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As a melee class, I am constantly CC'd in PvP. I was initially disturbed at how prevalent CC was in this game, with pretty much every class having not just some kind of stun/mez/root/knockback/pull/push/whatever but often MULTIPLE different ones, but sure, whatever, it might be balanceable.


I was more disturbed to find there were no diminishing returns on CC. "The devs can't be that dumb" I thought, surely they wouldn't let people suffer frustrating CCs endlessly. Then I learned about the Resolve system which granted CC immunity and how it was (purportedly) better because it was more "strategic." Suffer through enough CC and you'll be immune for a critical duration where you can operate freely.


And yet, having played a significant amount of PvP now, Resolve feels fairly useless to me. Yesterday I discovered why.


Root effects ignore Resolve


This design choice makes no sense to me whatsoever. For melee classes, roots are CC. If we can't move next to a target we can't deal damage. And yet, when we are supposed to be "CC immune" having suffered through numerous paralyzing CCs already in order to max the Resolve bar, we continue to be CC'd. It is immensely frustrating.


Why aren't roots being negated by Resolve?

Edited by EternalFinality
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One thing that helps is to have healers dispel your root/movement effects. Similar to other mmo's with CC, dispel is a crtical function of dealing with Crowd Control.


As a healer, I can say that those DPS that protect me in warzones are at the top of my list to dispel when they are rooted/CC'd.


Edit: I am not opposed to roots making resolve fill faster - I am just throwing out another solution for those who run warzones with friends (until/if something is done about roots not building resolve).

Edited by Shlamorel
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Agreed... roots and snares both need to fill (or for god's sake at a minimum maintain) your resolve bar.


I get pretty miffed when I am rooted/snared being kited around because my 1 ability to break cc is on cooldown.


Snare and Root ARE forms of crowd control.


I think it would also be nice if the CC breaker ability not only broke CC but made you immune for 2 seconds after (maybe fills resolve bar for 2 seconds after hitting it)

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One thing that helps is to have healers dispel your root/movement effects. Similar to other mmo's with CC, dispel is a crtical function of dealing with Crowd Control.


As a healer, I can say that those DPS that protect me in warzones are at the top of my list to dispel when they are rooted/CC'd.


Edit: I am not opposed to roots making resolve fill faster - I am just throwing out another solution for those who run warzones with friends (until/if something is done about roots not building resolve).


This is not a solution. Many roots last short periods of time, and a healer wasting a dispel instead of a heal with their GCD is often pointless as the root is probably gone by the time they even notice.


And you're still missing the point. The point is not whether roots fills resolve or not. It is that it is UNAFFECTED BY RESOLVE. If Resolve is full you can still be rooted. You are NOT CC IMMUNE.

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Dude, I'm a Jedi Shadow and I'm CONSTANTLY CC'd by every class in the Sith arsenal. I only have one spell to counter CCs and it has a 1 min 30 s cooldown. As soon as I counter I'm CC'd again. How am I supposed to have any chance going up against those who have 20 CC spells at their disposal?
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This is not a solution. Many roots last short periods of time, and a healer wasting a dispel instead of a heal with their GCD is often pointless as the root is probably gone by the time they even notice.


Dispel heals + dispels at the same time, so dispels are very effective in PvP still regardless of the short CC times, so the GCD is far from wasted.


Also, I agree that it isn't a solution, I am just offering an alternative workaround until/if Bioware does something about it. You can feel free not to take the suggestion, but if you do roll with healers keep it in mind. The fact that a healers' dispel also heals the target makes the spell very useful.


As a healer, I am more than happy to dispel my fellow DPS who are CC'd so that they can continue to melt faces. My job is to make DPS job easier, whether that be keeping them alive or keeping them mobile.

Edited by Shlamorel
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i think to help us in pvp, there needs to be a "resolve bar fills up a little faster" Talent somewhere


You're just crazy. I love being tossed around like a pinball, then stunned 3 times straight, then snared, then rooted, then grappled... and just maybe by then I actually have a full resolve bar, but I'm also dead so I guess it's doing it's job, I can't be CC'd!

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Dispel heals + dispels at the same time, so dispels are very effective in PvP still regardless of the short CC times, so the GCD is far from wasted.


Also, I agree that it isn't a solution, I am just offering an alternative workaround until/if Bioware does something about it. You can feel free not to take the suggestion, but if you do roll with healers keep it in mind. The fact that a healers' dispel also heals the target makes the spell very useful.


As a healer, I am more than happy to dispel my fellow DPS who are CC'd so that they can continue to melt faces. My job is to make DPS job easier, whether that be keeping them alive or keeping them mobile.


Yes, but a pocket healer isn't exactly a solution to this specific problem - they can just heal you to keep you alive regardless of how much CC you get.


Assume there is no healer, or assume the healer is focusing on 7 players at once like they always are.

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Yes, but a pocket healer isn't exactly a solution to this specific problem - they can just heal you to keep you alive regardless of how much CC you get.


Assume there is no healer, or assume the healer is focusing on 7 players at once like they always are.


As a healer, every time I go solo in a warzone I have to bank on people working with me because I am useless alone. I know it stinks to think that without a pocket healer you may get CC'd to death, but our poison is just as fatal even if not identical to yours.


You get CC'd to death if you're alone - makes you useless.

We get killed/can't get anything done alone - makes us useless.


We are both useless without help from the other.


And again, the dispels DO take off the CC, so I do think it it is a solution (even if not convenient) to your specific problem.

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It doesn't matter whether you're alone or not. If you're in a group against a group, you're still getting CC'd just as much because there's so many AOE CCs in the game someone is always spamming something.


Again, that's off topic - it has nothing to do with why roots ignores Resolve.

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Roots should fill resolve and you should be immune to them when your resolve is full.


Snares, depending on how much they snare should reduce how fast resolve drops outside of full-lock CC.


I'm actually fine with snares not reacting with Resolve in any way. You can still operate while snared as a melee class - usually by applying your own snare to your target or leaping or busting a movespeed buff or whatever. Roots is a CC - unless your target remains in front of you, you can't do anything.

Edited by EternalFinality
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