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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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kindda seems oxymoronic to be a procrastinator of a pre-order (ordering something ahead of time). However, I for one am overjoyed to have supported this cause a week before I could just buy the game anyway. I'm sure the extra $5 is helping to feed the server gerbils during this trying time of staging access. I'm pretty sure there's a Flying Circus skit behind it all "on your mark...get set....WAIT FOR IT!"


I should have waited until the 21st to comment...but my procrastination training is not yet complete.

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I demand that Bioware make a new server called Decembro's


The sheer awesomeness of that server, once fully loaded with Decembros and Decemberists (which honestly wouldn't happen till sometime well after its launch - I mean, I'd not likely be bothered to try it for some time...) would cause non-Decemberist heads to explode. And that'd be very non-December of us...


So, in the name of chillaxing - better for ALL perhaps if this never comes to pass.


(I love the idea :D)

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