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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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First shalt Bioware take out the Holy keyboard.

Then, shalt Bioware have one wave, no more, no less.

One shalt be the number Bioware shalt wave, and the number of the waving shall be one.

Two shalt Bioware not wave, nor either Bioware wave three.

Four is right out.

Once the number one, being the first number, be waved, then clickest thou thy Holy Launcher of Bioware and smite thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.

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Also omg we are almost to 1100 pages this is amazing. And Bioware you guys are freaking amazing for letting us decemberisinators have the forum and not close it


Hopefully we decemberists can keep this goin for much longer after launch. I know this really isn't a sticky needing thread but bioware remember the beacon of hope for mmo communities that we decemberists are.


This thread in most forums ....scratch that all mmo forums I have visited in the last 5 years would have been trolled closed in the first 50 pages.


We r a testament that there are still friendly people on forums and I bet most of us are not the "hardcore" crowd even if we may like to think otherwise :-)


We r probably all true fans and will be here for the long haul. I know I will be. I bought a rift sub a month ago and promptly cancelled it the day EA started. That game was fun but I didn't feel a connection with the class system.


I love this game when I was playing beta. And I am very excited for live

WHAT!?!? I'm hardcore. I didnt wait until tommorrow to qoute this.

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Cant wait till where in i pre-ordered in july but had a code mishapp wasnt able to get a new code till 2 weeks ago so all's good just waiting my time.....like when i was waiting to get outta jail.....no wait still at home with wife & kids damn
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for what i understand is that everyone will get in today at some point, see here is the problem that they had, there was alot of pre-orders in july and aug and not so many in sept and oct then there was a little spike in nov and alot in dec so they need to adjust accordingly to servers. so relax everyone, you will all get in today ;)
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