I stopped at 44. Healing was a ton of fun tho, but useless when soloing.

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if you are an armor tech I would outfit her with some nice cunning gear. Get her an earpiece and implants. Put her in healing stance and you will get her optimized at her best. Even without any decent gear she works great on skill alone. I decked her out and found I was able to take more of a beating then normal. Its easy to level, my only compaint is it is redundant.
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I greatly enjoy my arsenal merc. I don't find it redundant. Almost every fight has more than 1 mob, so efficient use of AoE and crowd control is both engaging and efficient. Don't run quests once they turn green. Too easy, skip them and move on to a new planet. Keep the challenge level up and you won't get bored.
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Use mako and stack her with as much cunning as you can. She's a healing machine.


she is also a CC goddess and picks the right targets based on what i have targeted, if i want her healing i just target what she is zapping and hit it to break her cc, which is an important thing to realize, when she is zapping it is chaneled and she does nothing else.

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I levelled as arsenal until 32. Then I hit Alderan... and everything went to hell in a handbasket.


I went from never having a problem with 2 golds at a time on Tattooine to having issues killing a single strong.


This is the 2nd char I've had issues on Alderan with - the first being a sith assassin tank.

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that's...weird. I got to Alderaan at 2 lvls below recommended, and have had no problems...you do use mako for tough fights right? I'm there now and I can't remember dying once..and i'm almost to the target, the durasteel duke i think his name is..
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Arsenal + Mako is a fantastic combination. Level 40 now. Loving it. As I'm sure you're aware, keep her geared. Alacrity seems to do wonders for some reason (on her gear). I just see non-stop 700+ crits spamming my screen when I'm chain pulling.
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Merc solo to 44. Fastest and easiest lvling I've done. Arsenal gets boring tho, Its to small rotation.



Tracer - Tracer - unload - Tracer- missiles - tracer - tracer - rail Unload whevener it procs.


That line above is why I stopped at 44. Healing was a ton of fun tho, but useless when soloing.


Soloing as Bodyguard spec with Gault is very viable as well, as long as you give Gault the best sniper rifle you can find. His damage is insane :)

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I decided from the start to go healing spec with my bounty hunter because of the challenge. Slow levelling as a bodyguard doesn't excist.

It is tricky trying to figure out what companion to use as Mako quickly becomes of no use to you.

It can be a bit tricky with 'hellboy' but get him the best rifle you can get and yer fine but once you get Torian and specially Blizz it is smooth sailing.

Bodyguard spec with Blizz is magic that little bundle of ADHD packs a punch and keeps aggro with ease plus some of his reactions to conversations with NPC's and outcome of npc conversation is hilarious. All I can say is bring Blizz with you on the Voss class quests.


Oh and PVP wise I am one tough BH to kill with all the extra heals you get from the skill tree.

Edited by Commodus
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I was soloing np till I hit 34.

I am currently on Taris and have np doing mobs.

But the elites are killing me.

I get them to 10% of life and then I die.


Tried with Mako and Gualt and medpacs no help.

Same thing happens each time.


Without an extra help I am stuck it seems.

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I was soloing np till I hit 34.

I am currently on Taris and have np doing mobs.

But the elites are killing me.

I get them to 10% of life and then I die.


Tried with Mako and Gualt and medpacs no help.

Same thing happens each time.


Without an extra help I am stuck it seems.


I switched to Gault as soon as I got him because I liked his voicework and dialogue. Elite mobs were also the only times we were ever in trouble. Against ranged elites I had to use LOS like crazy and use whatever instants I had while Gault whittles it down. For melee elites I would let Gault pull and get beat on for a bit while I DPSed at max range. Eventually the elite would come after me and I would have to manage the jet pack knockback, rocket punch knock back, snare-specced Unload at the right times, and electro dart. Also a lot of kiting and instant abilities and tons of healing. It was sloppy but it was also fun and challenging.


Then I went to Hoth and got Blizz <3 Easily my favorite companion due to his silly Jawa language and well, he's a Jawa! and a tank! The first thing I did was spend more money on him than I ever did on myself and decked him out in blue/purple ranged tank gear. It's been smooth sailing since. He has great AOE tanking abilities for all those small packs and against elites, even a level or two higher than us, we never have issues downing them. Granted his health usually drops down to 20% or lower and in extreme cases they might die at the same time. Even on Belsavis (or whatever) I have yet to have a problem with any elite. Don't forget you have heals and CC for when the doodoo hits the fan too!


TL DR: I hate Mako, other companions work just as well, l2p. Blizz = tiny god.

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As a Powertech 44 now, I'm working my little Merc now. Im curious of those Mercs out there that leveled up Arsenal spec, how the solo play went? I had no problems with Mako leveling up solo as a Shield Tech. Any thoughts? Im not really interested in soloing as a healer.


Thanks in advance.


I think that it is easier as merc from my sheildtech friends



At the end of act 3 i solo'd the healing guards with ease while my shield tech friend needed me to come and concussion missile one for him because they out healed his dps


Edited by Yazule
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Merc solo to 44. Fastest and easiest lvling I've done. Arsenal gets boring tho, Its to small rotation.



Tracer - Tracer - unload - Tracer- missiles - tracer - tracer - rail Unload whevener it procs.


That line above is why I stopped at 44. Healing was a ton of fun tho, but useless when soloing.


Healing isn't useless when soloing... I lvled as a healer all the way to 50, it might not be the fastest, but I sure could solo a lot of things, champions, heroic2s.


Things even get much easier once you get blizz/skadge.


IMO, healing operative would have it easier since their 1st companion is a tank.

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I'm only L26 now. I've only ever grouped once and have had few problems. Concussion missile is a god-send. And sometimes I'll use Mako as a tank -- let her take the aggro and periodically heal her (hot-keyed). Not ideal but it's got me through more than a few times. Mako tends to like picking fights when I'm sneaking past mobs so she needs a few bruises to learn the hard lessons.
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Right now I am a lvl 45 merc with arsenal spec and I have no problem leveling. I will say it seems to get more now more then any time before. DPS is good, Tanking ablility with Mako is good. I have no complaints except for the Heat problems against multi mobs/ Elites or Champs. Tracer Missile is good and heat seeker you can shoot on the fly. So I have no problem overall.


One huge drawback you are a turret. Just sit there and time you attacks. PvP or NPC's its all the same to a Merc stand and let the Missiles Fly.

Edited by jackalious
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