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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Seriously Ive joined a guild already that most are in and playing, but I'm so tempted to roll on a fresh server(if possible) to avoid ques and have fellows to quest with. We should pick a server and start a decemberist guild. Just say in general "I'm a decemberist" and someone will invite you lol............
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Wuuu, 12/12/2011 and proud.

Looking forward to... oh I can't be bothered...


Same date for me, we'll get in tomorrow.


We will get something the others never got, we will see the light at the end of the tunnel and laugh in it's face, the grass will be greener and more beautiful than anything you've ever seen before. We shall stand together facing the sea holding hands as the wind gusts trough our hair.

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Seriously Ive joined a guild already that most are in and playing, but I'm so tempted to roll on a fresh server(if possible) to avoid ques and have fellows to quest with. We should pick a server and start a decemberist guild. Just say in general "I'm a decemberist" and someone will invite you lol............

The Swiftsure PVP


Do it.

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No whining here. Thanks.


Not whining, just stating an opinion. I don't care if I can't play today, just feel bad that my husbands going to come home from night shift and still not be able to play. He's so much more excited than I.

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Same date for me, we'll get in tomorrow.


We will get something the others never got, we will see the light at the end of the tunnel and laugh in it's face, the grass will be greener and more beautiful than anything you've ever seen before. We shall stand together facing the sea holding hands as the wind gusts trough our hair.


Oh you betcha!


I'm really not fussed that I've had to wait any longer than the others, it's given me time to look forward too it and do other things in preperation. :)

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Don't exceed 1000 posts...A thread did on the first day and they wiped it clean and it was same thread , but with no posts


guys turns out we need to cut out the needless posts. read what this guy said. would anybody like to discuss this maybe? how do yall feel about the need to post less? post about it.

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Due to recent budget cutbacks, the light at the end of the tunnel is neither hope nor a train...but the fully operational Death Star firing into your eyes!


Oh, and ya gotta watch this....frakkin hilarious!!!





While not bad, this one cracked me really up for some reason:




(was posted earlier in this thread, repost for great justice)

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