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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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I felt bad about preordering on....December 12th.....but looking at this group I feel SOOOO much better about being lazy and waiting until nearly the last moment...where I work I already know I can get a copy held for me regardless so I saw no point in preordering...until I heard about the EGA. Now....well....my skin itches, I'm constantly looking at the clock and email and wondering when I can get in. But its nice to know there are others like me. People who waited until the final hour and will suffer right there beside me.
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I'm starting not to care. Its going to be long queue times to get in to play anyways. I may wait a few months to sign up and just keep playing WoW till them. If MoP beta starts then I won't be play Swtor for a long time.


MoP beta? Is that a game where you like... clean floors?

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I would go clean my house while I'm waiting but....


Meh it can wait.


Seeing as it's a gorgeous sunny day outside, I could finish my Christmas shopping but.....nah, I'd have to get out of my pjs so hmmm...


Maybe I could go grab a Christmas tree down town and start the decorations of the house and..., no, then I'd have to find a spot to put it and get the box of tinsel from the top cupboard and move some furniture.....nope.


I could finish the book I started and....wait, read? Hell no.


I could sit here, sip my coke, look at the tweets, read about crafts and sage builds and occasional youtube, then maybe go to the kitchen for chips and dip.


Ok, that works. I'll get the dip...


in a bit.



Edited by Bellarosa
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Honestly I did expect ALL who pre ordered to be in on Saturday and I would strongly recommend working towards that goal. Not being able to play this weekend would clearly be a waste of a pre-order.


Game launches on Tuesday. People work during the day so Monday really doesn't count.


And personally I don t want to play NOW...I want to reserve my toon's name. That is the only reason I pre-ordered. I would be quite upset if someone got Lolvador reserved on The Fatman already ;)

Edited by Amnolith
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Blizzard took out my sub fee last night when I had JUST enough money for my pre orders >.< had to get the fiance to chuck some money in my account so it isn't overdrawn when they take it out.




(I only got back into wow after 8 months about 3 months ago and then stopped playing again, I just didn't stop them from taking my money. I procrastinated in unsubbing and now I'm paying for it lol)

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Hi Guys,


<---December 7


Finally got around to posting in this epic procrastination thread. I figure we will be in Friday or Saturday which is ok with me.


I waited so long to pre-order because I wanted to beta test first to see if SWTOR lived up to the hype. Yeah. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it. Still not sure what my main character will be when I finally get ingame--probably an Imperial Agent or a Sith Inquisitor. I'm going to make up my mind when I hit the character creation screen...


...when I can't put it off any longer... :cool:

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