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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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I think I belong in this thread :D Pre-ordered 2 CE's on the first day they were announced, didn't bother to put in pre-order code, or create an account even until last week :eek::p Oh well, gives me time to write 2 essays and revise for exams :cool:


ouch dude =) U are one hell of a procrastinator. I for one greet u , my new overlord.

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Wow uv been spoiled. My eraly days consisted of going to school 30 clicks away uphill facing wind barefoot in the snow with pieces of glass in it while caring and breast feeding my 13 smaller siblings. And as a reword for good marks i was allowed to build a house , plant a tree and plow a field.


we still do that down in texas:p

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Its all a matter of opinion on the Doctor.


Baker showed us what the Doctor was as an ideal.

Eccelston showed us what the Doctor was as a kick-butt sort.

Tennant showed us what the Doctor was as 'a human'. (In the metaphorical sense. Humanity. Etc)

Smith is showing us what the Doctor is like as an alien.


Not familiar enough with the others.


YMMV. This is IMHO. Just a thing I came up with. Like... right now.


Ill agree with u , but Smith is kinda waky doctor not as much as alien doctor imho.

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Wow uv been spoiled. My eraly days consisted of going to school 30 clicks away uphill facing wind barefoot in the snow with pieces of glass in it while caring and breast feeding my 13 smaller siblings. And as a reword for good marks i was allowed to build a house , plant a tree and plow a field.


Thats all? In my day we used to get woken up 30 minutes before we went to bed, lick the road clean, go to work down at mill and pay the mill owner for the privaledge come home and our mom would slice us in two with a butter knife and sing O Danny Boy on our bleeding remains....


anyone know where that is from??

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Ill agree with u , but Smith is kinda waky doctor not as much as alien doctor imho.


Alien not just from another planet, but as in foreign, unusual, strange, wacky, different customs. What, realistically, we'd likely see of someone from another planet; we see it in people from other countries to our eyes.

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I pre ordered the CE that day gamestop let us, knew nothing of the code or staggered access until the 9th, showed up to gamestop was given a pre-order code for the standard edition.... I hate you gamestop...


I did something very similar. I preordered july 19, got my codes (gamestop sent me 2 codes, so i might possibly have an extra code for weapon color!) and waited patiently for beta invite. Didnt realize I was supposed to enter my pre-order code the minute i got it till about 2-3 weeks ago, so now I am a Dec. pre-orderer :(

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its funny, if we all get invited to play tomm, we'll prob put it off and log in on sat or sun:D


YUP theres no rush now, golly I cant wait till I can login n do battlegrounds with the fully decked 50s that facepalm me. Feels like HIGH SCHOOL ALL OVER AGAIN, oh wait other way around.

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Thats all? In my day we used to get woken up 30 minutes before we went to bed, lick the road clean, go to work down at mill and pay the mill owner for the privaledge come home and our mom would slice us in two with a butter knife and sing O Danny Boy on our bleeding remains....


anyone know where that is from??


not that 1 with danny clover? i forgot the name haha

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Thats all? In my day we used to get woken up 30 minutes before we went to bed, lick the road clean, go to work down at mill and pay the mill owner for the privaledge come home and our mom would slice us in two with a butter knife and sing O Danny Boy on our bleeding remains....


anyone know where that is from??


You had a butter knife.....you were rich

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Its all a matter of opinion on the Doctor.


Baker showed us what the Doctor was as an ideal.

Eccelston showed us what the Doctor was as a kick-butt sort.

Tennant showed us the Doctor's 'humanity'. (Metaphorical sense.)

Smith is showing us what the Doctor is like as an alien.


Not familiar enough with the others.


YMMV. This is IMHO. Just a thing I came up with. Like... right now.


I can agree with that, but I need to add that Eccelston also showed us what it would be like if the Doctor was a raving PTSD suffering psyco... occationally... like when he saw that "last surviving" Dalek

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Thats all? In my day we used to get woken up 30 minutes before we went to bed, lick the road clean, go to work down at mill and pay the mill owner for the privaledge come home and our mom would slice us in two with a butter knife and sing O Danny Boy on our bleeding remains....


anyone know where that is from??


Four Yorkshiremen =)

Cant take credit thugh , i googled it. =)))

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Alien not just from another planet, but as in foreign, unusual, strange, wacky, different customs. What, realistically, we'd likely see of someone from another planet; we see it in people from other countries to our eyes.


u meen like mexican ? =)

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I can agree with that, but I need to add that Eccelston also showed us what it would be like if the Doctor was a raving PTSD suffering psyco... occationally... like when he saw that "last surviving" Dalek


I haven't seen the latest series (or season, depending which side of the pond your on) so I can't speak for Smith; but we've seen both Tennant and Eccleston lose it. Eccleston with the Dalek. Tennant with the... the big red spider thing (however you spell its name.) Let alone Time Lord Victorious (which I'd argue was more his 'humanity' showing than the PTSD angle; which we saw more in Eccleston.)

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