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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Where is Commando interrupt?


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So uh, basically what the title says?


I've leveled up as Combat Medic so I never really needed it, but how did Bioware not give gunnery/assault spec some type of interrupt?


I noticed it last night during Hard Mode Esseless when our group (Vanguard tank/Jedi Shadow/Commando Gunnery/Combat Medic) wiped 10 times to Iron Fist because we only had 2 interrupts.


Finally replaced the commando dps with a Vanguard Assault dps and we 2 shot the boss. Soooo why do vanguards get an interrupt and not commando?

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Agents/Smugglers don't have a baseline knockback. Every other class has. Just sayin'.

They do I remember seeing agents/smugglers do knockback when they're behind cover?




You are not seeing Agents/Smugglers do the knockback, you are seeing Snipers/Gunslingers do the knockback.

Edited by Syas
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Agents/Smugglers don't have a baseline knockback. Every other class has. Just sayin'.

Warriors/Knights don't have a baseline abilities. Every other class has. Just sayin'.


Why are you arguing Baseline stuns with me when I specified Commando? Commando isn't a baseline class, Trooper is. Vanguard troopers get an interrupt, I specified that as well, if you bothered to read more than the title before you posted that idiocy.


Let me know if Juggernaut/Marauder Guardian/Sentinel don't have some kind of stun. Or if Operative/Sniper Gunslinger/Scoundrel don't get some kind of knockback. If that's the case then I can at least see Bioware's reasoning.


If find it dumb that none of the 3 talent trees gives Commando a talented interrupt, either as a skill or as a added feature to an existing ability.

Edited by Robocaspar
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Agents/Smugglers don't have a baseline knockback. Every other class has. Just sayin'.

Warriors/Knights don't have a baseline stun. Every other class has. Just sayin'.


Stuns and Knockbacks aren't required for boss fights. Just sayin'.

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Why are you arguing Baseline stuns with me when I specified Commando? Commando isn't a baseline class, Trooper is. Vanguard troopers get an interrupt, I specified that as well, if you bothered to read more than the title before you posted that idiocy.

He is making the point that while the Smuggler baseline class doesn't get a knockback, the AC Gunslinger does. Just like Troopers not getting an interrupt (baseline) while Vanguards do.


Some ACs get things the other doesn't - it is a fair point.

Edited by Syas
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All ACs should get basic abilities such as interrupts, even if they're PvE only for balance purposes. As Bioware did originally state many times that they intended groups to be very flexible, so in theory you should be able to run an all Trooper setup, which at present for several Flashpoints isn't possible.
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Vanguards get riot strike so it IS possible to run a full trooper setup.


That said, there is indeed zero reason for Commandos not to have an interrupt (and a ranged one at that). All other healing or DPS ACs have one, and they all a large amount of utility skills, way more than the commando has.


The argument that because of heavy armor we don't need it is a silly one because:

- If solo, an elite mob's ability not interrupted will deal way, way more damage than any armor difference will ever do, and they will do it repeatedly.

- If in group, interrupting abilities, especially during boss encounters, is crucial. As a DPS and/or a healer, doing "your thing" just isn't enough, everyone can do that. Interrupting is however part of what is expected and since commandos cannot do it, there is zero reason to invite one: it's actually detrimental to the group overall, since every other class/role will do better. Also, in group, their "heavy armor" is even less valuable since they won't really be taking damage anyway.


Since there is no "proof" that commandos do more DPS or more HPS, there is also zero fact that Commandos have more utility (on the contrary), there is no reason for not having interrupts.

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Vanguards get riot strike so it IS possible to run a full trooper setup.


That said, there is indeed zero reason for Commandos not to have an interrupt (and a ranged one at that). All other healing or DPS ACs have one, and they all a large amount of utility skills, way more than the commando has.


The argument that because of heavy armor we don't need it is a silly one because:

- If solo, an elite mob's ability not interrupted will deal way, way more damage than any armor difference will ever do, and they will do it repeatedly.

Mitigated by our Knockback(s) and Stun...

Edited by Syas
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Oh they interrupt for sure, but they don't lock out.


Sorry, can you pretend I don't know much about MMORPGs (really, I don't lol!)? What is lock out? Is there a definitive definition for interrupt?


I find the terminology pretty confusing sometimes.


Are all stuns an interrupt? Are all knock backs an interrupt? What conditions have to be met before an ability is called an interrupt? I have always assumed cryo grenade and concussion blast were interrupt. So, I find it really confusing when people talk like troopers do not have interrupts.

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Sorry, can you pretend I don't know much about MMORPGs (really, I don't lol!)? What is lock out? Is there a definitive definition for interrupt?


I find the terminology pretty confusing sometimes.


Are all stuns an interrupt? Are all knock backs an interrupt? What conditions have to be met before an ability is called an interrupt? I have always assumed cryo grenade and concussion blast were interrupt. So, I find it really confusing when people talk like troopers do not have interrupts.


An interrupt is an instant ability on a short cooldown 8-12 seconds usually, that stops a channeled ability or ability with cast time. Interrupts usually also prevents casting of that ability or school of ability, ie healing or specific type of damage or spell for a short period, 3-5 seconds usually. Bosses are usually not immune to interrupt if developers designed the fight around a requirement to interrupt a specific boss ability.

Cryo Grenade is not an interrupt, because

1. It's on a 1 minute timer.

2. Bosses are immune to stun.


Concussive Blast is not an interrupt, because

1. It's on a 1 minute timer

2. It has a 2 seconds cast time (yes you can Tech Override it to be instant, but thats a waste of a 2 minute cooldown)

3. It's a Crowd Control ability, which heals npcs/players for 400 per second while they are under the effect.

4. Bosses are immune to crowd control.


Concussion Charge is not an interrupt, because

1. It's on a 30 second cooldown

2. Bosses are immune to knockback.

Edited by Robocaspar
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An interrupt is an ability that generally does not do damage, but instead stops whatever the target is currently casting and then locks the target from casting that skill/spell, or in some games all skills that deal the same type of damage(called a spell school), such as nature/shadow/holy/etc.


Basically, if you look at all interrupts in this game, which every class aside from Commando/Mercenary have access to, they all do exactly what I defined above: they stop the current cast and lock that skill out. This is absolutely necessary when facing targets that are immune to knockbacks/stuns such as bosses in Flashpoints and Operations, Champion class mobs found throughout the world, and players immune to CC in PvP(correct me if resolve stops interrupting; not 100% sure about this).


EDIT: Aaaaand the above poster beat me to it while I was writing all this haha

Edited by Grimoir
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I think Commando's not having an interupt is a major deal, PVE wise that is. And I like to know BW's reason for not giving us one. If Flashpoint fight mechanics require multiple interupts and there is one class that cant interupt, I personaly wouldnt want to bring that class because they are a liability to the groups success. If I would have known that Commando's didnt have an interupt, which I didnt bother to look up. I would have chosen to go Vanguard.
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All ACs should get basic abilities such as interrupts, even if they're PvE only for balance purposes. As Bioware did originally state many times that they intended groups to be very flexible, so in theory you should be able to run an all Trooper setup, which at present for several Flashpoints isn't possible.


We are currently doing most Hard Flashpoints with 3 troopers. 2 Commandos and a Vanguard. While swapping the fourth member with nearly any class available.


Did not get any trouble yet.


But well. I'm the healer so it's automatic win whatever the setup. :)

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Mitigated by our Knockback(s) and Stun...


You mean the ones on a 1 or more minute timers that actually don't work on boss mobs? Yea...right :)



Fyi: Not talking PvP here, you don't really need a KB or a stun if you have an interrupt, especially if it's on a 8 seconds CD.

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You mean the ones on a 1 or more minute timers that actually don't work on boss mobs? Yea...right :)



Fyi: Not talking PvP here, you don't really need a KB or a stun if you have an interrupt, especially if it's on a 8 seconds CD.


Did you read the what I quoted?


The argument that because of heavy armor we don't need it is a silly one because:

- If solo, an elite mob's ability not interrupted will deal way, way more damage than any armor difference will ever do, and they will do it repeatedly.


Solo PVE.


Now maybe things will change in the next 9 levels, but up to level 41 I have yet to run into a mob in Solo PVE that those skills did not affect.

Edited by Syas
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vanguards dont get a knockback

Commandos dont get an interrupt.


Vanguards get an interupt, a stun, a pull and a leap.

Commandos get a knockback and a stun.


List all the differences, not just the ones that prove your point.


Bosses require you to interupt their abilities or your tank dies. Who wants a commando DPS when they can't add that level of protection to their tank? Interupts are off the global cooldown as well which is fairly ******** since you don't even have to stop your DPS rotation to interupt mine for 4 (6 in some cases) seconds.

Edited by LordKivlov
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