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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Darn you Wells Fargo!!! Making me think I actually got into EA!!! Have any of you done this yet? You get that oh-so-sweet sound of you getting an email via your cell phone, just to see you got a "Your statement is ready to view" email from you bank!!! How depressing...


:( sad panda


I had this but it was my youtube digest lol darn yous youtube lol. Guess I will watch fpsrussia compilation video

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Same here!!


but i call support they say all is ok@@


Because the 'Redeem Code' box is for when you get your actual product code. The code you have already entered is just the Pre-Order code. You will get an email with your actual Product Code soon, I forgot when though.

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well EA is to blame they really have become the most hated company in the history of gaming.

I mean look at what they did in only the last few months:

False advertisment for BF3 (largest maps ever? really? Blatant lie!)

Ignoring all feedback on their bf3 boards

Doing those small waves with the excuse on SOOOOOOOOOO many preorders i mean do you really buy into that? We all know it is a lie.


I hope a lot of people wont be sheep in the future and EAs offices will one day burn to the ground.


So that was just some general rage about how ea treats there customers, i can wait for my access cant play today anyways..

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