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No Biometric Crystal Alloy from PvP?


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hard modes are so easy now, u should be in full champ/battlemaster gear by now. If you dont have full epics by now, well either rng hates you or your not telling the whole truth.





P.S. PvP blows in this game, why in the world do u want to only run 3 WZs over and over (well, one if your empire :D)

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hard modes are so easy now, u should be in full champ/battlemaster gear by now. If you dont have full epics by now, well either rng hates you or your not telling the whole truth.





P.S. PvP blows in this game, why in the world do u want to only run 3 WZs over and over (well, one if your empire :D)



Hardmodes are easy, it's more a question of the time spent organizing a group and doing it Versus the single alloy you receive from the last boss. PVE always seems like a huge chore for my guild lol.

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I don't understand why people think game developers need to cater to every playstyle. The game is the game, which includes pve and pvp. Sure you are allowed to play it in your own way but don't expect the world if you do. So you want to level up in pvp only well you need to know that you won't get biometric crystals from it. Well PVE'ers can't go to ilum once a day and have a chance at getting an extremely easy piece of t2 loot. instead they are forced to run a hardmode which could take a much higher amount of time. How about instead of playing only 1 side of the game you play the whole thing.


This game is 1-50 soloable. But at End game, all the choices are taken away, and everyone is forced into playstyles they may not like.


Bioware lauded having lots of choices for YEARS and all through Beta. At end game, the choice is do it, go without, or leave.


Not much of a choice, is it?


Easily enough they could add in these and other items into Dailies (and make more dailies) and just limit the number you can get each day. They can also add them into PVP easily enough. But Bioware, at endgame, is too busy trying to figure out ways to FORCE players to do what Bioware wants (including the PVP requirements coming in the content patch for Ilum). All that will do is lead to canceled subs and frustration for the players.


10 to 50 you can almost completely PVP your way to 50 after level 10, and totally blow off the class quests. You can Solo your way to 50. You can group your way to 50. But at 50. You HAVE to PVP. You HAVE to PVE. You HAVE to GROUP. You HAVE no choice at 50.


Just wait until you HAVE to fly space missions at 50 too. It's probably on their todo list.


even PVP is limited. I like Huttball, I could care less about the other PVP zones. Do I get to pick? No. heh.

Edited by CriticalMasses
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I think it's pretty ridiculous that you can get from 1-400 in a Crew Skill on your own, but after all that work, the game completely changes and you're expected to raid just to get a crystal? I find it hard to believe that out of the countless currencies in this game they couldn't devise another way of working for these materials.
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I think it's pretty ridiculous that you can get from 1-400 in a Crew Skill on your own, but after all that work, the game completely changes and you're expected to raid just to get a crystal? I find it hard to believe that out of the countless currencies in this game they couldn't devise another way of working for these materials.


What's even worse is for example, if you want to make yourself 2 nice orange pistols at endgame, you need 6 (SIX FFS!) biometric crystal alloys for that. How freaking long is it gonna take to get those 6 crystals? I recon that long before that you'll have 2 better pistols from either drops or PVP anyway...

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Another good (imo at least) place to put them is for the Daily Commendations vendors. That way people doing the Belsavis/Ilum dailies can spend their tokens on Biometric Crystal Alloy :)




^ this imo

Edited by AgrippAA
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