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Bioware, you lost touch.


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Bah, WoW sucks and is something you only play when nothing else is available.

They could give WoW another name, GrindRUs :rolleyes:


Have to agree though that one does not get good opinion of Bioware right now. :p


ToR is pretty much the same thing in the grind department. In fact it's the same basic thing overall, it just has better story and lightsabers.

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They had 3 years to learn about the business they were going into.



Doesn't look like they studied up at all.


How an MMO is supposed to be is pretty individual..there is no recipe for how it should be. It's up to the developer to decide how they want their MMO to be like.

And BW have made their own, and the majority by far seems to think it works great.

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You can't lose what you don't have in the first place.

Being a single player rpg company Bioware never was in touch with the MMO comunity, it's their first MMO product and they are learning the hard way now.

This 'wave launch" fiasco will cost them a lot of money in the long run, that much is obvious.


The only "fiasco" is because you personally haven't gotten Early Access yet...the actual launch (aside from Warfront bug) has been hiccup free.


If you are going to cancel your game because someone who preordered before you get a chance to play the game a few days before you, good riddance. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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How an MMO is supposed to be is pretty individual..there is no recipe for how it should be. It's up to the developer to decide how they want their MMO to be like.

And BW have made their own, and the majority by far seems to think it works great.


"It [World of Warcraft] is a touchstone. It has established standards, it's established how you play an MMO. Every MMO that comes out, I play and look at it. And if they break any of the WoW rules, in my book that's pretty dumb," Zeschuk said.


According to this quote there is only one recipe and if it's not followed "that's dumb".

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Launch of the game, Is the first day, Players get to create permanent characters on "live" servers.



So that was yesterday.



Now moving on, They are acting like this is a FPS.


No its not..it's when the games are allowed to be sold to the public, the game is still not allowed to be sold over desk.

And so far only ppl who pre-ordered are allowed to play.

But then again, this is a matter of opinion.

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They are new in the MMO business. Give them some slack.


I can give slack to "new", I can't give slack to lazy. There was absolutely NO excuse for only 5 waves yesterday. They should have started at midnight on 13th and continued to midnight on 14th, and repeated that the next day, and the next day.


It makes -no- sense why they would stop in the early afternoon as opposed to continuing to roll out invitations. They couldn't estimate how many people are at work / not at work? ********, a half decent statistician could've given them an estimate. They didn't wanna work 24/7? What the hell, I work in corporate NYC world and 18 hour days aren't all that uncommon, and we aren't even rushing out any AAA MMORPG titles.

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You mean like how nobody remembers the launches of every other MMO they won't shut up about around here? OH WAIT!


MMO launches that had queues up to 5 hours, servers crashing, mobs not respawning and other issues due to overpopulation? Or the ones where they opened a gazillion servers and the month later half of them were ghost towns?


which ones exactly?

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No offense to you Bioware, you have a good game and all but you lost touch already. You have no idea what an MMO is. 90% of what an MMO is you are killing just so you can have a few days of easy work.


1. The race to first. You killed this for everyone except a select few and to some people this is all the game is to them. They race to max level and then they quit.


4. PVE Race. Same as the above. It's not much of a race when some people are crossing the finish lane just as others start.



Didn't know theres a race in the game...

i play to enjoy the game not to rush till endgame...


All though you have a point when it comes to PVP servers. i think it would have been better if al the PVP servers stared the 20th.

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For every troll that posts a thread like this there are thousands of ppl that actualy read what bioware wrote about early access from day one and accepts the way they chose to handle this. If ppl are gona whine about this and quit the game, sure do it thats the part of the gaming comunity i dont want to play with anyways.


"They promised i would get 5 days early access" Seen that line in alot of threads, UP TO 5 days can actualy mean you dont get any early access at all.


"My name will be taken" Another reason ive seen, well if ur name gets taken it clearly aint as original as you thaught.


"Cry, whine, buhu, Ppl are higher lvl then me and i loose in pvp" Unless you were in the beta and/or plan to play 24/7 until you hit 50 that would have happend anyways. Those who had alot of beta gametims have done the quests and know what to do, and can even skip quest dialogues wich reduce their lvling time alot.


That they decided to add 2 days to the early access so more ppl would get a longer period of early access no one cares about, BW/EA are still *****s acording to ppl cause they didnt get in on day one.


I orderd late november and im not in, and i dont expect to get in anytime soon. If i get in before the 18th ill be realy happy, if not ill be equaly happy and excited the day i get to play even if i have to wait until the 20th. Try leaving your computers for a few hours and do something else, this game will steal enough time of your lives soon enough, see your "late access" as a gift of life since u get to live it some more before you just like me become drones for yet another video game.


One should not forget the old saying:

A satisfied customer tells it to a friend while an unsatisfied customer tells it to all those he knows.:p

Edited by Xtro
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It so funny to read all of the whining of all of these cry babies on the forums. All of the babies trying to rationalize why they are right and bio-ware is making this huge mistake and people are cancelling bla bla.


Bio-ware is doing something right if people are so crazy and passionate about getting into their game. All the people who are rage cancelling will be back.


If they leave for good then that is great for the community of this game.

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I can give slack to "new", I can't give slack to lazy. There was absolutely NO excuse for only 5 waves yesterday. They should have started at midnight on 13th and continued to midnight on 14th, and repeated that the next day, and the next day.


It makes -no- sense why they would stop in the early afternoon as opposed to continuing to roll out invitations. They couldn't estimate how many people are at work / not at work? ********, a half decent statistician could've given them an estimate. They didn't wanna work 24/7? What the hell, I work in corporate NYC world and 18 hour days aren't all that uncommon, and we aren't even rushing out any AAA MMORPG titles.


because they can't see if the servers can handle them, when most of the people are sleeping...

When they send waves through at night they will have a big problem when all the waves want to log in.

Cause most of those that get it at night won't noitce it, i wouldn't

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Probably the best thing about the early access is these types of whines aren't in the game yet.


And if they chose NOT to play at all, that would be EVEN better, considering how many of these ******* are the same that will race to 50 and then complain they are bored

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"It [World of Warcraft] is a touchstone. It has established standards, it's established how you play an MMO. Every MMO that comes out, I play and look at it. And if they break any of the WoW rules, in my book that's pretty dumb," Zeschuk said.


According to this quote there is only one recipe and if it's not followed "that's dumb".


Sure it is a touchstone, and it is a goal for other MMOs to breach WoW success (wich is receeding), but do they have to do it that way, absolutely not..and they did'nt, and Im glad they did'nt.

Another WoW is not what I, and Im sure many with me, wanted...if that was the case, I'd stick with WoW..wich I still do tho..but Im more then capable of playing more then 1 MMO.

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ToR is pretty much the same thing in the grind department. In fact it's the same basic thing overall, it just has better story and lightsabers.


It is the story that makes the grinding less of a grind and more of an enjoyment (ok, some quests in beta had such a bad drop rate they were a grind :p )

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It so funny to read all of the whining of all of these cry babies on the forums. All of the babies trying to rationalize why they are right and bio-ware is making this huge mistake and people are cancelling bla bla.


Bio-ware is doing something right if people are so crazy and passionate about getting into their game. All the people who are rage cancelling will be back.


If they leave for good then that is great for the community of this game.


do you actually think so? you are not taking into consideration, GW2, Tera, archage and secret world will be released sometime next year. i can guarantee you they won't be coming back.

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The only "fiasco" is because you personally haven't gotten Early Access yet...the actual launch (aside from Warfront bug) has been hiccup free.


If you are going to cancel your game because someone who preordered before you get a chance to play the game a few days before you, good riddance. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


LMAO, I don't think you get the point. IF the roll out was in a random order people would be less upset. Fact is no-one EVER told people it would be a first come first serve for early access based on preorders. In fact BW MUST have known this was their plan weeks ago but didn't let anyone know. So people were pre-ordering this month with no clue they were going to get less for the same money than people who had already preordered.


Incidentally I know we were tiold up to 5 days early game access, but that doesn't say or even imply what has hapenned. It more suggests they were worried the servers would all die a death and you wouldn't get game time in the same way the T&Cs you'll agree to when you subscribe will never guarantee you anything in the way of server up time.


Oh, and before you come up with some ill informed garbage about me being all upset i'm not in game i'll tell you I preordered on the first day and got in yesterday. I just have to work during the day :).


Just because the system hasn't been unfair to me doesn't mean it isn't unfair. Hell, to top it off you were never even told to hurry and apply your pre-order code because it mattered when you did it. I know someone who ordered same day as me but didn't put the code in til recently. They are seriously pissed off.... I would be too :).

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Sure it is a touchstone, and it is a goal for other MMOs to breach WoW success (wich is receeding), but do they have to do it that way, absolutely not..and they did'nt, and Im glad they did'nt.

Another WoW is not what I, and Im sure many with me, wanted...if that was the case, I'd stick with WoW..wich I still do tho..but Im more then capable of playing more then 1 MMO.


You're in deep.

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It is the story that makes the grinding less of a grind and more of an enjoyment (ok, some quests in beta had such a bad drop rate they were a grind :p )


I will agree with you on certain classes. Some of the class stories are pretty bad and this just makes the grind 1000x worse. Skipping all the cut scenes just to get back to playing again.

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