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[HOWTO - RAMDRIVE] Increasing SWTOR System Performance


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Has anyone updated the batch files to include the swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor file linked to the ramdrive?


Nope, and doing this for everyone is quite tricky. Im trying already tho. The problem is you make a backup and move it to the ramdrive. After that you make a mklink. What happens next after a reboot the original file is already renamed and the ramdisk is empty.


The best thing to do manualy, first create a ramdrive with links either manual or the standard batch script. Then make a backup of the fx.tor and move the original to the ramdrive. After that create only once a mklink (which will stay forever untill you delete it). After you have added the fx.tor file to the ramdisk create a diskimage. (doing by rightclicking the disk in my computer and click "save disk content as image Disk'.


Once saved, the image will take 1.5~2GB (depending on what you mounted) on your disk but because it is almost empty (create it before having diskcachearena in it!) you can easly compress it to about 160 MB. (rightclick the file and then properties > advanced > compress).


Then before gaming use the command:

imdisk -a -t vm -f c:\swtor_ramdisk.img -m t:


**a ramdisk image of 1.5GB with only the fx.tor is compressed to 159MB for me. I must note mounting compressed images are not any slower as uncompressed. These can be even faster than creating a fresh ramdive as it wont have to format anymore!

Edited by Ocmer_
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It's only the assets file which contains the particle effects which is causing the problem. So why are people copying the whole of assets directory and claiming to need several GB.


The culprit file is about 200MB. So you can rename the original and create a symbolic link to the file which you've copied over to the ramdrive (note 200MB is sufficient). NTFS file system supports symbolic links, so you should be able to use this hack even on a 32 bit system with 4GB.

On lower end systems it can kill framerate because particle effects have no LOD or settings in the menu for controlling density, max count, etc.


And its not the *only* thing causing issues, anyways I've already mentioned the file and its in the OP - via a link to the thread that brought it up.



**a ramdisk image of 1.5GB with only the fx.tor is compressed to 159MB for me. I must note mounting compressed images are not any slower as uncompressed. These can be even faster than creating a fresh ramdive as it wont have to format anymore!
From instant (quick format) to maybe instant. Edited by Lemon_King
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First, I'd like to thank you guys that have been putting in so much work on this. I have very little experience with what you all are doing and have a question about implementing it. I've copied the four batch files from a couple of pages ago and used the first one to initialize everything. I also used the mount one just to be sure. Everything was created - folder wise - and I started the game up. But I noticed that the T drive is at 1.42g out of 1.46g free and the only files in it are a few setting files for my characters. There is no retailclient folder or anything like that after running the batch files. From reading the thread, I had the impression that the data file should be created there through the file junction process.


Is that correct? I haven't seen any frame rate change at all either. It looked like the batch files contained everything from the initial post but is there more required or am I missing something else altogether?

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First, I'd like to thank you guys that have been putting in so much work on this. I have very little experience with what you all are doing and have a question about implementing it. I've copied the four batch files from a couple of pages ago and used the first one to initialize everything. I also used the mount one just to be sure. Everything was created - folder wise - and I started the game up. But I noticed that the T drive is at 1.42g out of 1.46g free and the only files in it are a few setting files for my characters. There is no retailclient folder or anything like that after running the batch files. From reading the thread, I had the impression that the data file should be created there through the file junction process.


Is that correct? I haven't seen any frame rate change at all either. It looked like the batch files contained everything from the initial post but is there more required or am I missing something else altogether?


First off all this isn't really intended for the fps (some can notice it tho) but more for the hitching and letting the game create a cache file on the ram instead of a slower HDD/SSD. Should be correct if we only transfer cachefiles tho I find the 1.42G quite interesting. If you check the following points (that is after starting the game and logged in);


The only files you should see on T:\



Does not exist on T: but we let the computer think it is, as the settings folder is in retailclient.

This is created by the batchscript.


Which is always 1GB of size.

Original comes from retailclient but we linked it to T: so the client will create it on the ramdisk after launch.



Size varies in size (I don't know maximum) but 0 normally when loading is done and stable.

Original comes from local app but we linked it to T: so SWTOR will create these files on the ramdisk after launch.


If you want futher to check it;

%userprofile%\AppData\Local the SWTOR folder should have an arrow in it.

<SWTOR_INSTALLPATH>\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor\DiskCacheArena Should also have an arrow in it.

<SWTOR_INSTALLPATH>\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor\retailclient\settings should have been created.

Edited by Ocmer_
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Hmm...Ok, so this is all I have on the T drive after running the batch files -




There was nothing else created on my T drive after running the batch files that you linked. Should I delete and try rerunning the batch files?

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Hmm...Ok, so this is all I have on the T drive after running the batch files -




There was nothing else created on my T drive after running the batch files that you linked. Should I delete and try rerunning the batch files?


No like i said the batchfile only creates (aswell as the mount batchfile) "T:\SWTOR\swtor\settings".


Start the game and the client will automagically create T:\DiskCacheArena and two other files in T:\SWTOR\swtor.


Btw might want to readback my post, I rephrased some parts.

Ps. I'm off to bed now tho can respond again in 10hrs orso if no1 else has helped.

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I have created an easy-to-follow guide that includes almost all of these player created suggestions. You can obtain this file here:




There is nothing special or new here, just a simple install for for the less technically inclined.


While it states everthing that is needed to create a ramdisk, keep in mind that I might want to edit/fix the batchfiles. Just like creating still has 32bit path checking in it so it can create on a 32bit, just keep an eye on the changelog.


This should work under Windows XP x64 aswell as my local appdata path finding goes by registery and not by a windowsvariable like %userdata% or %localappdata%.


Also for me (Windows 7 but sure it works on older aswell) I never changed to save as type on notepad to create different files. As long as the name has the extention Notepad will save it like that. So it is not that important, as I rarely use it ;p


I dunno if its worth it tho but I found out that Imdisk has a .NET layer for C#. So it might be easy to create a GUI screen for Windows but meh how long will it last and will it be usefull o0


ps Dropbox ftw ;D

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No like i said the batchfile only creates (aswell as the mount batchfile) "T:\SWTOR\swtor\settings".


Start the game and the client will automagically create T:\DiskCacheArena and two other files in T:\SWTOR\swtor.


Sorry, should have worded that better. After running the batch files and loading and playing the game, the diskcachearena and other files were still not present. I'll keep working on it, but thanks for the input.

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Sorry, should have worded that better. After running the batch files and loading and playing the game, the diskcachearena and other files were still not present. I'll keep working on it, but thanks for the input.


Ah was still awake and read trough my make batch file, and found a lil error give me a moment to fix it and update it! Thnx for the feedback already tho.


!! Changed the Creation/Setup script !!


@WardoGM The only thing you actually should do now in order to run this script again and without loosing your settings is to go to "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\" and rename the folder "SWTOR_Original" back to "SWTOR". If there is a "SWTOR" folder with an arrow in it delete that one. After that run the script, and please try to run the game without useing the mount script first aswell, the setup script is intended to mount it for the first time.


Ok im srsly off to bed now, check the change log its 4:30 am atm /yawn

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Ah was still awake and read trough my make batch file, and found a lil error give me a moment to fix it and update it! Thnx for the feedback already tho.


!! Changed the Creation/Setup script !!


@WardoGM The only thing you actually should do now in order to run this script again and without loosing your settings is to go to "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\" and rename the folder "SWTOR_Original" back to "SWTOR". If there is a "SWTOR" folder with an arrow in it delete that one. After that run the script, and please try to run the game without useing the mount script first aswell, the setup script is intended to mount it for the first time.


Ok im srsly off to bed now, check the change log its 4:30 am atm /yawn




This isnt working for me either.


I get the SWTOR folder with the settings but thats it.


When I run the second batch file (the one titled Mount Ramdisk...) it just pops up for a millisecond and goes away. This might be normal, I just mention it because the first one has the whole "this will create a ram drive" type message and press enter to continue.


Going to try a couple of manual things ! :) thanks for any future help.


EDIT: question .. should I consider fancy cache + the ram drive? Or just one of them?

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This isnt working for me either.


If you mean you used "Mount ramdisk (needed if ramdisk is dismounted)" batch script before you ever set up a ramdrive then I will not fill in the cache in the ramdisk. As for the quick blinking it is possible because it skips the mounting of the ramdisk (if T: already exists) and then making the dirs are lightning fast.


If you used "Setup ramdisk for SWTOR (first run)" first then there went something wrong. If you please would check the following two points;

  • <installpath>\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor\DiskCacheArena should have an arrow on the icon.
  • %userprofile%\AppData\Local\SWTOR should also have an arrow in the icon.


EDIT: question .. should I consider fancy cache + the ram drive? Or just one of them?


No it is best to use only one. Bacause Fancy will likely take over what we do manual and that piece of software needs plenty of ram aswell (I think, not sure!) to work.

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!! Changed the Mount script !!

2012-02-12 @ 12:43 ; Mount ;

  • Dropped 32bit path detection (this is not intended anyway for 32bit users).
  • If ramdisk already exists, delete and recreate the links (to be sure).
  • Cleaned up code.
  • Added fancier message output.


!! Changed the Setup script !!

2012-02-12 @ 13:26 ; Setup ;

  • Dropped 32bit path detection (this is not intended anyway for 32bit users).
  • Added fancier message output.



Goh me feels like a customer support now, fixing things ;D

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!! Changed the Mount script !!


2012-02-12 @ 12:43 ; Mount ;

  • Dropped 32bit path detection (this is not intended anyway for 32bit users).
  • If ramdisk already exists, delete and recreate the links (to be sure).
  • Cleaned up code.
  • Added fancier message output.


Goh me feels like a customer support now, fixing things ;D


Thanks, Ill give that a whirl next :)


What do you think about adding swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor to the cache as suggested in another thread .. and prob here I guess. I might do that as well o.O


EDIT: Regarding your previous post about my problem .. I use the bats in this order.


1) Setup ramdisk for SWTOR (first run)

2) Mount ramdisk (needed if ramdisk is dismounted)


EDIT 2: Im sure Im just missing something but should both those include making the ram drive? Or does it not matter

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EDIT: Regarding your previous post about my problem .. I use the bats in order.


EDIT 2: Im sure Im just missing something but should both those include making the ram drive? Or does it not matter


Well if you read the yellow text you should find out that;


The setupscript is intended to be used only ONCE. As that script will move, rename and create links to let SWTOR work with a Ramdrive. Also this script will create and run a ramdisk for the first time, so you can play right away.


The mountscript is intended to be used AFTER A REBOOT OR DISMOUNT. Because of the nature of a ramdisk, after a reboot you loose the ramdisk and it's content. That is why there is a mountscript to be used after a reboot and before playing. (read as: use when there is no T: with folders visible in your computer as disk).


It should not matter if you run the Mount script multiple times or after a Setup, the mountscript does not much if things already exist. But I'm more worried what happens if you run the setup script multiple times, and I don't know if you did that.


As for the more advanced ramdisk (with swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor) it is prob worth it if you know what you are doing. Just as you read above here, a ramdisk is cleared on reboot so if you do something wrong you might loose the fx_1.tor file.


All I want to know from you is, is there a "SWTOR" folder in "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\" with an arrow in it. If so check if in the same local folder is a folder named "SWTOR_Original" and if so check if it has NO arrow on it, and the settings are in there.

I don't know what happens if you run the setup script twice...

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Did it again with the new version and seems good now thanks.


I did read the yellow, a few times. I think I get it now. Just so Im clear.


The first one does everything you need all in one and the first time you run it you do not need to run the second (or third in your post) file.


Only after a reboot or dismount would you need to use the second version.


Thanks for your assistance and the time spent setting those up.

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Hello all, thank you for your hard work at helping all of us out.


I have a high end system that ran like crap, so I tried the first manual fix from lemon.


I stopped halfway through because I noticed his all in one fixes, so I tried to use his code to remove what I had done already.


Then I started with the all in one batch file. It worked, and I had 0 lag whatsoever in Fleet and in WZs......BUT..........none of my spells had any animations, or sounds, no lightsabers are showing up, no helmets are showing up......i cant see my aoe spells to see where to land them etc etc....


So i tried to remove what I had done and load the game.


The game will not load, with some Error 6 message in the background and crash to desktop ( I dont know the exact error because the error window is only up for maybe a second)....


I tried to delete what I had done, including removing the ram drive and changing the original SWTOR file in local back to normal.


The game would not run.


So I tried windows restore to a few days ago, game still would not work.


I tried to repair my game via patcher, and the game will not work.



So then I made the 4 batch files from the multi batch file link.


Once again my game works, and I have no lag, but NOTHING is showing up again ( aoe spells, sounds, lightning, lightsabers etc etc)....


So now I dont know what to do. Is this working as intended? Why would using something in a ramdrive mess up all of the spells and animations?


Any help would be appreciated :(

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Well.....maybe this is a good solution for some. But I have a slow 5400 speed harddrive, I7 2600, Radeon 6850 and I am not getting the " glitching" you speak of. I donot however play any warzones. But for the type of play I do, solo and small group runs, the game runs smooth and settings are high. What I do avoid is running any other type background programs not needed by Windows. This also means I have no anti-virus running in the background. Those are well known to be intrusive at times.
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I did attempt to add the assets_main_art_fx_1 code....but it never worked, maybe that is why?


I cant seem to remove it if I did link it....


Is that file in your assets folder still ..or is it deleted or renamed?


I would hazard a guess that you renamed it to xxxORIG.tor. If so you need to remove the orig.


If its not that then Im out . :) GL

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I just checked, it is still there and it is not renamed




Also, I just used the unmount ramdisk, and remove ramdisk batch files created using the multi batch file process.



The game will now run, but none of the graphics, spells, etc etc, are still not working...


When I try to repair the game, there is 1 file that it tries to patch and it will not fix it, just keeps saying there is an error.

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