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End-game +Primary Stat Relics Ease of Access NOT Balanced


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I will do my best to write this so it does not need to be moved to the

section, which has almost no viewership.



As it stands now, the ease of access to these +primary stat best-in-slot level 50 relics is not balanced. Particularly, the +str relic has an extremely RNG and ridiculously frustrating collection aspect to it.


I have read threads where people have spent days looking for the parts needed to obtain the relic. I have spent hours looking in between Warzone queues.


In contrast, the other relics are obtainable in a couple of hours, with no RNG involved. How is this good game design? I feel like I'm missing out on a significant DPS boost by not being able to get this relic, but I can not control the RNG aspect. Despite my best efforts, I could literally spend days looking, and not find what I need.


Please, please, please fix this Bioware. Thank you.

Edited by Naroga
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I would add clarification, but I really don't want this moved to the spoiler section. Anybody who is an end-game +str user hopefully knows what I'm referring to.


If not, I'll add more details and risk a move.

Edited by Naroga
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Green is the str relic? If so, then yes, its ridiculously difficult to get this relic. Having to get a 4 man party and each person has to have a random drop? I don't need green shards, and though I tried getting all datacron entries, the effort involved on this one made me totally skip it and feel sorry for whoever needs a green shard.
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3Green melee Matrix right?


Horror story for lowly melee classes. My guild gave up and resigned our Level 50 DPS Guardian to his fate as a LS-10 Relic user.


Yes, I'm referring to the Green Matrix Shard on Belsavis. It requires finding 4 Rattaki Power Cubes which can spawn anywhere on the planet. I have spent hours looking and have not found a single one.

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If you are reffering to matrix shard relic then I had no problem getting a str one. Took several hours with just taking cords from a guide, not entire how-to-do-it. If one considers that alot then I'm speechless.


I do think that Columi relics are way to easy to get through PvP tho. But basically I'm unhappy about PvE ability of PvP gear - PvP shouldn't be a way of gearing up for PvE, while it is now.

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I will do my best to write this so it does not need to be moved to the

section, which has almost no viewership.



As it stands now, the ease of access to these +primary stat best-in-slot level 50 relics is not balanced. Particularly, the +str relic has an extremely RNG and ridiculously frustrating collection aspect to it.


I have read threads where people have spent days looking for the parts needed to obtain the relic. I have spent hours looking in between Warzone queues.


In contrast, the other relics are obtainable in a couple of hours, with no RNG involved. How is this good game design? I feel like I'm missing out on a significant DPS boost by not being able to get this relic, but I can not control the RNG aspect. Despite my best efforts, I could literally spend days looking, and not find what I need.


Please, please, please fix this Bioware. Thank you.


Can you explain further or PM me as I need this on both my toons?

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