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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Good morning, all. Am I the only one that thinks it's odd that we just reached 100 pages and this thread is still open?


Why wouldn't it be open? It's a peaceful island of blissful procastrination amid a fiery thunderstorm of moaning and whining.

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According the dev tracker they'll to early november today (from october).... maybe there's hope for us after all?


I kind of hope not to get in. Then they are gonna ask for my account email and password. Then pick a server, make a toon. I mean come on, that is way too much for one sitting.

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Upto the last week of November...


1st Dec redemption here so hoping wave 4 or a mystery bonus wave will see some of us lucky December-ites in today :p


If not, I will call my own wahhmbulance as I will shoot myself in the knee.....



Brb - Going to go post some hate and filth and scream "its not fair" on some other posts!



Have a good day all :D

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