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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Took Me Until Level 30 to Realize My Toon Was Gimped


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Although this is not particularly helpful for a lvl 30, I would strongly recommend getting the lvl 20 and 40 pvp gear if anyone is feeling underpowered (gear wise). The PVP gear is incredibly powerful and easy & free to obtain regardless of skill level. Also you can deck out your companion with it as well, since PVP gear doesn't have class restrictions on it.
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Im a level 50 shadow... and was able to solo all the content the entire way to 50..this class is FAR from " weak " .... the trick is very simple, KEEP YOUR MODS UP TO DATE... when you get to a new planet the very fist mod you get is your hilt... do NOT leave the previous planet until you have the hilt and most of the other armor mods done... do this and i will promise you the world of differnce....


And at 50 nothing is hard for me... nothing... but this game is pretty different than other mmos... and this class is different then convential melee....


Read guides and stick with it..you wont be dissapointed.

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So let me get this straight. You stopped playing the most overpowered lvl class of all because you think its gimped. You think a few thousands or hundred credit is too much for a respec. Your mad you don't have slicing, which got nerfed and is a crap shoot at this point anyway.


I foresee more issues in your future:D. Unless you rerolled Trooper/BH lvling will at the very least be much slower than what you had. Credits are not a problem in this game period. The game does get harder at 30 in some areas. Its still very soloable if you know what your doing, but asking for help will make things go more smoothly.


I fear the force may not be strong with you. Perhaps the gatlin gun will suit you better...

Edited by Varcan
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Solo'ing 4 person heroics on my shadow...2's aren't even a challenge, I'm almost willing to say that shadow is one of the strongest specs after killing people 5 levels above me almost all the way up while levelling.


I'm willing to believe you solo 4 man heroics way below your level... Anyone can do that probably....but not current/equal levels. Sorry I call BS ;)

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I'm willing to believe you solo 4 man heroics way below your level... Anyone can do that probably....but not current/equal levels. Sorry I call BS ;)


It'll really depend on how much mitigation and such he has, and if he takes advantage of all his CC powers. A mob thats mind mazed makes your life much easier, and you can then perma stun another (as you DPS it down) especially once you get your healer companion.

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I'm willing to believe you solo 4 man heroics way below your level... Anyone can do that probably....but not current/equal levels. Sorry I call BS ;)


It's doable but neither efficient nor easy (most of the time, there are a few heroics that can be done without killing the majority of the mobs).

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A note on interrupts: it's not always possible to "interrupt everything." In the class quest on Alderaan, you will fight an elite that heals and casts two attack abilities. Interrupt the heals; eat the damage.


To the OP: I played City, and while you could level with a non-optimal spec, it took knowledge and research to maximize your capabilities, even there. Scrappers soloing AVs was the biggest rush ever.


However, City did cater to the lowest common denominator; you could pick any abilities you wanted, slot whatever enhancements dropped, and still make it to 50, eventually. You're in a whole new world, now, and that's really not an option anymore. The good news is that 10 minutes with the Shadow's Handbook, linked above, will tell you everything you need to know. Copy it to Word, print it out, take it to work. Read it on lunch break.


As for gear, I like being able to decide how my stats are weighted. I have a Cybertech guildmate, and I'm an Artificer. I have full-mod gear for head, chest, hands, legs, and feet, along with my Worn Double-Bladed Saber. I can fully customize almost all my gear by ordering up specific Armoring, Mods, Enhancements, Crystals, and Hilts. If you want a skill that will keep you in blue-quality gear, get some full-mods and pick up either of those two.

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A note on interrupts: it's not always possible to "interrupt everything." In the class quest on Alderaan, you will fight an elite that heals and casts two attack abilities. Interrupt the heals; eat the damage.


To the OP: I played City, and while you could level with a non-optimal spec, it took knowledge and research to maximize your capabilities, even there. Scrappers soloing AVs was the biggest rush ever.


However, City did cater to the lowest common denominator; you could pick any abilities you wanted, slot whatever enhancements dropped, and still make it to 50, eventually. You're in a whole new world, now, and that's really not an option anymore. The good news is that 10 minutes with the Shadow's Handbook, linked above, will tell you everything you need to know. Copy it to Word, print it out, take it to work. Read it on lunch break.


As for gear, I like being able to decide how my stats are weighted. I have a Cybertech guildmate, and I'm an Artificer. I have full-mod gear for head, chest, hands, legs, and feet, along with my Worn Double-Bladed Saber. I can fully customize almost all my gear by ordering up specific Armoring, Mods, Enhancements, Crystals, and Hilts. If you want a skill that will keep you in blue-quality gear, get some full-mods and pick up either of those two.


You dont need to interupt all casts... if you can go for it... but in most cases healing and certain damage abilities that hurt are the ones you want to focus on... you learn them as you fight the mobs.... I absolutly lov my shadow..but lik ei said in another pots.. its a technical class.. you cant just FACE SMASH and except to come out smilingall the time.

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I'm a lowbie, but I love my shadow very very much.


As in any MMORPG, you need to work out your preferred tactics ahead of time and select abilities carefully. Being a jack of all trades or randomly picking abilities rarely works.


As for CoH, certain builds were very easy indeed, but others were not. At different times (issue number), blasters, defenders (other than empathy and rad) and controllers all required a fair amount of skill.


Proud former member of Repeat Offenders

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